Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2579 Cheese Trap (15)

It's unbelievable that the Magic Flying Car wasn't applied for at the Transport Division of the Ministry of Magic.

"Then where do I go to apply for legal procedures?" Pomona asked the Ministry of Magic receptionist.

"You can go to the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office." The beautiful receptionist said irresponsibly, as if she had forgotten that Arthur Weasley had attended the hearing for illegal possession of flying cars.

"Which department is in charge of the Ministry of Magic fleet?" Pomona asked again.

"Please fill out the application form if you want to use the car, but only for Ministry of Magic personnel..."

Pomona didn't want to waste time with the front desk. In fact, many wizarding families own a car, which is very convenient for picking up and dropping off their children, especially when school starts, and they have to carry a lot of luggage. Of course, she hadn't heard of anyone with a driver's license, but apparition required a test and a license.

Not all wizard cars can fly like Arthur's car. Many cars "fly" on the ground like the Knight Bus. However, Arthur felt that it was very unsafe, so he used stealth spray and made the car fly. The ability to fly, this is an illegal modification.

The Knight Bus is under the jurisdiction of the Disaster Management Department of the Ministry of Magic, because it is foundable and can pick up wizards scattered in the Muggle community.

However, Scamander's residence is not on the daily route of the Knights Bus, and if he makes an appointment, there is a risk of exposing his home's location. Tina said that she would pick up Neville by car, which is currently the most feasible way.

After leaving the Ministry of Magic, Pomona went directly to Diagon Alley, where there were shops selling magical cars and motorcycles. Sirius liked motorcycles very much for a while, not only the appearance, but also the "parameters", and then bought the one that Hagrid rode to send Harry to Petunia's house.

Of course, it was also modified illegally, but it was not modified by himself like Arthur, but it was already equipped with flying functions when it left the factory, and its price had doubled.

Pomona felt that Tina didn't have that much pursuit of speed, so she planned to buy an ordinary scooter as a gift from her own summer vacation at Scamander's house.

The car supply store was not as luxuriously decorated as a Muggle car sales company, but an ordinary shop in Diagon Alley. After arriving at the shop, she learned that they also had a leasing business. She felt that before buying a car, Let Tina try to drive a rented car first. After all, her driver's license is from 1930, and she is still an American. American cars drive on the right.

After inquiring, Pomona looked around for something that could be given to Severus as a gift. She believed that as long as he was nominated, he would win the Prince Award, and it would be too late to find gifts by then.

When passing by the Fengya wizard clothing store, she saw the products displayed in the window and decided to go in. There was only one young clerk inside. She first looked at Pomona's dress before recognizing who she was.

"Professor Sprout, why are you here?" the young clerk asked.

"Clothes, of course." Pomona said angrily, "Or do you still sell nonsense potions here?"

"You wear it yourself?" the clerk asked in surprise.

Pomona ignored her and wandered the store by herself, until she spotted a display rack full of ties.

She wasn't too fond of the striped ties, but preferred solid colors, and finally she settled on a dark purple silk tie.

"This is the latest model from Paris." The clerk introduced to Pomona, "Who are you going to give it to? Principal Dumbledore?"

Pomona reckoned that her uttering Snape's name would scar the child of his education for a lifetime.

"Wrap it up for me," Pomona said with a smile.

"Okay," the clerk said, took the tie, and went back to the counter.

Then she wandered around the shop at will. As a tailor shop, the styles of clothes here are all ready-made, but they have been casted with a stretching spell, which can automatically change the size, so there is no need to make different models like Muggle tailor shops. This is not friendly to women with a body shape like Pomona, because she is not a "medium figure". When she chooses, she first thinks about whether she can wear it, not whether she looks good or not. If she can't wear it, she will go in Forcibly, even if the clerk didn't say anything, their eyes had already expressed their thoughts.

Pomona stopped in front of a silver-white dress with a touch of blue, its color resembling moonlight.

"It's already wrapped," said the clerk, walking to Pomona's side.

"Thank you," Pomona said, paying and leaving the tailor.

As for the dress, she quickly forgot about it. After all, even if it had a stretching spell, she didn't want to put it on by herself, because it would ruin the dress.

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In ancient Greek mythology, there was a beautiful boy who fell in love with his own reflection in the water. One day, he planned to touch "him", and then he drowned in that clear spring. In this way, the place where he died grew long. A narcissus came out.

Voldemort probably never dreamed that he would fail because of a woman's betrayal, but who made him dare not check Harry Potter's body.

Narcissa Malfoy, a Blake named after a narcissus, celebrated the nomination of Severus that night with a dance themed "Moonlight," which to her was the only thing associated with a werewolf that deserved It is a beautiful thing.

Georgiana shook her head. What Alter said just now was like apparition. She clearly remembered that apparition is not possible in this world.

Or the apparition she remembered, apparition requires 3 Ds, destination, determination and calmness, but before she apparated, she didn't think about going to the Hall of Mirrors in Brussels Square, and she didn't have any calmness, she I remember that I seemed to be drowned by the water.

She wanted to leave the place, and then she was awakened by Matilda, but she was still dazed.


She thought of the castle she stayed in Metz before. There were no mirrors in the corridor, and it was far away from the windows, but there was glass in the frame of the oil painting.

The "mirror world" needs to enter from a place with a reflective surface, and it must also come out from a place with a reflective surface, even if it is a puddle, or water in a glass.

She went in through one mirror and then came out of another, just like when she was in the Louvre, Hathor showed her a painting—the Raft of the Medusa, with a man at the bow holding a A red cloth waved towards the distant shadow, which looked like a ship.

There is a kind of handicraft, a model of a ship is put in a glass bottle, but the glass bottle is so small that the ship can't fit in at all, it's actually very simple, that is, put each part of the ship into the bottle one by one Assembly, although it is more difficult than assembling outside the bottle, but the glass bottle is transparent, in addition to trouble, you can also observe the assembly inside the bottle.

This requires patience and carefulness, and careless or impatient people will not be able to complete it.

The location of the appearance is not a "destination" that she can choose. Even how to get in is her unconscious action. As for the exit, it is the exit, otherwise she will be trapped inside like Lila Brick .

And is the reflective surface in the "mirror world" the same as the reflective surface in the physical world?

She took out a powder box, which was in the shape of a shell, and when she opened it, there was a mirror inside, and a beautiful face was reflected in the mirror, making it impossible to connect with Pomona Sprout. together.

"You're going to drive me crazy, Albus," she whispered, and closed the compact.

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