Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2571 Cheese Trap (7)

Sometimes the portraits would go from one painting to another, as if walking between portraits.

They would occasionally help living people deliver messages, but this only refers to the portraits in the principal's office, like the portrait of the bloody Baron next to the potions classroom, which does not undertake this task.

When Pomona came to the Slytherin cellar, he happened to meet Baron in a ghost state. He flew past her expressionlessly, just like the Cinderella that Pomona met in the divination classroom last time.

Phineas Black is the least likable headmaster Hogwarts has ever seen. There were other Slytherin heads before him, but he...

The door of the Potions classroom opened suddenly, and Severus stood in the doorway.

"How long are you going to stand here stupidly?" He asked meanly.

"I'm thinking about 1984." She said in a daze as if under the Imperius Curse. "One of your 'friends' sneaked into Hogwarts."

He didn't dwell on the question of "friend" for too long, and walked around her directly.

"Where are you going?" Pomona asked.

"Eat." He said coldly.

"Wait!" Pomona trotted after him. "How about we go to a picnic?"

"I have other things." He still said coldly.

"Last time when we investigated Harry Potter's summoning guard, we got a 't'." Pomona said reluctantly, "I'll go to Ravenclaw Tower to find Feliway later, you Wait me a moment!"

Without waiting for his answer, she ran directly upstairs along the grand staircase.

In 1984, the first school year they had just returned from XZ, a Death Eater infiltrated the school. He didn't know how to trap a Hufflepuff Muggle girl in the painting. At that time, Bill Weasley is still studying at school, he is like Hermione now, he is Felix's favorite student, the difference is that Bill is often by Felix's side, and Hermione prefers to stay in the library.

This is a curse. As time goes on, the person trapped in the painting will lose contact with the real world. Although she will not die of starvation or thirst, her mind will gradually go crazy.

The degree to which the portrait of a wizard portrait interacts with a living person has nothing to do with the skill of the painter, but rather with the level of power the painter controls. In addition, the portrait of the principal's office will be painted immediately after the principal is elected, and then it will be kept in a cabinet, listening to the words and deeds of the principal every day, and imitating all their behaviors, so that the portrait of the principal can guide the successor after the principal's death up.

But the girl isn't dead, she says in the painting, she doesn't remember how she came to be what she is, and what's worse is that she doesn't seem to have the ability to travel between other portraits.

She could hear people talking outside, but couldn't see anything. In order not to affect other people, her portrait was moved to the bell tower, and it took nearly a year for Felicity and Minerva to rescue her.

It was actually an ancient curse. The girl's body was turned into paint and "painted" on the canvas. She didn't really enter the world of oil painting. Her portrait was placed in the clock tower so that she could hear the clock ticking in the dark, feel the time go by, and her twin sister would chat with her after school. But since then her personality has become a lot more gloomy, and she has a Slytherin boyfriend.

A Hufflepuff-loving Muggle girl looking for a pure-blood Slytherin boyfriend is not crazy or what?

But they only went to Hogsmeade once and never again, and she later developed a habit of visiting the frame that once trapped her.

At that time, when people were looking for the murderer, the first thing they suspected was Regulus Black, the younger brother of Sirius Black. It is said that this curse was invented by their family, but it has not been used for at least a hundred years, so that people almost forget it. Bill searched for a long time to find out what might be going on.

To break the Transfiguration Curse, of course, you need to find a teacher of Transfiguration. Minerva never expected that the curse could be lifted so easily. At the same time, people have a new understanding of the Black family.

Their black magic is not extremely cruel, making the scene bloody, but an elegant art, just like the name dark art of black magic.

Pomona gasped and climbed up, she had to hurry up, Severus was waiting for her downstairs, he would soon grow impatient and go to the auditorium by himself.

The investigation on that place is not over yet, is there anything else they have overlooked?

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If Albus finds a "mirror space", then he can put the Philosopher's Stone in it, and then adjust the mind receiving spell on the Mirror of Erised. As long as it meets his requirements, the sage's stone in the space The stone would go into Harry's pocket.

The mirror he usually looked at for so long was indeed not in vain, although he and "Blonde Cheese" did not have the same purpose of looking in the mirror.

Georgiana wanted to find a place where no one was there to think. After walking in the corridor for a while, she realized how could there be so many rooms in this small castle? Then she found that she seemed to be in that "crack" state again.

After opening a door, she didn't know where she would go, whether she could go back to the previous castle, and how much commotion would it cause if she disappeared at that kind of international social banquet?

But when she thought about it, it was all an illusion. In the real world, she was just an ordinary woman. Who would care about her disappearance?

I don't know how many people got lost in the "dream", just like the curse of the portrait, as time goes on, the people trapped in the painting will lose contact with the real world and gradually go crazy.

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and calmed her heartbeat.

In her mind, she seemed to be back in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, and the three of them were back at the lake where Harry Potter had used the Patronus Charm to repel the dementors.

At that time, the surface of the lake was very calm, just like a mirror.

Is there such a possibility, as long as it is a reflective surface, the mirror image spell can be used. In fact, Albus is hiding in the "mirror space" and watching everything happen.

But it is true that Harry summoned the physical Patronus, and it was the stag who drove the dementors away, not Albus' Phoenix Patronus.

The lake was very shallow, not as deep as the lake next to Scamander's house. A normal person might submerge his knees standing there. Even Felix didn't think it was very deep.

At that time, there was a wind blowing, and ripples were blown on the lake. She suddenly remembered the "A Brief History of Time" she had read last time, and she chattered so much that Severus, who was deep in thought, didn't listen to her at all.

Try to imagine the water surface as a two-dimensional plane, and the ripples will slowly spread out as time stacks, and time is regarded as a coordinate axis perpendicular to the water surface, from the center point of the ripples to the outermost circle of ripples. , a light cone is formed.

This stacked light cone belongs to the future, which is the light trail formed by all the things that happened in the future, and the "mirror" of it is the past light cone, which is all the light trails that will pass through the event, and they form an hourglass shape.

Otherwise, why does the Time Converter use an hourglass instead of a watch?

In the portrait curse incident, the trapped girl was one year younger than the twins, and her traces disappeared one year later. Just like the first day she was trapped, she didn't need to bring dry food as Brick said.

If the moment Harry Potter released the Patronus, the memory of joy sinks into the water and comes to the "mirror space", the time inside is not as stacked as outside, and it is still the same as that night, and of course there are dementors. The cold also passed through,

When the three of them arrived at the lakeside, it may be because the conducted energy has been released, and the lake water has returned to normal.

But motion is of course related to time, but this is the domain of Newtonian physics, not necessarily in the theory of relativity.

"Oh, what the hell!" she yelled involuntarily. "Severus, come and save me!"

Of course there was no response, and she couldn't help feeling distressed, what should she do next?

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