Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2559 Smoke and Mirror (25)

What would have happened if last month's comet orbiting Jupiter orbited the Sun and hit Earth instead of Jupiter, as observers expected?

In the movies, there are many stories of human beings using technology to save the earth, sometimes aliens, sometimes asteroids. There is a movie that tells the story of several astronauts driving the most advanced spaceship that humans can build with heroic spirit. Carrying nuclear bombs, placed in several fixed positions on the asteroid.

These are several vulnerable positions measured by human survey technology. As long as the nuclear bomb is installed in that place, the asteroid will break into several pieces, and then fly in different orbits, and some will bypass the earth, even if it cannot be changed in the end. There is a risk of an asteroid colliding with the earth, because its mass has become smaller, and the threat to the earth has also become smaller. It will change from a catastrophe on the same level as the extinction of dinosaurs to a loss for individual countries. Although individual countries have suffered heavy losses, But the Earth and humanity survived.

People have the right to know the truth, but no one can predict what people who know the truth will do. It will be 2000 AD soon, and there will be all kinds of doomsday legends every millennium. Although it turns out that these are nothing but nonsense, all kinds of people with ulterior motives will confuse people at this time, and some people plan to die Before "making a big fuss", like completing a bucket list, do everything you wanted to do but didn't dare to do.

Society will be in turmoil, the world will fall into disorder, and disorder will cause more problems. Maybe the asteroid will not hit the earth after the efforts of the warriors, but the people on the earth will press the nuclear bomb button by themselves.

Telling the truth is not resistance, but a ground-breaking revolution, so the "truth" should be treated with caution, not just scribbled like Lita Skeeter.

"What did she say!" Pomona yelled at Minerva.

Minerva picked up a piece of bread, dipped it in Pomona's freshly made cream of mushroom soup, and frowned.

"How much cream did you put in this time?"

Pomona ignored Minerva and picked up the Daily Prophet that Minerva had left casually on the kitchen table.

The truth is revealed, Dumbledore appointed a werewolf as a teacher, and Hogwarts is his territory? Where does he intend to lead the magical world?

Just by looking at the title, one can probably tell what the content of the article is about. The only thing that is fortunate is that the name of the werewolf teacher was not mentioned in the newspaper. The main analysis of the article is whether "a mere headmaster" appoints and dismisses teachers and school managers at will. Power is what attacks Dumbledore.

“How about bouillabaisse? I think olive oil would be enough for that dish,” Minerva said.

"Aren't you worried at all?" Pomona asked.

"What are you worried about?" Minerva asked confidently.

"Don't underestimate the power of public opinion," Pomona said.

"They can't do anything. We have done nothing wrong." Minerva said with a smile.

Pomona advised Minerva not to be so blindly optimistic, but she had finished the task of "tasting" and left the kitchen.

After she was gone, Pomona looked at the big bowl of cream of mushroom soup.

Just now Minerva asked her how much cream she put in, but in fact she didn’t add a drop. Her way of making French cream of mushroom soup is different from that of many people. She would fry the noodles until fragrant, and then add hot milk several times to make the flour fully hydrated. Absorb, so that the batter will be very delicate and will not have lumps.

Of course, the step of frying the flour requires a lot of butter and a low heat, otherwise the flour will not become a fine batter.

She put the unfinished cream of mushroom soup into the basket, put bread and sliced ​​ham in it, and left the kitchen with them.

Her destination was Slytherin's cellar. After the holiday, the entire cellar was empty and gloomy. It was really not a place suitable for human beings to live in.

Especially since there is a dungeon here, she felt that she had come to visit the prison.

After arriving at the door of the Potions classroom, she knocked on the door, but no one came to answer the door for a long time. She raised her wand and charmed the door open, and then she saw a pot of potion still boiling on the classroom lab table, emitting a suspicious green gas.

Then she came next door, and Snape was squeezing the leech juice, and he had no intention of stopping when he saw Pomona coming.

Pomona looked at the vat of green, plump leeches and couldn't tell him to try her cream of mushroom soup.

Before the holiday, he could use confinement to let the students or the house elves do it for him. Currently, the elves are busy cleaning, the students are on vacation, and the only interns are on the Quidditch pitch.

Then she thought of Neville, how Snape hated him so much that he wasn't in detention. It was possible that Snape hadn't caught him because he was quick enough. But she remembered what Albus said, no matter how much Neville was afraid of his grandma, Augusta wrote a snarling letter accusing Neville of embarrassing the family, they were still the only relatives of each other, Neville's parents lived in St. Ge, grandpa's health is not good, it seems a little unreasonable to keep him from going home during the summer vacation.

"What are you doing here?" he said grumpily.

At this time, he finished squeezing the juice from the leech, and after taking off his gloves, he poured a large spoonful of the blood of an unknown animal into the sink.

Sometimes she felt that the potion was made of these things, and she had to drink it, which made her feel sick.

"Are you going to accept Albus's offer?" Pomona asked.

With a stiff face, he left the preparation room with the freshly squeezed leech juice, and went back to the classroom next door to continue boiling the pot of medicine.

But after he saw the color of the cauldron clearly, he immediately showed an expression of resentment, and disappeared the cauldron and the cauldron together.

"What does he want?" Snape demanded of Pomona.

"Who's the 'he' you're talking about?" Pomona asked inexplicably.

"Remus Lupine." He propped his hands on the laboratory table. "Isn't the free Wolfsbane potion not enough?"

She didn't know how expensive the potion was any more than she knew how much Harry's Firebolt cost, but at least she had somewhere to put her basket.

The ability to empathize is not innate. Some people with low empathy cannot put themselves in other people's shoes, think about problems from the perspective of others, and even fail to understand other people's emotions and give feedback.

They live in their own world and cannot really enter the world of others, even if the other party is a very close person like father and son.

"You've done a great job, Severus," Pomona said softly, "You're doing the right thing, and all obstacles that stand in your way will melt away, because the truth is in your hands. "

He was still frowning, but his expression changed slightly.

"You really think that?"

"Of course." Pomona laughed, and she felt as if the old bat had turned into a teenager again. What consequences."

He was lost in thought.

"We must ensure that Remus is alive so that he can testify for you. Belby's wolfbane potion has killed many werewolves." Pomona asked.

"Drinking the wolfbane potion he invented requires weighing and height, and calculating the body surface area..."

Pomona stopped him from continuing.

"I believe you, Severus, Remus looks healthy, not the kind whose heart is about to stop, and you have to understand his difficulties." She said softly, "He is a good person, but because he is Werewolf, all his good qualities are rejected, and life is so hard."

Then she pointed to his dull-coloured, poor-taste, but at least clean, brand-new robes "Look at you again..."

She's stuck here, and Sirius says she's a terrible narrator, she really can't think of a suitable adjective, but she can't in good conscience say "beautiful" anyway.

But Severus pulled up his robe proudly, and even had a smile on his face.

"What did you bring?"

Pomona took out all the vegetables in the basket.

"Cream of mushroom soup with Spanish ham," she said. "Minerva said it was too rich."

He dipped some of the soup on the bread and tasted it.

"I think it's good." He nodded at her. "It's delicious."

After the Battle of Hogwarts, they left school, and this was the first course they ate at the reclusive northern farmer's house.

At that time, they were eager to escape the castle that was happy for the children but full of depression and pain for them, and they made up their minds not to go back.

No matter how cold the North Sea wind was howling outside, the house was always warm, not only with a burning fire, but they also liked to lean together and read a book, although they read it in a completely different way.

She didn't object to him watching Dark Arts, and he didn't object to her watching Muggle Psychology either. There is a psychological phenomenon called the gaslighting effect. The gaslighter will exert emotional manipulation and abuse on the victim, causing the victim to gradually lose self-esteem and generate self-doubt.

Severus' father, Tobias, was a gaslighter who killed his mother, Irene, and he even wanted to manipulate Severus.

Tobia didn't do anything to Irene, but used emotional violence, such as "What's the use of letting him wave that wooden stick like you? You can't make money with it."

In fact, Tobia loved Irene, but his love for magic was not as long as he thought. After the novelty, he became impatient with his wife who couldn't go out to work, and wanted to return to single life.

It was the 70s and it was crazy everywhere. Severus vowed not to be a person like Tobias, but he still wanted to manipulate her intentionally or unintentionally, such as the matter of summoning the gods to protect her. They actually don't need to maintain an idea about everything, and she doesn't need others to recognize her That's right.

Albus, who was always right, would tell her that she would stop judging her actions. She was relieved but also worried. If one day she was wrong, who would correct her?

She shouldn't have been so hard on Miss Campini, but she always felt that the gas lamp in her heart was flickering like a warning.

When she still loved him, she felt that as long as his heart was by her side, Josephine was just a wife in name only, and all she had was marriage.

Later she understood Josephine a bit, understood the way they got along, Josephine always called him "General" and flattered him, from Josephine he could get compliments from women, if Albus was right , his heart is actually leaning towards her.

So what is Georgiana? She is just a pawn, the concubine representing England in the "harem system", and he will get close to her when he intends to use soft methods against England. Both Grassini and Campini represent Italy, especially Miss Campini , she is Genoese, although she is a ballet star in Milan.

She has been enduring for the "greater good", just as she once worried about the wizard's future, hoping that Severus would find a younger woman to marry, and later he told her on the international train that her thoughts and What is the difference between "population farms"? Those Aryan maidens sacrificed for the good of Germany.

He can not have children, so she should stop thinking about it.

She does not deny that Bonaparte has something worth learning, and what she uses now is what he used in Egypt.

The so-called holy water is pure water with salt added. It cannot cure the Black Death, and its disinfection effect is very poor. Even leeches cannot be killed, but alum can do it.

It forms a gelatinous layer that prevents the leeches from breathing, and crucially alum is readily available if the Papal States' alum mines have not been harvested for centuries.

For the war against the pagans and the needs of the artists, the church needed money, but Italian merchants continued to sell Turk alums in Bruges for profit, so the Pope took advantage of the Maximilian riots to change the commercial center to Antwerp .

Whether it's Albus, Grindelwald, Malfoy or that Muggle "Cupid Prime Minister", they are all about interests, and love should not be mixed with any impurities, even if it is "greater interests".

The credible man in Bonaparte's eyes was the one who depended on him, like Josephine, who didn't know how much she owed without him paying her bills. And the standard for him to use people is to help, not to hinder him, such as Mrs. de Starr, who was expelled from Paris.

Just like St. Tyrell said, you need to know where your power comes from?

Women are too easy to be emotional, and all kinds of happiness, anger, sadness, pain, and fear will hinder the rational thinking of the soul. In fact, women can also be rational, and this is the path Albus hopes she can take. Lily also has good talents, but she put down her magic wand and chose the happiness that family brought her.

Our choices define who we become, not our abilities.

No matter what he said, he gave her a chance to realize her dream of becoming a female version of Merlin, at least she still has the chance to try it.

The church was good at giving city patronage to extend its prestige in secular affairs. The Reuven Seminary was demolished, and it is estimated that it will not be rebuilt in a short time. The teachers and students who lost the school need to be "relocated".

Liberal arts is a multi-faceted discipline, which can be used in judiciary and administration. How will they choose between the different truths represented by faith and science?

"It's done, ma'am," said Jim.

Georgiana finished the documents he handed over. There are six items in total. First, the laying of civil drinking water facilities; second, the construction of water purification facilities; third, the civil service examination; inspection, to protect the health of workers; sixth, to promote vaccination.

The brother Baien who was in charge of the bullet really shouldn't end his life for love, and she shouldn't let the military doctor forcefully vaccinate the girl.

"I would like to add one more," said Georgiana, who believed in the mystical powers of the number seven.

"Okay." Jim wanted to take the paper back, but she wouldn't give it to him.

"I'll tell you when I've figured it out," she said with a smile, and Jim was a little out of his wits.

"You are a student of law. Do you know Bentham?" she said softly.

"Know a thing or two." Jim said confidently.

"What do you think of ineffective punishment as doubly harmful?" asked Georgiana.

"The purpose of punishment is to prevent crime. If the purpose is not achieved, just like the son of the count, even if the countess punishes him to prevent him from continuing to live a life of debauchery, he will continue to do so, and will also hurt the feelings of mother and child. , and let the punishment pain inflicted on him become a waste, so I advise her to leave it alone." Jim said.

"Countess?" asked Georgiana in surprise. "The young one?"

"Then I'll talk about the relationship between husband and wife, not mother and child." Jim smiled and said, "That house is full of lonely hearts."

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