Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2554 Smoke and Mirror (20)

On the first day Harry Potter entered Hogwarts, many people paid attention to him, and Pomona was no exception. At that time, she noticed that his scar seemed to hurt, and he touched it subconsciously, and he was It happened to meet Snape's eyes.

"So, the result of your investigation today is that the strange events that happened to Mr. Potter are all caused by natural causes?" Wilmina Graplan took a puff of his pipe and said after a long breath, "If it is I'm grading your papers, and I'm going to give you a 't'."

Pomona was in no mood to argue with Graplan right now, she was getting bored to death.

If the maze she designed according to arithmetic and divination is regarded as destiny, then leaving the maze means jumping out of reincarnation, which is the dream of Buddhists, and can leave the world and go to the Buddhist kingdom of the Western Paradise to enjoy bliss.

But she guessed that she was the only one who thought that way, and others only thought it was a game worth playing seriously.

"That's not what you really wanted to talk about, was it?" Graplan asked.

"They saw Quirrell drink the unicorn's blood," Pomona said. "What happened to the rest of the unicorn?"

"You want to ask, did I dismantle it and sell what can be used?" Graplan sneered. "Just like you did with the basilisk."

Pomona wanted to say that she wasn't involved, that she hadn't been in the Chamber of Secrets beyond the first day.

"I buried it, but I believe it will be dug up and eaten by other animals in the forest soon." Graplan took a puff of cigarette silently, "No matter how pure an animal is, it is also a part of nature."

"Would other animals be cursed like Quirrell if they ate a unicorn?" asked Pomona.

"They don't eat unicorns to prolong their lives, they just eat them for energy, just like basilisks eat mice." Graplan put down his pipe. "But basilisks keep growing, unlike other animals."


"Reproduction, have you ever thought that the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets doesn't have that red feather not because Salazar Slytherin made it into a wand, but because red feathers are a characteristic of male basilisks , the one in the secret room is actually a female."

Pomona was so shaken that he couldn't speak.

"All in all, it's become a skeleton, and I can't tell its gender from the bones alone," Graplan said.

"Is it because basilisks don't mate, but must reproduce by laying male eggs in the belly of toads, so they are not considered life?" asked Pomona.

"That's not my specialty, Dean, but our birds and snakes really need to be introduced into other species, otherwise they will regenerate and reproduce." Graplan said, "I heard that there are birds and snakes in Newt Scamander, let's exchange them. How about it?"

"I'll figure it out," Pomona said, standing up. "Thank you for the lunch."

"You're welcome," Graplan said calmly, and then buried himself in preparations for next semester's Care of Fantastic Beasts class.

Pomona stood at the door and looked back at her. Graplan no longer had the hostility that they had when they first met.

Hufflepuff, known for his tolerance, actually refused to accept her. According to Salazar Slytherin, she would actually be rejected by Hogwarts just like Muggle seeds and werewolves.

"Would you like to add some bird lessons?" Pomona asked.

"It's not necessary." Graplan looked up. "Among the existing birds, the ones that can pose a threat to humans have been extinct."

Except for the divination bird, that kind of bird can carry out spiritual attacks and can interrupt human spellcasting.

But it was only an interruption, so Pomona closed the door and left Graplan's "cage."

She walked along the path that led to the Quidditch pitch. The centaur women and children she had seen washing vegetables by the stream last time were gone, only the unicorns were still drinking.

She took a fancy to one of the unicorns, walked over and petted it smoothly, which was really miraculous, she thought that if she tolerated black magic, she would definitely be regarded as "unclean" by it.

"He ruined my good imagination," Pomona said to the unicorn. "He said you shit in class."

The unicorn grunted for a while, as if it had finished drinking the water and didn't want to pay attention to her.

Pomona stuck out her tongue at the unicorn and continued walking toward the field, eventually seeing children "playing" on the lawn.

Neville was locked into a "cage" by the senior class, which was made of hedges, and he was trying to break free from it.

Everyone else was watching, and some were still clapping and laughing.

There will also be some magical animals in the maze. They don't obey the rules like humans. It would be bad if they ran out and hurt people like the last Triwizard Tournament. They are also doing "experiments."

Pomona aimed her wand at the "cage", and they quickly turned into ordinary branches, and Neville squeezed out easily.

"Professor," said the children in unison.

"I have something to ask Longbottom, let's borrow him first." Pomona said to them with a smile.

The senior didn't care, Neville ran over, his face was covered with sweat, he looked like he had been struggling for a long time.

"What do you want from me, Professor," said Neville.

"You remember my 'summer assignment'?" Pomona said.

"Remember, go to Scamander and retrieve your turtle," Neville repeated.

She blinked her eyes, she really couldn't change the tortoise into a "pet".

"There is another task for you. The Hogwarts bird snake needs to be exchanged with the bird snake raised by Scamander for breeding. You go and bring the bird snake back."

"What...but how..."

Pomona waved at Neville. She knew that Hagrid had been teaching Blast-Enders this term and nothing else, but Neville could teach himself, or ask Scamander for advice.

He has to learn to rely on himself, just like Harry, who at first he waited for his father to save him, but in the end he saved himself.

Albus told Minerva that a bad teacher like Rohart can at least teach what he can't do and what kind of person he can't be. She personally thinks that Peter Pedillo is the real negative example. A mouse lives like that for twelve years.

Will he marry a she-mouse?

After walking into the closed Quidditch field, Pomona found that Felius had used the space expansion spell, and the inside looked more empty than before. She walked to the center of the maze, pointed her wand at the ground, and a stone The table was erected.

This place will be used to place the Goblet of Fire in the future. If Barty Crouch agrees to her plan, this will save the award ceremony and unnecessary waste.

==================================================== ======

Veela was classified as a beast, and she thought it was done by people with ulterior motives, but if, as Felix said, animals can coexist with another soul, it would explain why Voldemort possessed her and she didn't. For reasons like Quirrell.

Nagini... Assuming she is really the blood orc that Credence once knew, as the curse deepened, she finally turned into a snake instead of a human being, and Voldemort used her as a Horcrux, so she also You can coexist with souls that are not your own.

Beast, or man?

Ordinary human girls don't need to think about this issue at all. This is what makes Fleur Delacour enviable. She is like a beautiful human girl who doesn't care about her identity as a hybrid.

Mrs. Maxim always looked at Fleur with envious eyes, but she still recognized herself as a human woman in her heart.

Both Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore like to talk about love, but it happens to be the two of them who can "weaponize" love.

It's a pity that he is still slightly inferior to the cold-blooded Grindelwald. When the blood oath was on him, he never thought of hurting Dumbledore, even though he trained an assassin.

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