Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2552 Smoke and Mirror (18)

In the struggle between light and darkness, I believe most people will choose light. Every day the sun rises, the darkness recedes slowly, and there are monsters hidden in the darkness.

However, in the camp of the Anti-Dark Arts League, there are people like Rohart, who will get more attention wearing the armor of the Light Knight, and they are all well-intentioned; "Black sheep", he will also receive a lot of attention, but he is regarded as a different kind and is not accepted by the ethnic group.

Before Harry Potter returned to the wizarding world, apart from sleeping, Pomona also had a hobby of sneaking to the cinema in the Muggle world to watch movies. There was a movie called "The Godfather". The dialogue begins when everything is still dark on the screen.

There was an Italian American whose daughter grew up in America, and he gave her an American education, gave her freedom, and even let her have an American boyfriend, but that kid and his gang ruined her life. Even if they went to court, because they hired a good defense lawyer, they were sentenced and suspended, and acquitted on the spot, leaving only the girl's father standing in the position of the plaintiff in a funny way.

They saw his apologetic and proud expression, which made his father go to the "Godfather" in anger. As a decent person, he originally didn't want to have anything to do with people like the "Godfather", but the flames of revenge made him disregard other things. He was willing to do anything for the "Godfather", as long as the "Godfather" could avenge him.

A lawyer takes money to do things, even if he knows these boys are guilty, he still defends them. This is a bit similar to what the "patronum" of the call god guard does, and they are all "defense" as a "shield".

The Patronus is so pure and should protect the "innocent" (innocent), how could he protect the "sinner"?

The patron saint is not a lawyer, it is not a "taker", but a "giver". In ancient Roman society, the patron saint would give salaries to those who took refuge in him. Provide certain services for yourself, such as acting as a guard when going out, etc.

There is a similar mechanism in the ancient East. Diners will send food to wealthy families, and the owner is responsible for "keeping customers". There is an idiom story called "Chicken Crowing Dog Robber". What's the use of raising a man who can learn how to crow?

But it was this diner who helped Mr. Mengchang cheat Hangu Pass and ran back to Qi State. Some diners were "military advisers" and "counselors" and the like, and they called the nobles who raised customers "lords".

If you want to become a "guest", you must first obtain the approval of the "lord". Not all supporters are as low as Meng Changjun, and they accept it if they know how to crow.

The "Guardian God" of Hushen Guardian will not come for ordinary happy memories, it must be strong enough, as for the acceptance criteria, it is up to the "Guardian God".

Wizards once believed that the world is composed of four elements, fire, wind, water, and earth, under certain conditions, animal-like or animal-like spirit bodies will be attached, but this hypothesis has been overturned.

The wizard can use the wand to extract memory from the temple, and can also use it to release the memory. The memory spews out of the wand in the magic of the guardian spirit. These silver threads constitute the "body" or "entity" of the patron saint.

Under normal circumstances, it will dissipate, but the Patronus that lost its "body" does not disappear, and it will reappear next time the summoner continues to use the Patronus Charm. The requirements are still the same, and the released memory must meet it. It will only show up according to the standard, but it will be much easier than the first time.

Many religions involve prayer, and in the Book of Radiance prayer is a desire for relationship, with the prayer saying "I desire" in the heart. Some people pray that the plague and natural disasters will end soon, and that the gods will avoid disasters and bless them. Some people pray for the future, such as the safety of family and friends who travel far away. Prayer meant building some kind of relationship with the object of your desire to be close, and during polytheistic times, each deity had a role to play, Hermes was the patron saint of commerce, and Pan was the patron saint of creativity, poetry, and herding.

Merchants pray to Hermes for a smooth business, and herdsmen pray to Pan for the prosperity of their livestock. They are all based on "I desire". Biological, yelling "help" it doesn't appear like a knight.

If you want to establish a "relationship" with the patron saint, you must give it happy memories. Of course, who has the heart to think about happy things when you are scared to death, so the first step is to overcome fear, and the next step is to recall happiness.

It is said that people will recall the past before they die. Of course, this is not the point. In the 487th article of the truma volume of the "Book of Radiance", there is a story about a king who prepared meals for his family. When the family members fulfilled his will When they can get the meat, throw the bones to the dogs under the table. When the family failed to realize his will, he gave all the food to the dog and the bones to the family.

"Food" is something you enjoy because you give it, not because you are family.

The king enjoys by giving, and his will is satisfied.

In this relationship, both parties are satisfied because of "giving", and there is no resentment caused by one party being robbed and having nothing.

And after learning to summon the guardian spirit, you are basically on the side of "light", because the "guardian spirit" and the summoner have formed such a supportive relationship that can be "satisfied" by both parties, and true happiness often comes from inner satisfaction. .

A hungry man is an angry man.

A wolf will not attack sheep when it is full. It will attack them when it is hungry and risk being killed by the shepherd.

If a dark wizard like Bella saw Lupine's transformation, she might yell "vile animal!", and raise her wand and at least cast Avada Kedavra, and she wouldn't miss Lyme. What a gentle and kind person Si usually is.

But she can't get satisfaction in this process, unless it is those who hunt werewolves for fun, they can cut off the heads of werewolves and put them as decorations at home.

Because werewolves are animals, and Muggles were almost classified as animals, but the Ministry of Magic failed to pass it, and some people didn't care so much, and they still caused a lot of killings in the 1970s.

Pomona felt that an animal-type Patronus would not be interested in this kind of "happiness" in humans, but what good would Severus do by lying to her?

The world is full of wonders, and there may be phenomena that she doesn't understand, such as the "scene" left by Harry Potter.

It looks beautiful at the moment, but something sinful almost happened, an innocent (innocent) person was almost kissed by a dementor, a pure soul is much more "tasty" than a sinner's soul, the dementors that night I was so "excited" when I was floating towards the lake.

She heard about it twice and witnessed it once, and she didn't know if she could use the Patronus Charm in that situation.

All she knew was that Harry had done something that ordinary adults couldn't do, and his powerful Patronus was the proof that he was "chosen".

In comparison, Neville is really far behind, although he was also born at the end of July, this may just be a coincidence.

"What did you find?" Fei Liwei asked from a distance.

Pomona shook his head.

"What about you?" Felwick asked Snape.

He is looking at the sky right now.

"How about we see it from up there?" he said.

Feliway looked at him strangely, and Pomona was also surprised. Just as he was about to ask him if he had brought a broomstick, he had turned into black smoke and soared into the air.

It was a Death Eater fly, how did she forget that he was a Death Eater? And he was also a "disciple" who was taught this skill, although he hadn't used it in 12 years.

Fei Liwei looked at her with surprised eyes, as if he was saying, "Can you tolerate this?"

==================================================== =======

A puff of black smoke spouted from the chimney of the "Jet Devil", and the darkness it caused was not as translucent as ordinary black smoke.

"Let's go!" said George, the old assembler, and as his words fell, the locomotive pulling the timber began to move slowly, even more slowly than before.

"I suspect that even old women are faster than it." The onlookers chattered.

Georgiana said nothing, and now she wondered if investing in them was throwing money into the furnace.

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