Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2550 Smoke and Mirror (16)

In the eyes of the ancients, comets are an extremely abnormal astronomical phenomenon. They are elusive, unpredictable, and have no rules to follow. Both the East and the West regard the appearance of comets as ominous omens.

The comet is also sometimes called the "tengu". This does not mean that it causes solar and lunar eclipses like the tengu eclipses the sun and the moon, but that it makes a sharp sound like a dog barking when it slides across the night sky. Seeing a comet without sound is futile.

This is not so much a comet as it is a meteor. Only a meteor will make a sound because of burning when it enters the atmosphere.

Whether it is called or not, comets are considered to be related to soldiers, funerals, and social unrest. After nightfall, Pomona observed the starry sky through the telescope in the astronomical tower, especially the changes of Jupiter.

A comet, like a comet, is a broom for dust removal. In some astrology, it means removing the old and bringing in the new. It just so happens that tomorrow the castle will be officially cleaned...

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Pomona turned back, and Felix was standing at the entrance of the Astronomy Tower. "July and August are the best time to view the Milky Way."

"You came to watch the night sky too?" asked Pomona.

Fei Liwei followed the stairs and came to the side of the telescope, but he didn't use the telescope to look at the night sky.

She quickly gave up looking for "bad omens". The starry sky in midsummer is very magnificent, especially in the Scottish Highlands where she is at the moment. Not only is the altitude high, but there is no light pollution from Muggle cities around. Except for the light of the castle, Only the camp near the Quidditch pitch still had a faint light, and the rest were boundless forests.

The wind blows through the treetops and makes a sound like the waves. It is probably the same starry sky seen at sea.

"Is that the maze you prepared?" Felix looked at the Quidditch pitch and said.

"The groundwork is still being done, and the hedges inside haven't grown yet," Pomona said.

"I guess the vegetation needs rain to grow." Felix took out his wand, "Please allow me."

"Of course." Pomona stepped aside.

Feliway raised his wand, and a small cloud of mist formed in the direction he pointed, and then it seemed to be gently blown by the night wind, floating towards the sky above the Quidditch pitch.

At first it was a small mass, but later it was so big that it could cover the entire Quidditch field. For a while, the sky "clouded" over the field, even if anyone wanted to see what was going on inside, they couldn't see it.

"Beautiful magic, Felius." Pomona praised.

Felicity smiled. "It also makes rain when you need it."

"And what if I need sunlight?" asked Pomona.

"If you let the hedges grow naturally, can you catch up with the start of the game?" Fei Liwei asked.

Pomona shook his head.

"I don't think sunlight is something we should consider." Feliwei said, "Do you think there is enough space in the stadium?"

"It's a little small," said Pomona. "Can you do me a little favor?"

"Then can you do me a little favor?" Fei Liwei asked back.

"Is there anything else you need my help with?" Pomona asked.

"Tomorrow, people from the Ministry of Magic will come to discuss the Christmas party with us. They seem to want to arrange the scene of the party instead of us." Feliwei said.

"Is it too early to talk about Christmas?" Pomona said.

"Don't forget that they have been preparing for the venue for the Quidditch World Cup for a year, and I don't want the auditorium to be taken over by them," said Felix.

"There is also the opening ceremony." Pomona took a deep breath. "If they succeed, the next class of freshmen will probably be the first batch of students who did not hold the sorting ceremony in the auditorium after the school was established."

"Can you help me with this?" Fei Liwei asked.

"Of course," Pomona said, "any time, who came up with such a 'clever' idea."

Felicity and Pomona said in unison, "Lucius Malfoy."

"What's the point of him doing that," Pomona grumbled.

"Go to bed early, Pomona, we still have a battle to fight tomorrow." Felix said and left the Astronomy Tower.

Pomona also put away the binoculars, but instead of going back to the cellar immediately, she took a comfortable bath in the teacher's bathroom.

Falling asleep with a fresh body is sure that even dreams are beautiful.

She lay on the edge of the pool while taking a bath, closed her eyes and thought so happily, if only she could do this every day.

==================================================== ======

"Next time we should prepare a trailer with fuel in it." Trevithick pointed to the blueprint and said to Georgiana, "With the track, the friction will be reduced, and we don't have to worry about it as we do on flat roads. Hindered."

Next to the drawings lay the food she had brought, a pie stuffed with cheese and bacon, with Cornish steak and Mediterranean vegetables. Although Trevithick and his team lost the game, they did not appear to be very frustrated. Before Georgiana came, they were discussing how to rectify the problems encountered in this game.

"How much money do you have left?" Georgiana asked.

"It depends on how much you support us, ma'am," said a tall, white-haired old worker, an experienced assembler.

Georgiana didn't like his attitude; he made her feel like a piggy bank that would make gold coins fall out when she shook it.

"Maybe, we could make an exchange," Trishwick said. "Are you interested in what's coming up for Christmas?"

"I heard about the Dark Lantern," Georgiana said. "What else do you know?"

"Get us something to drink, George," said Trishwick.

"Okay, boss." The old assembler said, walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him.

"I heard that they formed an army, not only the hosiery workers, but even the miners." Trishwick said.

"How is that possible?" asked Georgiana.

"The output of coal and steel has increased by leaps and bounds, and their workload has also increased, and healthy and strong men have to be drafted."

"Do you have it in your mine?" asked Georgiana.

"Of course not." Trishwick immediately denied, "Our business is not good."

She remembered what St. Tyrell had mentioned about the fact that the Soho Company sent people to Trishwick's mine to collect royalties for the steam engine.

The Soho Company owned the steam engine franchise and also obtained a monopoly to a certain extent, which made it difficult for small inventors like Trishwick to survive in England, so he took the risk of bringing his own steam engine to Europe of.

Experiments and development will incur high costs. Most experiments are continuously summed up based on "experience". "Failure is the mother of success". Not everyone is lucky and can succeed once.

The success of Soho Company is inseparable from the dowry of the founder's wives. If it were not for these, Watt and Bolls would not be able to continue to operate the company, and human history might have to be rewritten.

Apart from marriage, dowry is another thing women can gamble on...

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a young man wearing a wig and stockings walked in. When he saw Georgiana, he knelt down on one knee and held her hand and kissed her.

"I've heard your name for a long time, Mrs. Sevres." The young man looked at her affectionately with blue eyes and said, "You are as beautiful as a fairy."

Georgiana looked at this man inexplicably, and then at Trishwick.

"This is our lawyer." Trishwick said blankly, "We only have enough money to hire him."

"What?" she asked strangely.

"Let me tell it myself." The lawyer said quickly, as if he wanted to hide something shameful.

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