Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2541 smoke and mirror (seven)

Pomona trotted all the way and arrived at the potions classroom before the castle closed.

She adjusted her breathing at the door, and knocked on the door after making sure that she had nothing unusual. There was no word like "come in" inside.

The absence of a prohibition on the door meant that Professor Snape was currently "open for business". Sure enough, after she opened the door, she found that he was brewing a potion that was bad to drink just by the taste and smell.

"Sorry, I'm late." She said like a student, and of course no student would dare to say that like her, unless he wanted to be "watered" by the snake's venom.

"I believe that dying patients can also wait patiently." He looked at the potion in the cauldron and said without looking up, "Just put the things at the door."

"Do you need my help?"

There is only "gurgling" in the classroom, like the sound of soup boiling.

She shrugged, put the potion at the door of the classroom, and was about to leave.

"Who are you meeting?" he asked suddenly.

"Dating you mean?" she asked.

He didn't answer, but concentrated on looking at the potion, he really deserved to be a "potion nerd".

"No, I haven't seen anyone." After she finished speaking, she was about to leave. Before she left, she suddenly turned her head and found that he was looking at her.

Naturally, he averted his eyes and stared at the cauldron.

"What are you trying to say?" she asked with her arms akimbo.

"Get out!" he yelled ferociously.

She was also angry, pulled the door, closed it with a "bang", and left the cellar.

On the way back, she met a few Slytherin students. Most of them didn't say hello when they saw her, as if they had forgotten the etiquette of the nobles.

She became more and more angry, and at this moment there was a knocking sound outside the window. She looked over and found that Cynthia, the mermaid in the black lake, was greeting her.

"See you at the old place." Cynthia said to her, and then swam away.

Pomona stuck her tongue out behind her, then hastened her pace and left the cellar. She went to the auditorium as she passed the foyer, got some bread from the dining table closest to the door, and then ran towards the Black Lake.

She had only taken two steps when she suddenly remembered that she was now a professor, so she slowed down again and strode forward in a very "steady" way.

She came to the other side of the lake, where she could see the beech trees, and took a seat, eating bread while she waited.

When she went to Lily's house in Cokeworth for summer vacation, they found a slightly cleaner river in the suburbs. There were a few swans in the river. They fed them with bread crumbs, and they swam away in disdain up.

An old man passing by yelled at the two of them, "They are swans and not pigeons, silly girl!"

Neither of them actually thought about retaliating, and when they realized it, Lily laughed out loud.

"My God, I was just thinking how rude that Muggle was!" Lily said, clutching her stomach.

Pomona didn't give up, she wanted to sprinkle some bread crumbs, maybe there was a swan who loved bread or was too hungry to eat.

It turns out that the swans really don't eat bread, but they don't leave because they don't have food, but swim gracefully around the two of them.

"I still prefer the deer," said Lily, looking at the swans. "Mum took me to the London Zoo and I fed them vegetables."

"But your mother always told you to eat vegetables." Pomona said, she saw Mrs. Evans reprimanded Lily for not eating vegetables several times, and Petunia ate all the vegetables on the plate very clean every time, and would Help mom clear the table.

"Don't be so boring, please." Lily said disappointedly. "I just wanted to say how cute they are."

"How about we go to the London Zoo before school starts?" Pomona asked. "We're going to Diagon Alley anyway."

"Can you change a pet? Why do you keep a tortoise." Lily frowned.

"Is it weird?"

"Isn't it okay to have an owl or something?" Lily asked.

"Why don't you raise it yourself?" asked Pomona.

"I'm going to bring my pet home during the summer vacation, and my mother won't be happy."

"You can tell her it's required by the school."

"She won't understand." Lily pulled weeds sullenly. "She's a Muggle."

Pomona thought it was bad for Lily to say that about her mother, but what she said was true.

"It used to be only Sif and I talking about the wizarding world." Lily whispered. "He talked about magic so interestingly, I thought it was the same in magic school."

"You think school is boring?" Pomona asked in surprise.

"Do you think it's different from a Muggle school?" Lily asked subconsciously, and then she remembered that the "Gorgon" in front of her had never been to a Muggle school.

"I guess... school isn't the place for us to play," said Pomona awkwardly.

"I know, it's to learn knowledge, so I can find a job in the future, right?" Lily lay on the grass depressed, looking at the dazzling summer sun. "Next time, let's go to another place to play, to a place farther away."

"Are you referring to foreign countries?"

"I haven't gone abroad for vacation yet."


The barking of the dog brought her back from her thoughts. She looked over and found that Sirius had turned into a big black dog.

She looked around and didn't see anyone, and there was an island in the middle of the lake blocking her view, but she still felt that she was being watched.

"What are you doing!" she yelled in a low voice.

Sirius returned to human form.

"Where's the two-way mirror I gave you, Knox." Sirius asked. "If you have it, it will be convenient for us to contact you."

Pomona didn't answer. After Sirius graduated, he and James didn't need the double-sided mirror. It was originally used for communication when they were in confinement. After graduation, they didn't have to worry about being locked up.

At least that's what they thought at the time.

"I lent it to someone else," Pomona said.

"Can I come back?" Sirius asked.

"I'll ask," Pomona said.

"Can Harry do it before the holidays?" Sirius asked.

"You want to follow him when he comes home for vacation?" Pomona asked.

"I've been to Privet Drive and watched him get on the Knight Bus." Sirius said sadly, "He's afraid of me."

Anyone who sees a dog the size of a person at night will be scared, let alone Harry is only 13 years old.

Big dogs are different from basilisks, which are like monsters that appear in nightmares, and it is normal for neighbors to have dogs.

"I will find a way to contact you, you go!" Pomona hurriedly urged.

"Aren't you worried?"

"worry about what?"

"I forgot how to change back, how to change from an animal back to a human." Sirius said a little excitedly, "like those who failed to try Animagus."

Pomona watched him silently.

Sirius covered his head and said after a while, "Have you given up looking for that mouse?"

"No, I asked Neville to find it for me," said Pomona. "He's the son of the Longbottoms."

"I don't think he'll be able to be an Auror when he grows up," Sirius said.

"What do you want to say?" Pomona folded her arms around her chest.

"You know what I'm talking about." Sirius said a little arrogantly.

"He doesn't look very bright..."

"Why don't you help him?" Sirius asked eagerly.

I have my life too!

She wanted to tell him that.

"Exam week is coming, Sirius, and I think you should at least say thank you to Mr. Longbottom for sacrificing his study time to help you," Pomona said.

He smiled contemptuously.

"take an exam……"

"It may not matter to you, but it doesn't matter to others." Pomona said seriously, "If you don't have your uncle to support you, you will also face the problem of livelihood after you leave home."

Sirius was tired of the subject.

"You've changed, Knox."

He dropped this sentence, then turned into a black dog and left.

"You too, Sirius." Pomona said looking at his back, and then left the Black Lake without looking back.

==================================================== ========

"So... this is the information you can provide?" St. Tirell asked with a look of embarrassment.

"Is that book hard to find?" she asked.

"Muhammad is a very common name, and there are many books on the soul," St. Tyrrell said.

"You could lock it down to around the 10th century," she said.

"That's even more difficult. The Arab empire was divided in the 10th century. There were several capitals, including Cairo, Baghdad, and Yemen. Each capital had its own library. How do you know that the author's book must be included in the Library of Alexandria? "

She couldn't answer.

"If the book is not in Egypt, I don't think I can help you, madam."

Then she remembered that there was also the Istanbul library, and she asked the local club members to find books about the Yin people, and maybe she could also ask them to find the book about souls.

"Don't say so early that you can't help me, you'll find out after you've found it!" She threatened, "Otherwise..."

"Yes, ma'am." Saint-Tirrell said dryly, "I know that 100,000 francs are not so easy to get."

She also felt a little depressed, and the atmosphere now was far less relaxed and cheerful than talking about Nile fin fish in the museum before.

"Speaking of this, I just met the headmaster of the First Primary School in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. He asked me if the first ruler would still fulfill his promise?"

"What promise?" she asked.

"The first ruling promised that as long as the Republic existed for one year, he would give the elementary school a rose of 3 Louis. It has not been carried out for 4 years since 1798." Saint-Tirrell said.

Now she knew where to send the house full of flowers, which definitely added up to more than twelve louis.

"Don't you like roses?" said Saint-Tirrell. "What must be done before you will forgive him?"

It is no longer a matter of understanding.

She really wanted to tell Saint-Tirrell that she no longer wanted to be "distracted" by love like Madame Maxime, so that she forgot more important things.

This is what the "White Wizard" who has won two Dark Lords in a row taught her. Love is a kind of distraction. If you put too much on it, it will affect your business, just like a student's puppy love will affect your study. Although she fell in love for the first time It's almost 40 years old.

"What do I have to do to make you think I've forgiven him?" she asked.

Saint Tyrell did not speak for a long time.

"Don't spend your time and energy on this. You also have more important work. The French Academy is no longer the 'academic' institution that accompanied the king and made the rich and powerful happy. You should care more about the future of mankind and the well-being of citizens. Benefit."

"Yes, ma'am," St. Tyrrell said softly, "I will do my best."

There were cheers outside, as if the game was almost over.

"Let's go," she said to St. Tyrrell, smiling. "Let's see who wins?"

They politely gave way and left the lounge.

"Did you know? They're betting on fellowships and military expenses," said Saint-Tirrell. "Whoever wins gets a million francs."


St. Tyrell smiled ambiguously, "How much did you bet?"

"Don't tell me, you just gambled all the 100,000 francs I just gave you!" Georgiana said angrily.

St. Tyrrell smiled nonchalantly, like she really meant it.

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