Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2531 man on a mission (twenty-four)

The last goblin rebellion happened 200 years ago, and it has become a part of "history" for humans, and little wizards only hear it in Professor Binns' dreary fourth-grade history of magic class. Since no employment required an owls certificate in history, the students who took that class were practically asleep.

Because he firmly believed that the goblins would not rebel again, Fudge agreed that the director of the Goblin Liaison Office did not have to go to work on the day Cuthbert Mockridge was in the Quidditch World Cup final, and even other departments and other clerical staff were also allowed on that day Take time off for that gala. But someone had to be left on duty, and Amers Diggory was the "unlucky" one. But because he did Bagman a small favor, he got the tickets for the World Cup after the ticket sales had stopped, and the entire Ministry of Magic was already busy for the Quidditch World Cup finals. What shift is it?

Ludo Bagman was prosecuted as a Death Eater in addition to his frequent debts and fraud, but in order to let his son enjoy a wonderful vacation, Amers accepted Ludo Bagman regardless of Cedric's objection. Tickets for Bagman.

Ludo Bagman was able to escape trial mainly because he claimed to be ignorant of everything, and he didn't know that August Rookwood was a Death Eater. And with his outstanding performance in the previous game, his charges were dropped.

Pomona still couldn't understand people's enthusiasm for Quidditch, but what Severus said just now reminded her that Hufflepuff needed a new Seeker after Cedric graduated, and her eyes flicked from time to time during the meal. Take a tour from Hufflepuff's long table to see who has the potential.

If you're looking for someone who is good at sports, you shouldn't be looking for them at the dinner table. Gryffindor finds its current Seekers on the playing field.

Pomona turned his attention to the long table of Gryffindor. Harry was the Quidditch Seeker and was already popular. Since Sirius Black broke into the Gryffindor lounge, the Quidditch players will Harry was protected, and there were several people surrounding him wherever he went.

Who doesn't know that Harry is "one step ahead" because he always has the latest and greatest broomstick.

She was absent-mindedly eating her lunch, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Severus and Felwick talking happily, as if they had a common "secret" and they got closer.

"I heard that Severus submitted the wolfbane potion to the Potions Association for the Prince Award." Minerva said.

"What? When?" Pomona asked in surprise.

"It seems like a month." Minerva recalled, "But it seems a bit difficult to apply, because the Wolfsbane Potion is not an original creation of Severus."

Pomona turned his head to look at Snape and Felix again. It was a Ravenclaw who first invented the wolfsbane potion, and it was said that he had already entered the Wizengamot.

She wished she could help, but thinking about the people she knew, no one seemed to be able to help except Albus.

Just when she was sad, she accidentally saw Cedric, he was talking and laughing happily with his friends.

It is a good opportunity to get in touch with Scamander, Cedric does not need to develop in England, and Albus is still the president of the International Federation of Wizards.

Then she looked at the long Gryffindor table, where Neville was sitting with Finnigan and Thomas, talking awkwardly.

Maybe you should give up, we already have Harry Potter.

It is enough to have a savior, also a boy born at the end of July, Harry Potter is the "chosen one\

,"If the savior is like Neville, people will lose faith very quickly, if the Dark Lord can really complete his crazy experiment of attaching his soul to a human body one day, so as to be resurrected.

People need a hope that seems reliable, not that they can't even remember the password to enter the door.

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"It's an honor to meet you." Georgiana smiled and greeted Edgeworth with her company.

That summer vacation, Pomona took Cedric to socialize everywhere, which was to make up for her fault. Cedric showed excellent social skills. He was not only polite, but also very gentlemanly. He was calm when shaking hands with people Self-possessed, with the demeanor of an adult, she was sure that Amers Digory had not taught him.

Socializing is more useful than swords in peaceful times, but goblins rarely participate in human social activities, either as guests, or there are goblin musicians as live performances.

The goblin rebellion has become history for humans, but not for goblins, just like the persecution of wizards taught by the history of magic in the third grade.

But for people in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, witch hunts did not pass. This is actually not difficult to understand. The increase in infrastructure in the process of "modernization", agricultural production, housing, health and education have made witchcraft beliefs no longer important. People are committed to improving living conditions, who cares whether someone is riding Flying on a broom?

If you want to fly, you need to invent a flying machine. If you want to communicate faster, you need to invent and improve telegraph transmission methods.

But this is not the case for agriculture and rural areas. The harvest of crops is affected by the weather, whether it is local weather or global weather. There is also the death of livestock. Among the ten plagues of Moses, there was a plague of livestock. God made all the livestock in Egypt suffer from plague. .

This is different from the Black Death. When the Black Death patient died, even if the food production was reduced due to the Little Ice Age, it could still be distributed to the living. When the livestock died, the food for the first person was reduced, and the transportation capacity for the second was gone.

The dry Rhine River is not able to irrigate the farmland, and the water transportation will be cut off in the area, even if there is disaster relief food, it cannot be transported in. On the land route, there are various princes and states, and each principality has to set up a card to collect taxes. It will seriously affect the circulation of goods.

Queen Maria Theresa of Austria implemented the "customs union" and also controlled the area she controlled, while her contemporary Frederick the Great believed that a well-developed road network would facilitate the invasion of other countries. Of course, these are things that come later.

The behavior of the British financiers is likely to be instructed by Whitehall. The military advisers in exile in France "seeed" Napoleon's plan. Using animal power to fly steam locomotives can get more horses, and the French cavalry can have horses to ride.

On the surface, it seems that the future is bright, and everyone is talking flattering words, which makes the sheep full of confidence in the future benefits of this road. When the time comes to release the issue of the conflict on the Mississippi River and the news of Napoleon's defeat at Santo Domingo, as soon as the confidence is gone, the stock price will fall, and then it is time for the "big bears" to harvest.

This is the theory, but the market has never gone in the direction people expected, and people who shorted the French East India Company did not expect that the National Government would directly bankrupt the French East India Company.

During the Hundred Years' War between England and France, both the British and French kings wanted to renege on their debts. The French king directly wiped out the Knights Templar, and Britain declared bankruptcy and refused to pay the Peruzzi Bank. , including Venice, are in financial crisis.

Venice wanted to do business with the Arabs. At that time, Arabia was still very prosperous. They did not recognize European silver coins. If they wanted to buy Eastern luxury goods, they needed to use silver ingots, and the Arabs used silver ingots to buy Eastern luxury goods.

The Hundred Years War was at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the Maritime Silk Road had been established, but the main goods had changed from silk in the Sui and Tang Dynasties to porcelain, and most of them were spices. It is no longer accurate to call it the Silk Road.

The Yuan Dynasty was dominated by cavalry, and its economic center was in the north. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the control over the south became weaker. This period was also the period when the trade on the Maritime Silk Road was the most prosperous. The Portuguese did not discover the route from the Cape of Good Hope to India until the 15th and 16th centuries, so during this period the Arabs Controlling intermediate trade.

Due to the Mongolian Expeditions and the Crusades, the Abbasid Empire, where Mohammad, the author of the book on the soul, was divided in the middle of the 13th century until the rise of the Ottoman Empire. In 1453, the Ottoman Empire eliminated the Byzantine Empire , occupied Constantinople, and then the European "front" became Hungary and the Holy Roman Empire.

During the reign of Suleiman the Great, the Ottoman Empire became stronger and stronger, and Suez became the military port and commercial port of the Ottoman Empire. During his reign, the Portuguese fleet raided Suez, and the Ottomans were forced to retreat because of their heavy defense.

At first, people thought that the Suez Canal could not be built due to the height difference between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, and even if it was built, it would cost a lot of money. But it was only when it was built that it became known that there was no difference in height. The existence of a difference in height was a rumor. The French government even once regarded the surveyors as spies.

This rumor also affected the sale of Suez Canal shares in the UK. Anyway, she heard that there were almost no British among the earliest financiers.

Britain's gold coin is called the Guinea, named after Guinea, where the gold was produced, on the west coast of West Africa.

Georgiana heard that there is no shortage of courteous people in the court, but they will soon forget who you are after you lose power.

There is also Napoleon's friend and secretary. He chose to resign in a fit of anger. It was easy for him to borrow money when he was Napoleon's secretary. When he was no longer, he was sued.

At the same time, she also heard a saying that it is necessary to distinguish who is an ally and who is a friend.

Friends who are willing to help you regardless of rewards and risks in student days are very rare. When you are an adult, you must learn to distinguish the thoughts behind those seemingly friendly faces.

She remembered hearing that Napoleon's sister Pauline once attended a banquet dressed as a Dionysian priestess, and she was so beautiful that she displeased a lady dressed as a hunting goddess, but she didn't Say mean things like everyone else, but instead take Paulina to a bright room and let Polina lie on it and compliment her head to toe until she realizes that Paulina's ears are not so perfect.

The lady exclaimed loudly at the banquet, "Polina has donkey ears, isn't it? It's so big, it's just right to cut off half of it." The flower protectors were surprised that such a beautiful person had such defects, and Unable to bear it, Paulina cried and found an excuse to leave.

Georgiana said at the time that she would remember the lady's name, but now she couldn't remember it. If she wanted to ask Paulina, she would have to uncover her scars.

Eighty-four of Hufflepuff's rule: Patience, then revenge afterwards, but I'm sure you've forgotten by then.

It may be because she is forgetful that she has learned so many lessons, reminding her not to be like a farmer and save snakes in the ice and snow.

It was actually fine, probably hibernating, instead of freezing to death, and when the farmer woke it up with the heat of his chest, it would bite him instead.

It is natural for cats to catch mice, but it is only for dogs to meddle in their own business.

When Grindelwald made troubles in Europe, Britain sent Aurors to hunt them down, but when Voldemort made troubles in Britain, who did the International Wizarding Union send to intervene?

If Europe is really in chaos as shown in the crystal ball, and the world is about to end, Severus has also found the bunker left by the Germans during World War II, and there are countless red wines in it, enough to make her drunk.

After all, the most important thing in life is to be happy.

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