Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2519 man on a mission (12)

There were many rat traps on the edge of the forest farm, all of which were caught from the castle and the Forbidden Forest in the past month. Hagrid wanted to guard against Buckbeak and eat these rats as "snacks".

"Flying Scabbers!" Pomona cast the Flying Charm at the layers of rats, but there was no response.

"Scattered!" She tried again, but there was still no response, which made her wonder if she had forgotten how to use the Coming Charm, so she cast the Silent Coming Charm on the teacup in Hagrid's house, and it was very Success was in her hands.

"Did you remember what Scabbers looked like?" Hagrid asked aside.

Pomona took out the newspaper that the Weasleys went to Egypt a few months ago, and took a closer look at the mouse Scabbers. She was sure that she remembered the appearance of Scabbers correctly.

"Flying Scabbers!" She put down the newspaper and tried again, but it still didn't work.

"Maybe it's not in these mice." She excused herself.

"Then wait for the next batch," said Hagrid, laughing, and let Buckbeak go to feast on the rats.

That scene was a bit hard to watch directly, she turned her head and looked at Hagrid, "Thank you Hagrid, I'm going back to the castle."

"Okay, Dean."

So she left Hagrid's pumpkin patch.

Pomona liked the atmosphere at the Weasleys' house, but she couldn't accept a mouse as a house pet, not even a weasel.

To make matters worse, the hairy crabs in the wand storage room are missing, and they seem to be multiplying again.

There are no natural enemies for them in that room, and there is an environment suitable for their survival, so the reproduction is even more uncontrollable. She thought it would take hundreds of years for the hairy crabs to form, but it probably didn't take that long.

Whether it was Snape or Lupine, they had to give her an answer, or she would go to the Ministry of Magic's Pest Control.


She had just reached the foyer when she met Cedric.

"Oh, what's the matter with you?" she said happily.

Cedric looked around, then lowered his voice and said to her, "I heard that the school will hold a big event next year."

"Where did you hear that?" she asked immediately.

"My dad, he heard about it in the Ministry of Magic." Cedric lowered his voice and said, "Can I participate too?"

"Actually, I don't know the rules of the competition, and don't you have a newt exam next year?"

Cedric looked a little frustrated.

"The Triwizard Tournament only selects the best students from each school." Pomona said guiltily, "If you ask me if I can participate, I really can't tell you. .”

"Unless you're over seventeen," Snape said aloud across the hall.

"Good afternoon, Professor Snape." Cedric greeted Snape.

Snape looked at Cedric with hostility.

"Even if you don't have to take the newt exam right away, don't you have other things to do?"

Cedric bowed and left the hall before Snape could find something for him to do.

"What's your business?" Pomona asked when the hallway was empty of two people.

"Why don't you smile like you did just now." He smiled sarcastically.

She found him inexplicable.

"Have you prepared the potion I want?"

"Is this how you beg for help?"

She glared at the old bat, but walked towards her office without saying anything.

It's often the little wizards who lose their wands, and when they get to sixth grade they learn the Flying Charm so that they can be recalled no matter where the wand is lost.

Even some old pure-blood families teach children this spell, since it's an ancient rune itself.

Wizards seldom lose things, and some can even practice the Flying Charm into a Silent and Wandless Charm, which becomes part of their daily life, as long as he doesn't forget what the thing looks like.

So if Sirius lost something and asked his mother for it, not only would she not help him find it, she would probably reprimand him.

Almost every wizard in this era will go to Ollivander to buy a wand. If the wand is really important, it should not be left behind.

A person's life is not just a magic wand, some people will meet better and more powerful magic wands when they grow up, but there is no doubt that the meaning of the first magic wand is often very important.

On the way to the cellar, she figured out a problem. She had gone crazy that day to say "protection" to Severus. Lily put down her wand on the day she was killed. She enjoyed a happy family life, and continuing to study higher magic like a wizard and becoming stronger was not the first thing in her life, even though she was very young when she was young. talented.

It's easy for a woman to fall in love and want to find someone to rely on, but last year when the Chamber of Secrets incident happened, Slytherin became the target of public criticism. At that time, let alone relying on Snape, he still needed Pomona's help. And she has to appease the children who are more frightened than other colleges, especially after Justin was attacked.

She didn't go to watch the night. The children in the lower grades didn't know what happened, but they could feel the atmosphere of terror, especially the freshmen. They just left their parents and were still not used to it. When they faced this situation immediately, she couldn't walk away at all. .

Harry Potter's Parseltongue caused great discomfort to those around him, and rumors spread quickly in the library and classrooms outside the hospital.

After Mrs. Loris was petrified, the ghosts formed a patrol, and Justin survived the basilisk he saw through Nearly Headless Nick. If it hadn't been so coincidental, Nick loved to hang out, and Justin would have been the second Muggleborn to die at school.

This is a topic worth studying, but when she regained her senses, she found that Snape followed her to the cellar.

"Why do you suddenly like to follow people?" She turned her head and said dissatisfied.

"What were you thinking just now?" He also said with a stiff face.

She didn't want to pay attention to him, and just about to open the door of the office, he suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Don't you think you've wasted too much time on Longbottom?" Snape said ferociously. "He's from Gryffindor, and compared to your former 'favorite', I don't see him worth much." Concerned."

"I don't have that many college views, let go!" she said.

"Do you think Cedric won't be jealous of him?" Instead of letting go, he gripped even tighter.

"Who, Cedric is jealous of Neville? You're crazy!" She broke free from his hand. "They're not like that."

He looked at her with a malicious look.


"Why dissect the basilisk? If you're so short of money, why don't you sell something else?"

She remembered that she could sell some spare silverware, or the magical plants in her greenhouse.

Basilisks are scary, but...

"Come in." She opened the door, took his hand and entered the office.

After the door closed, she gave him a hug.

"Don't think about that brat." She said softly, "I shouldn't have raised it for you. Your character is not suitable for pets at all."

He didn't speak, didn't hug her, just stood like a log.

She patted him on the back lightly, like coaxing freshmen who are afraid to sleep alone.

==================================================== ========

The fourth of Gamp's law of transformation, wizards cannot transform things they don't know.

When Cedric was in the fourth grade, Pomona asked him to try to turn a whistle into a clock that could tell the time by itself. The hands will turn, and the accuracy of the timekeeping is uncertain.

This was far beyond the teaching requirements, and it was not an exam content, but Cedric completed it anyway, which alarmed Albus and the head of the Transfiguration Department.

Transformation has always been Gryffindor's forte, and Cedric's performance made Pomona very proud for a while, and of course, his father, old Digory, they all thought...

The Gamp who proposed Gamp’s law of transformation was Ulick Gamp, the first Minister of Magic in 1707. His portrait hangs in the office of the Muggle Prime Minister, acting as a messenger between the wizarding world and the Muggle world. This is already the wizarding world Closest contact with the Muggle world.

Felix keeps his distance from humans, even though he lives among them.

But she keeps getting closer to humans, and even participates in things that she shouldn't be involved in and can't be changed.

The carriage stopped at this time, and she came to the square in Brussels, facing the palace of Louis XIV.

The carriage on the wall relief was painted with gold paint, symbolizing the chariot of the sun god. She stared at the gold in a daze.

The major saw that he had not moved and did not open the door for her. Not long after, Bertin walked out of the palace along the red carpet and gave a court salute to her carriage.

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