Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2493 the past is like smoke

Adam Smith once wrote in The Wealth of Nations: Every shrewd parent knows that if the cost of buying a thing is less than the cost of his own production, then he will not produce it himself. A tailor would not generally think of making shoes himself, he would rather buy them from a shoemaker. The reverse is also true, the shoemaker would rather hire a tailor to make the clothes. As for the farmer, he can hire a tailor to make his clothes and a shoemaker to make his shoes, provided he has enough money.

Georgiana watched the well-dressed men and women who still did not leave after the magic show. In fact, it is not so difficult to recover the stolen money that Jeanna spent. She mainly used it to buy clothes and shoes, the "necessities" of Versailles. She only needs to recover from the luxury manufacturers one by one according to her bills. , Even if you can't recover all the money, you can reduce the loss.

With the influence of Marie Antoinette in the fashion industry and Versailles, she can give such an order that if anyone comes to the court wearing products made by a certain tailor or shoemaker in the future, all of them will be thrown out, in order to avoid When that happens, there will be people who don't wear those clothes and shoes.

These people have to make a choice at this time, either pay the money and stay in Paris, or leave Paris and develop elsewhere. The whole of Europe is learning the fashion of Paris. These people who have served the court may have a better development in other small duchies.

No matter how much Jeanne could spend money, she couldn't afford to cause such a large-scale population migration when Louis XIV abolished the "Edict of Nantes".

When Georgiana reappeared at the ball, she was first spotted by those nearest the door, who bowed to her with respect.

If the others felt it, they also saluted together, and soon even the music at the dance stopped, and the whole venue was silent.

She didn't like it, she used to "dance" with everyone at parties in the Hufflepuff Lounge, and everyone had a good time.

But she still walked through the crowd calmly.

Charlotte was very high-profile when she "invited" Teresa Campini to leave. Except that Teresa Campini walked out by herself and maintained the last bit of decency, she was almost the same as being kicked out. the difference.

Maybe Georgiana herself will one day, oh, no, she was treated like this, when she was still in charge of the canteen of the Tuileries Palace, and then she was "struck" by the French senior officials, and then she was kicked out . The cause of the matter was the exemption from tariffs on British steel.

The premise of dumping is that the commodity is not produced in the country, and it is a consumer product. For example, tea is not grown in the UK, so the price of tea is reduced and dumped. Occupying the British market is not harmful to the UK.

But when dumped goods compete with domestic goods, the losses suffered by domestic manufacturers need to be offset by the benefits gained by consumers. British textiles are devastating, and there was originally import tariff protection, which was revoked by the 1786 treaty.

The importance of steel is self-evident, but it currently only accounts for 1% of France's gross national product, and the territories with iron ore are mainly concentrated in the hands of nobles.

The outbreak of the Great Revolution was sudden, and July was the hunting season, and the purpose of hunting in this season was not for the fur or meat of animals. According to ancient etiquette, crops grow vigorously in summer, and animals such as wild boars will leave the forest and destroy farmers’ crops. Hunting them at this time is also to ensure the harvest of food. In a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, hunting is of course a summer vacation.

It is precisely because quite a few people left Paris for vacations, and not many nobles really died on the guillotine, and of course they were not imprisoned like Josephine, so they still maintained some old-fashioned habits.

She used to think that Bonaparte was a hero, and that he and Josephine had been romantically acquainted, but she no longer felt that way.

Perhaps Beethoven felt the same way when he heard that Napoleon was going to become emperor. Germany has no shortage of princes and dukes who want to become emperor, because the crown of the Holy Roman Empire is elected by election, not unique to the Habsburg family. As long as their principality can also become an elector, they can also become emperors. In fact, they are indeed like emperors in their own land.

This huge gap made her feel bad. She maintained a superficial smile and greeted a few familiar people. Their expressions... were rather complicated.

Even if some people are not as open about prostitution as Danton is, they don't think it is a huge crime.

This is the difference between men and women, why do women beat women and not men? Georgiana herself vividly interprets it, although she herself is not like some wives who beat outside women and plan to continue living with their husbands.

Maybe those whispering behind her back are saying that she has no room for others. Campini is already a member of the "passers-by", so why target her so much?

As long as Du Roc intervenes, Campigny will be all right, she'll be fine, just as Jeanne can write here and there after being whipped, without even a collector.

2 million francs, the money for a warship, will it be gone after a fight?

Father Grégoire stood before her.

She was a little surprised, after all, a priest shouldn't appear in this kind of entertainment.

"Let's talk," said the priest.

Georgiana looked at the Duke of Alba's family not far away, and she wanted to know how to get to South America.

Marie Antoinette and the king took a lot of valuable jewelry with them before they fled, just in case, but this also exposed her whereabouts...

"Let's talk." The priest blocked her view.

"What are you talking about?" She asked listlessly.

"I know, you are very angry now," said Grégoire, "but please don't lose your mind."

"I haven't lost my mind." Georgiana said with a smile. Her head was able to analyze the international situation just now. John Adams appointed many judges before leaving office. After the VP case breaks out, they're sure to be "upright and impartial."

Gregoire sighed.

"Where's St. Merry?" Georgiana asked, smiling, to those around her.

"He...is sick," said a person next to him.

"Is it serious?" Georgiana continued to ask with a sweet smile.

The other party glanced at Father Gregoire.

"As long as he's not dead, let him come, this party is dead." Georgiana said coldly, "How is he responsible?"

No one spoke, and Georgiana walked straight towards the Duke of Alba, when someone blocked her way.

"May I invite you to a dance?" asked the man with the nice mustache.

"Who are you?" Georgiana asked.

"I won't tell you unless you're dancing with me," he joked.

She glanced at the people around, and it seemed that everyone hoped that she could dance a section.

"Hope you're a good dancer," Georgiana said, putting her hand on his.

Then he took her into the middle of the dance floor and danced a minuet.

At the same time, the music started to play again, everyone joined in one after another, and all of a sudden, they started to dress up again.

"Can you tell me who you are now?" Georgiana asked.

"I heard that you are going to build a prison." Mustache asked "Why not a garden?"

"Because typhoid fever broke out in the original prison." Georgiana said "Who are you?"

"Should I ask what you're going to do with the prison?" he said with a smile.

Georgiana froze for a moment.

"Usually I ask what you plan to do with the garden."

"That's a pity," she smirked.

"I heard that the design concept of that prison originated from Bentham." He said painfully, perhaps because of his accent, the pronunciation of Bentham's name was strange. "I'm not familiar with him."

She wanted to ask who the other person was, and to be honest, this person was handsome and tall, but the reason was the same, the price, if she bought something more than what she produced, she would consider producing it herself.

Mrs. Pompidou opened a ceramics factory, and Justinian inquired about the production process of silk, but Spain, which discovered silver in South America, did not become rich and powerful because of this. They have so much money in their hands, why do they have to work hard to buy things that can be bought with silver coins? Do it yourself?

On the contrary, after receiving money from Spain, the countries that provided them with goods developed their own handicrafts and industries.

There would be a price to be paid for betraying Napoleon, at least not yet.

In the past, she was still thinking about how he would betray his relatives, and even thought about going to St. Hena Island with him.

Now that she thinks about it, she really likes the young general who is holding Josephine's portrait and showing it to people everywhere, but it's a pity that he is like the years, gone and never coming back.

"I want to waltz," said Georgiana.

The man who danced with her was a little surprised, but she laughed.

No matter who he is, every day without dancing is a disappointment to life, today she wants to have fun and do whatever she wants.

As for the reply, to him.

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