Jung once said: A dream is an involuntary mental activity, and the consciousness it possesses is just used for reenactment when we are awake.

Albus does not think this statement is true, because he believes that dreams are free, and only in dreams can we fully enter our own world, swim in the deepest ocean, or soar in the clouds.

Freud believed that dreams have remnants of consciousness, allowing our waking repressed emotions to unfold, our contradictory, forgotten memories.

Dreams are like a theater. The dreamer is the stage, actor, sound engineer, director, playwright, and audience. However, Jung did not believe that every dream has repressed emotions and desires to satisfy Freud. The so-called irrational impulse does not occur when the id and superego are in conflict.

For example, someone wants to be a millionaire, but he doesn't have the same dream every night. Another example is a person who experienced a lot of low self-esteem when he was a child, and has achieved success in his career when he grows up. He is usually a very confident person, but sometimes he will "flash back" the memory of his low self-esteem in the past on some occasions. However, there is a conflict between the successful self in reality and the self-abased self in memory. He doesn't think the memory of inferiority complex is real, and his subconscious suppresses that memory.

This kind of "frozen memory" will also become the material of dreams, handsome men and beautiful women will not be as enthusiastic and active as in Chun's dream, but will show mocking or sarcastic expressions. This kind of memory is sometimes profound, clearer than the person who turned up and down with you in the dream, and it is this "complex" that drives the subconscious mind to operate. There are more memories stored in the subconscious than we think, which is the principle of the Pensieve, which looks like a certain scene is recreated.

The pictures imagined by people with neurosis are very realistic. When normal people dream, if they encounter a certain situation, they will quickly realize that it is a dream. When they realize that they are dreaming, the dream cannot go according to the script. It is easy to wake up suddenly, or the time to control the dream is not long.

But the dreams of neurotic patients are so vivid that he can't tell them apart, so there is no such thing as sudden waking up. He is dreaming while awake, and the dream is always dominant here, and the dreamer has become the controlled party instead.

Georgiana felt unhappy when she became the focus of everyone. Although this scene has a logical explanation, the remaining consciousness of the dream has the role of "censor". When it finds an abnormality, it will activate the defense mechanism. Only when the dream is realistic enough can it be fooled.

In other words, the dream was distorted. Just now, she recalled the crystal ball made by Nicolas and the scene in the crystal ball, and those women with sneering faces could attack her at any time.

We can’t die in dreams. Even if we dream of falling from a high place, we will often wake up from the “nightmare”, and we will also choose to wake up when we are attacked by a group of people. It’s just that the power is not strong enough for her to get rid of it. She still trapped inside.

People under threat would dream of circles, and she looked down at the fire opal ring, not only was it round, but she believed it would give her strength.

"Complex" is often caused by self-contradictions. For example, we see handsome men and beautiful women reacting during the day, and morality thinks this is incorrect, so we suppress this emotion, or quickly avoid, replace, and forget, so that we have self-blame And hate his own emotions, but he himself is not aware of it, because he can't face up to this thought, which also constitutes a "complex".

At night, there will be dreams to compensate, and people will see their own shadows in dreams, but at this time, the self in the dream will become less rigid and realize the unrealized ideas. Just like a child who loves sweets, he knows that eating sweets will cause tooth decay, but in the dream he can eat whatever he wants to satisfy the unsatisfied and suppressed desires in reality.

This is what the Mirror of Erised sees. The "dreams" it creates are so realistic that people standing in front of the mirror can't tell them apart, so that they have "lucid dreams". In the end, the phantoms produced by the mirror become dominant, making dreamers Instead, people are controlled by it.

She felt that she was about to catch the point, but there was a person sitting on the sofa opposite her, a bit like a psychologist and a patient.

"Alone?" Malfoy asked.

"Isn't that obvious?" said Georgiana.

"Why don't you play with the others?" Malfoy asked knowingly.

She gritted her teeth and stared at him.

"Do you know who the mother and daughter were just now?" Malfoy asked.

"I don't want to know." She said blankly, "Knowing too much will hinder me from feeling happy."

The smug smile on Malfoy's face was about to fade.

"They can make me unhappy, but I don't 'make a big deal out of it.'"

"Have you heard the opera "Caesar in Egypt" sung by Giuseppina Grassini?" Malfoy smiled strangely.

She looked at the face that was still handsome in her fifties, and thought about where to hit it to minimize the damage to the "beauty".

"My loyal heart, I will always obey your orders. If you don't doubt me, I will be your bride, but your eyes are calm, can I ask for your love?" Malfoy said in an aria-like tone, "She played The role of Cleopatra is, and she sings this libretto to Caesar."

Georgiana sneered.

"What's so interesting?" Malfoy asked.

"Which third-rate playwright wrote this?" she asked.

Malfoy didn't answer.

"You really believe Cleopatra is faithful and willing to be Caesar's bride?" Georgiana asked.

"What do you think?" Malfoy asked.

"She asked Caesar not to suspect her, but if Caesar did that, then he wouldn't be Caesar." She sighed. "You think Caesar loves Cleopatra?"

"Isn't he in love?"

"Caesar still had Roman wives, and it was Ptolemy XV who ruled Egypt, not the sons of Antony and Cleopatra who ruled the Roman provinces."

Malfoy watched her silently.

"There is no loyalty between Caesar and Cleopatra, only wisdom. They both made the best choice for themselves. It doesn't matter if it's a joke. If Cleopatra really asks for love from Caesar, And wanted to be his bride, Caesar would have dumped her right away, because he wanted an Egyptian pharaoh."

"Did it ever occur to you that this was Cleopatra deliberately showing weakness to Caesar?" Malfoy asked. "As you said, she wanted him to trust her."

"Caesar trusted Brutus, but who put the dagger in him?" Georgiana asked.

"You should learn more about being a woman," Malfoy said.

"I don't think I need you to teach me." She said viciously, just about to leave.

"I have a question for you. Since you are a 'prophet', do you know if the Saxons will betray us in the future?" Malfoy crossed his fingers and leaned on the sofa, looking very comfortable and asked, "I think you should have heard Yes, we gave them the loom."

"Replace the dubious Prussians with Saxons," Georgiana said.

"Not just the Prussians... What if I tell you that the whole of Europe has no allies to rely on?"

She didn't speak.

"That's why we need America," Malfoy said. "After getting the weaving technology, they're more hungry for cotton than we are."

"Are you going to support the Louisiana Acquisition, too?" Georgiana asked.

He sneered.

"Then do you know that Leon intends to make the United States stronger so that he can threaten Britain from behind." She smiled.

"Prophet, do you know what the future will look like?" Malfoy asked, "Maybe I will change the chips to another place."

She looked into Malfoy's gray-blue eyes.

"You can lie to me," Malfoy said like a snake spitting out letters. "Women are good at it."

"What a villain you are," said Georgiana, laughing, and getting up to leave.

When we ourselves are the builders of our own dreams, the characters we see are not objective, but based on our subjective, no matter how realistic they are, they are not objective.

But now she doesn't know whose dream she is in, or who built the dream, so she doesn't know if what she sees is her own projection.

In her heart, is there actually a self who wants to lie? Otherwise, how could such a Malfoy appear?

"As a 'big villain', we can endure and live in this stinking place, but you 'good guys', want to reshape this world and correct those... what you call evil and injustice." Mal Fu said suddenly.

"Oh? Do you think we did unnecessary things?" Georgiana laughed angrily.

Malfoy frowned and stood up.

"I'll wait and see." He teased and left.

She is confused, what is he talking about?

"So, how would Cleopatra talk to Caesar." Charlotte came over with a glass of wine and stood behind Georgiana.

"Are you eavesdropping?"

"If Cleopatra didn't ask Caesar for love and marriage, what would she want?" Charlotte asked.

Georgiana thought for a moment.

"It's an advantage." She said softly, and Charlotte raised her eyebrows.

"What's the meaning?"

"We can't help but compare two similar things. Most people will choose the one with the advantage. For example, male pharaoh and female pharaoh. If I remember correctly, there are precedents in history where generals became pharaohs. .”

Charlotte thought about it.

"I will ask Caesar how to gain an advantage over them."

"But you're a woman," said Charlotte.

"No, we are women." Georgiana said, "I remember that Cleopatra VII is the incarnation of the goddess of wisdom. It is already very good for the last pharaoh to have this title."

"Would you choose Antony or Caesar?" Charlotte asked.

"I don't even want to choose." Georgiana shook her head, "It's better not to be Cleopatra."

"If it were me, I would choose Anthony." Charlotte said enthusiastically, "At least he really loved Cleopatra."

Georgiana looked at Charlotte in shock.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Georgiana took a sip of her wine sullenly.

She bought a bottle of perfume in the British Museum, called Lover for a Day, commemorating Cleopatra and Antony, not her and Caesar.

Now she seemed to understand why the bottle of perfume was called that name.

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