Georgiana found that the thestral didn't eat things in this world, or that it didn't go through her hands, it wouldn't eat those things, even though it was its favorite meat.

It seems to have been hungry for a long time, and has been following her, but fortunately no one can see it.

Before going to meet the members of the British Ministry of Magic, Georgiana intends to feed him a little, so as not to show up at the scene again later, but there is still a distance from her lounge to the stables, not to mention she doesn't think Thestrals will be willing Go to the stables.

There is a fountain at the gate of the opera house, and Georgiana intends to let it wait there, but she doesn't know if this Thestral has not been fully domesticated, anyway, she just doesn't obey Georgiana's orders, so she had no choice but to find a chance to ride it. Follow it to the fountain.

"You wait for me here," Georgiana said to the Thestrals, turning to go back to the Opera House.

"How long?"

She froze for a moment, then looked back, and found a handsome man sitting at the back of the fountain.

"Do you recognize who I am?" he asked.

She didn't speak.

The real Sirius Black was dead, and it must be a phantom before her eyes.

The man who looked like Sirius walked up to Georgiana.

"you are not happy."

"I'm not unhappy," she snapped back.

"If you are happy, why have you been sullen just now?"

Georgiana didn't want to pay attention to this glib man, the real Sirius would never be like him.

"Ghosts sometimes haunt the world because they have unfinished business," said the man.

She climbed the stairs silently, the man's explanation became even more unreliable, Sirius didn't even take care of his godson, and went to the next journey, what else did he have to do?

"Keep smiling, Pomona!"

"Fuck you!" she yelled, "Don't talk to me like that!"

"What?" asked the fake Sirius with a hippie grin.

So she was even angrier.

"You can tell me what upsets you."

"Get away from me!" said Georgiana.

Fake Sirius took two steps back, putting on a show.

"A beautiful ring." False Sirius said, pointing to her hand with the fire opal ring, "I heard you can summon a phoenix."

She looked at him suspiciously.

"I don't want to be burned by the phoenix flames." False Sirius said, and took a few strides back until he reached a safe distance.

So Georgiana turned away from the cold outdoors in her thin evening dress and returned to the warm indoors.

She lowered her head to look at the fire opal ring on her hand, which was exchanged by Bey's wife for half of the booty after Napoleon's Battle of the Pyramids.

It used to belong to Naga, or Garuda. It was not deliberately polished, and still maintained its natural condensed appearance, but the crystals inside were constantly changing like living things.

No one seems to be able to escape this point, what has never been obtained is much better than what she already has, just like she just envied Napoleon and Josephine's pair of rings engraved with "Fate" and ignored the ring in her own hand ring.

She turned her head, but when she was outside again, there was no one else but the Thestrals, not even the fake Sirius.

There was a thin layer of falling snow on the ground, and if you looked closely, there were only her own footprints, and I didn't see the footprints of Sirius who had chased her for a short distance just now.

"Stop playing tricks!" Georgiana yelled around, and tried to go back again, but the fountain was full and blocked her way.

She could have crossed it easily, but she didn't, because she found that there were vague reflections in the water, like a summer brook, with a waterwheel, a mill, and two beautiful juvenile……

"This place is full of memories."

She turned her head in surprise, only to find that the "White Wizard" had appeared again.

"Do you remember the three d's for Apparating?" Albus asked.


He raised his eyebrows, seemingly dissatisfied with her answer.

"Determination, purpose and equanimity," she replied.

"Now I want you to answer me, what keeps you from Apparating in this world?" Albus asked.

She thought quickly.

"Where am I?" she asked.

Albus looked dissatisfied.

"I was never your brightest student," she muttered.

"Why do you think that?" Albus asked.

She didn't answer.

"Because, you're a Hufflepuff?" Albus asked.

"I don't think Hufflepuff represents a fool!" she said angrily.

"I don't think so either." Albus said calmly, "Can you tell me why you think I chose to be an enemy of Grindelwald?"

"Because you lost Arianna." She trembled. "You know war means more to be lost, not because there are more Muggles than wizards."

Albus didn't answer her, but circled the fountain, and she did the same, keeping his distance.

"We used to go for walks together," said Albus. "Can't we go back to the old days?"

"Did it ever occur to you that if Harry wasn't a Horcrux, you'd have killed an innocent man," she replied. "Would your conscience bother you?"

"Two, and Severus Snape," he said quietly. "He didn't want to kill me, I made him do it."

"What do you want?" she asked.

Albus looked down at the pool of water gushing from the fountain, and the two boys had entered the mill, where they stood face to face, and cut their arms, letting the blood ooze.

But those two drops of blood fell to the ground, instead they entangled with each other, and finally became a gorgeous bottle.

"This thing has caused me pain for a long time." Albus looked at the bottle and said, "As long as I have the slightest thought of hurting him, it will punish me, so I have to give it to him for safekeeping."

"But you asked Newt Scamander to find it back. Why did you do that? Keep it with Grindelwald, and then think about the plan to deal with him?"

Albus didn't answer right away.

"When the pain is gone, the happiness returns." Albus said sadly, "I still miss him more than dealing with him or hurting him."

"Like that coffee table?" she teased.

"We were all young." Albus stroked the Thestral's head with his scorched hand. "When we were with him, time always passed quickly. A day passed in the blink of an eye."

"So you made Deluminator, hoping to make the days longer?" she asked.

Albus was still stroking the Thestrals.

"Maybe I'm just trying to borrow some light," Albus said with a smile. "It's troublesome to practice other spells while using Lumos."

She is confused.

"We discussed why only a few people have magic power, and I put forward a hypothesis, because these people will seek the truth." Albus said "It's like someone using electricity just to stare at a box and laughing, while others use it Study hard by the electric light."

"You're talking about television, Albus."

"This 'gift' comes only to those who have a higher pursuit of life." Albus went on to say, "If the world can be in our hands, it will benefit all mankind, because we are all devoted to freedom and truth. "

"Albus..." she said sympathetically.

"I was a child." Dumbledore put his hand down. "Who hasn't been stupid in his youth?"

She stopped talking.

"I know, you want to revitalize your academy," said Albus, "so you put too much pressure and expectations on young Cedric."

"Stop it." She said painfully.

"Can you forget about Harry Potter, I'm not proud of a young man who dies bravely, in fact I tried everything I could think of to save his life, including the Deathly Hallows," Albus said "When Voldemort tried to kill Harry with the Elder Wand, he was already the owner of the Elder Wand."

"The Elder Wand is the least loyal wand, it may betray at any time."

"It can betray the wizard, but it won't betray fate. Don't forget that it also has another name, called 'Fate Rod'. Its core is..."

"Thestral tail feathers," she said, looking at the Thestral beside Dumbledore.

"In the fairy tale, the god of death picked an elderberry branch as the body of the elder wand, but there is no mention of thestrals in the whole story." Albus said, "have you ever wondered how this legend came about? ?”

She couldn't answer.

"Inspiring, isn't it?" said Albus. "Gellert found it, but I hadn't seen a Thestral at the time, and I doubted it even existed."

"Can Gellert see it?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, I didn't ask, but I saw thestrals after Arianna's death, and I thought about using a time-turner to go back to the day she was attacked, even me at the time, against three Muggles No problem," said Albus.

"Why didn't you do that?"

"You tell me." Albus asked back.

"Being a wise man requires paying a price." After thinking for a while, she said, "Only by remembering this pain, you will not follow him to do stupid things."

"I hope you don't understand." Albus said sadly "Why don't you stay at Hogwarts?"

"I'm glad he's alive," she said after a moment. "Also, I want to be with him."

"Don't be like Queenie," Albus whispered.

"She married a Muggle, I married an ex-Death Eater."

"You know what I'm talking about," said Albus.

She didn't want to continue the chat, she left the fountain and returned to the room.

The lights in the room were brightly lit, and she was dizzy for a while before realizing that she was still in the private room.

"Are you all right?" Charlotte asked.

Georgiana looked down at the people leaving. The theater was semicircular, unlike Lestrange's family cemetery, which was circular.

"I'm fine." She supported Charlotte and said, "Thank you, honey."

"Why are you so old-fashioned." Charlotte complained, "You sound like you are seventy or eighty."

Georgiana smiled helplessly.

Living to Albus's age, even love can't hurt him. He is only over a hundred years old, and magical creatures have a lifespan of two or three hundred years. What should she do at that time?

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