Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2469 conquering reality

The word Renaissance (Renaissance) originally meant rebirth or resurrection. People at that time praised a poet's works as good, saying that they were as good as the masters of the classical period.

There was a man named Filippo Brunelleschi, the son of a Florentine notary who became an architect at forty-one. In that era of freeing human imagination, it seems that many similar people can be bred without any effort, engineers, architects, mathematicians.

The Basilica of Santa Reparata was not only old at the time, but the Italian city was undergoing tremendous changes. The more people miss the beauty of the Roman Empire. In the distant past, Italy used to be the center of civilization. The more they feel that the Goths and Vandals from the Germanic tribes invaded and knocked the Roman Empire backward. kind of decay. People blamed that "middle age" and called it the "Middle Ages". The concepts of "renaissance" and "magnificent Rome" are closely related. New landmarks can not only show the strength and honor of the country, but also change the appearance of the city, especially in a commercial city like Florence. Stunning international hipster style.

When construction started in 1295, the Church of Our Lady of the Flowers was built on the original site of the Florentino Cathedral, and it took more than a hundred years to complete. Next to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flowers is the Baptistery, which was built in the 7th century and later changed to a white octagonal shape. Children in Florence were baptized here, including Dante and Machiavelli. The bronze relief of the story of John, which was called "the gate of heaven" by Michelangelo.

The cathedral was once shut down because of the Black Death, and it was shut down again because of the plan of the great dome. The dome not only represents heaven in the church, but also has something to do with spiritual tyranny. Despite the weak church presence in Florence at the time, using such a Roman or Byzantine dome presented challenges.

Filippo Brunelleschi visited Rome as a young man and visited the Pantheon. When Filippo Brunelleschi was 24 years old, he participated in the competition to make the bronze relief of the door of the Baptistery in Florence. Unfortunately, he was not successful. Abraham asked him to kill his only son Isaac as a burnt offering. Just as Abraham was about to kill his son with a knife, the angel stopped him and replaced Isaac with a goat.

Although Filippo Brunelleschi's works are vivid and excellent, the subject matter may be a little "too exciting" for the people attending the baptism. Maybe this is why Philippe Brunelleschi turned to architecture s reason.

But in addition to the capping of the Church of Santa Maria del Fiore, Philip Brunelleschi made another major discovery, that is, the structural principle of linear perspective, which the ancient Greeks and Romans already knew, but it was submerged.

There is such a "vanishing point" in Da Vinci's "The Last Supper". It is impossible for parallel lines on the plane to intersect, such as the eaves and corners of a wall of a building. The principle that space shrinks as it goes further back, the parallel lines that cannot intersect intersect. In "The Last Supper", the intersection point of all the lines is located at the head of Jesus. Philip Brunelleschi used the streets of Florence with paintings of buildings to attest to his discoveries.

The original panel has been lost, and the octagonal building of St. John's Baptistery was commonly used for this experiment. When Georgiana returned to the living room, Fresnel was playing this "juggle" with the girls, and he placed He drew a model similar to the building of St. John’s Baptistery on the table, and then held a pair of oil paintings and a mirror. He opened a hole in the position of the door of the oil painting board, allowing the girls to look at the building through the hole, and then placed the mirror. Putting it at an angle, you can reflect the buildings in the oil painting, and the images of the two almost overlap.

This perspective technique can create a three-dimensional space on the plane, just like the extension of the real world, and people are gradually liberated from the asceticism of forbearance and restraint.

When Georgiana returned to the living room, she saw Raggett and Farron looking at a painting together, and a woman was holding a scale, standing by the window.

This painting is by Vermeer, and in addition to it, there are two other paintings on the easel, one is a scene of piano lessons, and the other is a woman pouring milk.

The moment she saw them, Georgiana felt unreal. If they were placed in the 21st century, these two paintings would be in museums, but now they are in her living room...

"You are here." Farron took off his reading glasses and bowed to Georgiana.

"What are you discussing?" Georgiana asked curiously.

"Please take a look." Raggett handed the painting in his hand to Georgiana.

She held the painting and looked at it for a long time.

"is there a problem?"

"Vermeer's techniques are different from traditional oil painters." Farron said, "I have seen painters paint, they will cover the paint layer by layer, but look at this painting."

Georgiana looked down again, and Farron pointed to a place.

"Look here, the paint here should be very thick."

She wanted to tell Faron that she knew nothing about authenticating brushstrokes.

"What's more important is that Vermeer didn't have a line drawing," Raggert said.

"How do you know?" Georgiana asked, and there were no X-ray scans in the 19th century, and the oil paintings covered under the oil paintings could be seen.

"We found one of his landscapes." Laggett sighed. "It got wet and my friend tried to fix it."

"How could this be?" Georgiana muttered.

"If you think about it, how did he draw a painting without a sketch?" Raggett asked.

Georgiana looked down at the painting in her hand.

"Will it be like this?" Fresnel came over. "He made a dark room, using the principle of small hole imaging, to reflect the scene on the canvas, and then just fill in the color."

"But such a scene is upside down," said Georgiana.

"Mirrors can be used." Farron said, "but the problem is, how does he paint in the dark."

Georgiana is reminded of "Girl with a Pearl Earring", her background is a mass of darkness, only the girl and her pearl earring stand out.

"You think this is an artist?" Raggett asked.

Everyone looked at him.

"He was like a printing press," Raggert explained.

"We are not sure whether the previous method can be realized." Farrong said, "and whether this method is successful or not, this is a technique, although it is different from the painter's technique we understand."

"Have you had an art education?" Raggett asked Fresnel.

"No, sir," Fresnel said.

"If that method can be successful, then people like him who have no foundation can also make paintings, so is it necessary for us to open art colleges and train painters?" Raggett asked.

"What do you think?" Farron asked Georgiana.

"Let's do an experiment!" Georgiana put down the painting in her hand, and stayed away from this topic by the way.

"I'll help you." Fresnel said quickly.

So they went to the next room.

But when Fresnel drew the curtains to create a dark room, Georgiana was on the alert.

She hastily withdrew from the room and ordered her guardian, Edgeworth, to be summoned. Georgiana would not share a room with a young man until he came, although Fresnel was still a child in her eyes.

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