
"Not now, Padma."

Georgiana yelled impatiently and went back to her room.

The moment the door closed, she felt relaxed.

Sometimes being alone doesn't mean being lonely. She waited for a while before taking out the letter that Di Loc had given her, but she didn't open it in a hurry.

Aachen is not very far from Maastricht, so the information she gave is not completely wrong, but is it enough time to go back and forth between Brussels and Aachen in one day and one night? What's more, it was not a cavalryman who delivered the letter, but a farmer.

Information transmission in this era is not like the 21st century, with telephones and the Internet, restricted by distance. Even if there was a telegraph, it was not laid from Aachen to Brussels. She did not expect that people would use semaphore on land.

"Miss me?"

She heard Severus' voice behind her, but didn't look back.

Now she really needs "treatment", but she doesn't use carnival to cover up the pain, although that will make her temporarily forget many things and feel a moment of relaxation.

She raised her head and looked at the paintings hanging in her bedroom. It was Rubens's golden tulips and Van Gogh's sunflowers. There was not only one painting, but people often remembered the most valuable one, because that one Copies of the paintings hang on many walls, and most of the originals are in museums, with only one in a private collection.

The painting hanging on the wall in her room is an original painting by Rubens, not a reproduction. Looking at this gorgeous baroque oil painting, two paintings came to mind in her mind, one is a full-body portrait of Louis XIV, and the other One is David's painting of Napoleon riding across the Alps. The Battle of Marengo took place in June, but the snow on the Alps had not yet melted, and the road disappeared at a place called St. Pierre, leaving only shepherds, antelope hunters and smugglers Walked off a cliff.

One wrong step would kill them, and the snow and glaciers above their heads began to melt after being scorched by the summer sun, which could easily cause avalanches. All animals were used to carry cannons and ammunition, and there were no mules and donkeys. It takes hundreds of people to pull the "sled", and crossing the Alps is certainly not as easy as it is painted in the picture.

Bonaparte rode on mules, and most of the time on foot, to cheer up the loaded soldiers and prevent confusion in the ranks.

As long as one person stops because he is afraid of the abyss under his feet, the people behind will also stop. This is not just causing a big congestion, so he ordered people to charge when he knew it might cause an avalanche drum music.

Fortunately, they did not encounter enemy harassment like Hannibal did. The last time I went to Lyon, Bonaparte donated money to the monastery on the St. Bernard Pass because they once took him in. The monastery was built by the Knights Hospitalier during the Crusades. They provided bread to every soldier who passed by. , cheese and a glass of wine for lunch.

The people in the mountains are simple, and there was a young man who got along very well with Bonaparte. Because of this young farmer as a guide, the French army crossed the Alps for the second time.

The young man was generously rewarded, but he would have been wise to leave his homeland like the Mamluks who had helped the French. Anyway, when Bonaparte went to look for him again, the young man was no longer there. The original priests and nuns have also changed a group of people, and no one knows their whereabouts.

He basically didn't say these things, but asked her to guess what force made them cross the Alps.

Georgiana glanced at the letter in her hand, hesitating whether to open it, when there was a knock on the door.

"What's the matter?" Georgiana asked.

"Ma'am, Miss Pelty is leaving soon," said Margaret from outside the door.

"Go? Where is she going?"


Georgiana got up immediately and came downstairs. At this time, Padma had already put on her cloak and was standing by the carriage at the door, about to board the carriage.

"Wait! What's going on here?"

"Not now!" Padma said angrily.

"Are you going now?" Georgiana asked.

"Mr. William Coke is going back to England, and I must go," said Padma.

"Are you ready?" Georgiana asked.

"Is there a difference?"

Georgiana would love to say yes.

"Who's taking you there?" Georgiana asked.

"Didn't you find someone to help me?" Padma said.

For a moment Georgiana did not know what to say.

"You've done enough for me, not to mention we can communicate with owls," Padma said.

Padma didn't appear to be afraid at all, but it seemed that Georgiana was too worried.

"If you are in danger, remember to come to me." Georgiana said.

Padma laughed, "Don't forget, I'm a wizard, what can Muggles do to me?"

"Don't underestimate the enemy!"

Padma came over and gave Georgiana a hug.

"I heard that you are in danger today, and you are not safe, so be careful."

Georgiana said nothing.

"If you are in danger, remember to go to Hogwarts, it is the safest place in the world." Georgiana said.

"I know." Padma let go of her hand, "You also have to remember to go there."

They did not say good-bye, and at last Georgiana watched Padma get into the carriage, and watched it disappear into the dark forest.

It was a long time before she returned to the castle, and on the way she met Marguerite, who was looking at Georgiana anxiously.

"Thank you." Georgiana smiled and said to her, "Thanks to your reminder, I can say goodbye to her."

"That's what I should do, ma'am," said Margaret softly.

Then Georgiana returned to her bedroom with heavy steps and continued to look at the paintings on the wall.

There is also a world-famous painting, that is, Napoleon crowning Josephine the queen's crown. At that time, he had already put on the laurel crown. Louis XIV also had a crown. The Charlemagne crown was used in his coronation ceremony. It was used by successive French kings, but it was destroyed during the Revolution. Louis XV's crown was re-made with a lot of jewels on it. Includes the Regent's Diamond on Napoleon's sword. However, in 1729, Louis XV asked the bishop of Saint-Denis to replace all the jewels on the crown with glass, and the real thing was hidden elsewhere. Louis XVI also used the crown when he was crowned, but all of them were replaced before the coronation. It came true, and changed back after the coronation was over.

Every culture has its symbol. For example, the East will use jade seals as the handover of ruling power. The new dynasty will inevitably remove the symbols of the previous dynasty. The crown of the Merovingian royal family is their long hair, which has become the coronation crown for Pepin the dwarf.

The coronation ceremony itself cannot create a king. The significance of the coronation is that the power of the king is bestowed by the divine power. In order to reflect this sacredness, from the Middle Ages to the 18th century, the king must participate in the healing ceremony, that is, the king puts his hand on the sick These diseases include leprosy and tuberculosis. The scene of hundreds of unfortunate patients gathering together to wait for the king is spectacular. Normal people can't imagine that diseases are so strange in the human body. role.

Louis XIV would do that on important festivals, but Louis XV refused to touch smallpox patients, and the ancient ritual ended with him.

Patients touched by the king did not necessarily recover, and the soldiers who contracted the bubonic plague in Jaffa were desperate, although they were not infected with the more deadly pneumonic plague.

That's when Bonaparte touched the swollen lymph nodes of a man who, as a mortal, was also at risk of infection.

Whatever purpose he was expressing, he did it anyway.

This thing is also called hope, although it is a little different from making a wish on a birthday, "I hope to have" something as a gift. Patients also know that the chances of recovery are slim, but they are still willing to immerse themselves in this "illusion".

There are many things, only when you lose it will you know its preciousness.

There were no female nurses at the Les Invalides, although women were generally thought to be fit for nursing. Georgiana sent the women of the workhouse to help there, and they could hardly support the disabled soldiers, they could only do some odd jobs.

Men and women have different physiques and different muscle content. How much does a person weigh? You will know when you lose the power to walk freely.

Or when you need someone to help you to urinate standing up, you will understand which is better, a strong woman or a woman who can fall in the wind. Of course, most people will not encounter that kind of situation. It is not ruled out that there are also beauties who are reliable, and honest women who are also abandoned and left.

The husband of the Queen of the Night said: "I believe in Sarastro as I believe in the sun. Don't be greedy for things that a woman can't grasp. Your duty is to take care of yourself and your daughter. This is the advice of a wise man."

Ignorance is not necessarily a misfortune. When the test comes, just do things according to your own heart.

Having experience is not necessarily a good thing. Before black swans appeared, people judged from experience that all swans were white.

Eighty-seven Gryffindor rules: Courage is born in tempering, and timidity is formed in hesitation.

It seemed that she had nothing to do but bless Padma.

She is not a smart person, why pretend to be the wise Merlin?

After a wry smile, she got up to take a shower. Although she was not hurt when she fell off the horse, she was covered in mud. As for the letter, we'll read it later.

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