Georgiana came out this time with only about 20 guards, plus they drank alcohol, so they were attacked.

But Napoleon once said that a single French soldier is not an opponent of Mamluks. After firing a musket, it takes time to reload the bullet. During this period, it is easy to be approached by cavalry without cover. Mamluk secondary weapons include spears and scimitars... In short, the scene was really bloody and not suitable for women and children to watch.

There were pairs of green eyes outside the manor, and she couldn't tell what kind of animal they belonged to. At this moment, Raggett raised his pistol and fired a shot in that direction. I don't know if he hit it. The outer eyes are all gone.

"I used to hunt with Joseph," said Raggett to Georgiana. "I'm going to check on Philippa, you..."

"I can take care of myself," she said quietly.

Raggett looked at her for a moment, unable to tell what his white eyes could see, then turned away.

Georgiana took out her wand.

The snow had not yet formed on the ground, and the blood stained the mud red. She smelled the smell of broken grass again, and there was also a smell of wine. The Mamluks who had drunk looked like a pack of wolves, scurrying around. bite.

Georgiana didn't stop them, nor encouraged them. She stepped into the yard and cast a transfiguration spell on the iron fences, so that those railings that could only be used as barriers became barbed with sharp barbs facing outward.

Then she walked towards the door. Whether she was defending or rushing out, she needed to control the entrance and exit. There were a few ragged people occupying it. At first they were a little nervous when they saw someone approaching, but when they saw her hands When I saw the "wooden stick" in my hand, I let down my vigilance.

Georgiana's wand is a beech, a tree that is common in the Sonnen Forest, and was taken from the site when Brussels built the city wall. A beech is not like a willow, you can just break a branch and plant it on the ground to grow into a big tree, so the wood that re-rooted and sprouted in the city wall is amazing.

Beech is an excellent hardwood, not only for furniture but also for charcoal. After so many years of felling, the Sonia Forest has shrunk a lot, and then began to plant trees, but the beech saplings were too expensive, and finally replaced with beech trees.

Who would regard a woman who picked up a branch at random as a threat to them?

Just as Georgiana was about to use a "Fuchsia", a horse neighed suddenly in the darkness, and then she saw a group of knights rushing out of the woods, knocking down the pedestrians on the roadside.

After seeing the situation in the manor, the leading knight blew the siren on his horse, and the gatekeepers seemed to be afraid of them and fled away one after another.

"Forest guard, put down your weapon immediately!"

Yet no one paid him any attention.

"Pay your gun and don't kill!" The forest guard shouted again.

"I surrender!" said one of the invaders who had been beaten back by the Mamluks.

"They just don't kill you now, think about the people who were executed by the wheel alive," another intruder said.

The intruder, who was just thinking about it, seemed to have changed his mind.

"I can spare you from dying," Georgiana said aside.

"Don't listen to that woman's nonsense!"

Georgiana's words seemed to have worked. Some people surrendered one after another, mainly ragged people, and some people resisted, but they no longer pose a threat to the Mamluks.

The raid ended as abruptly as it had begun, and there was an eerie silence.


A Mamluk howls.

Immediately afterwards, other Mamluks also began to celebrate their victory.

"I'm going to look into the house," Georgiana said to the horseman on horseback.

"I'll go with you." The forest guard dismounted, and the two went to the main house together.

They searched and found Raggett and Philippa, in the wine cellar, in Raggett's arms, weeping.

"They were trying to kidnap her," Raggett said.

"Who are they?" Georgiana asked.

"A pack of beasts," cried Philippa.

"I think...they might be trying to catch you." Raggett looked at Georgiana and said, "You have too few guards."

She didn't continue to ask, but asked Raggett to help Philippa up, and she wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

Oldgheim is currently still a village in the valley, next to Botsford and Wertmeyer. Since the Middle Ages, the dukes and earls of Brabantine have used it as a hunting palace, so there is a A road from Brussels to Botsford.

Later, the Spaniards established the Governor's Palace in Tel Feilun, and connected Tel Feilun with Botsford, thus forming an important road from Brussels to Tel Feilun.

These three places were originally merged into one city with the expansion, but in the era of the Directorate, the French forcibly divided them into three communes.

Oldgheim is located between Brussels and Tervuren. If the road from Brussels to Tervuren is repaired in the future, the traffic will be very convenient. If you don't care about the "borrowers" who live in the open space, the lake and mountains are really beautiful here, which is very suitable for building a high-end residential area.

There are currently no blueprints for the Paris Industrial Exposition Pavilion, but if the Belgian Industrial Exposition in 1803 can be held successfully, it will also make boring Europe lively again. This is what the planners Georgiana saw at the castle planned. And after these news spread, the land price in Oldheim may be about to rise, but it is still a place that no one cares about.

Those "forest guards" who suddenly appeared have existed since the Middle Ages. They were originally the Duke's forest guards, responsible for catching poachers. In the 14th century, Duke John III of Brabantine built a castle in the forest. Moats and prisons, dedicated to detaining poachers.

A fire in the 16th century destroyed more than half of the castle, and now there are still towers and newly added buildings. There is a National Guard stationed here, the so-called "Forest Guard".

They usually patrol the forest, and in theory Oldham is also their jurisdiction, although the trees there have been cut down. These forest guards provided Georgiana with a temporary residence, and also vacated the cells for those intruders who surrendered.

Some of these people are wanderers looking for money, but the mastermind is Baekeland's gang of robbers. Their target is indeed Georgiana. They plan to kidnap her when the guards around her are weak, but the target of the kidnapping is at the last moment. Take Philippa for Georgiana.

Including those who were killed, the bandit gang lost 10 male members. If Baekeland was wise enough, he should take the gold, silver and jewelry he looted and find a place to live incognito.

But instinct told Georgiana that he would not let it go.

She sent a messenger to inform Langenhofen and Lupe of her current encounter, and then thought about what to do next.

She said she was thinking, but in fact she found a room to be alone for a while, without thinking about anything.

In the past, Pomona's hobby was sleeping. Her sleep quality was very good, and she had no dreams at night.

Georgiana rubbed her face, the cold wind mingled with snow numb her face, making it difficult to make any clever expressions.

Who would like such a woman?

She tried to smile, but found that she seemed to have lost her smile.

At first glance, the death penalty sounds terrible, but what if you suffer it alive?

"Go to sleep, just sleep and you'll be fine."

She seemed to hear Albus say that.

This time she didn't intend to disobey him, and fell asleep on the table, even for a short while? She's going to sleep for a while before the others come, just hoping she doesn't have nightmares.

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