As the site of the hunting palace in the past, the forest of Telferen is not only dense, but also has a lot of prey, including wolves, but they run away when they see humans riding horses.

People often think that animals are not intelligent, but they actually remember the threat of humans and will not approach them easily.

Just when Georgiana was about to leave the castle, she met a bank clerk who was a subordinate of Saihe, a big businessman in the Bordeaux area.

Saihe once participated in the chairmanship of the Girondist government, but he did not go to the guillotine like other Girondists such as Roland and Condorcet. He just was not elected to the National Convention.

He chose to support Napoleon when he launched the Brumaire coup, and he also participated in this tour. He spends more time in social situations, and his subordinates are responsible for accounting and other work.

Lana was assigned to Antwerp for embezzling Guards funds to decorate his new home, and Briand, who also had problems in this regard, was "exiled" to Sweden.

When Brion was secretary to the First Consul, it was easy for him to "borrow" money, simply by crossing off the names of a few exiles on the list. Some of these people do not want them to come back, and some do not want to be stipulated that they must come back within a deadline. They can travel abroad instead of going into exile, and they can travel for as long as they want. After the trip, if they find that their property has been occupied by others, they can go through judicial procedures to get it back. When the exiles would receive a letter, like a court summons, there must be a response.

With this money, Briand invested in a Parisian bank which, unfortunately, took on several Army contracts, some of which had to do with Berthier. The bank eventually went bankrupt because of its involvement in public debt speculation, and Briand also suffered heavy losses. It doesn't matter if he has been the secretary, the point is that he resigned, and soon the post office found some letters, and finally Brion was charged with embezzlement.

Brion did not embezzle public funds, but the people who "lend" him embezzled. None of the people Brion had recommended helped him, and Bonaparte clearly drew a line with him. However, because Brion was often a ghostwriter for Napoleon as a private secretary, it was difficult to distinguish Brion's letters from Napoleon's letters. In the end, Brion was not tried and became the Swedish ambassador.

Earls and marquises scrambling to get under the table in order to get a handkerchief for the king are ugly, but they flatter and flatter the ruler. The works of art of the past, in order to highlight a great man, elevated him so that he stood out from the crowd, and the public was often at their feet.

There is an idiom called "praise the high and step down the low". He himself will not think that there is a problem with him. Once someone points it out, he will definitely be furious, and the person who points it out will offend him.

Looking in the mirror, this kind of person will only accept the decent and stalwart self, just like Rohart, but she also knows that it is unrealistic to ask a person not to chase fame and fortune, and to restrain ordinary people with the standards of a saint.

Sometimes Georgiana also wants to live a life of indifference like Clayte. But after learning about Brion's fate after losing power, she didn't know that this idea might bring serious "sequelae" to herself.

It was a good opportunity to get to know the Duke of Abar at the Opera House that day, but Georgiana left early, and it is rare to want the same opportunity now, unless she throws a party and invites their family over.

Even so, Duke Abar could refuse, so she was too honest and didn't know how to play it by ear.

The bells of the church sounded in the distance, echoing in the forest. This feeling is very "gothic", but it is not the kind of flame goth, but the kind of dark goth, which makes people feel not warm, gloomy and cold.

Somewhere in the forest, she reined in her horse and stopped, and the others also stopped, and there was a white mist in the air, which was the breath of the horses.

If this is really the underworld, why does it look so much like a living person, even with these details?

"It's getting dark," Figel said. "Let's not stay outside too long."

Georgiana ignored her. She still remembered the adventure in the Alps. Once, the Italians who were involved in the Spanish throne war hid in the mountains. In order to prevent the other party from collecting food, the French and Austrian troops burned down the houses.

At that time, she restored the ruins and saw words written in French on the wall, "the devil is dead". Then she tricked a devil into a bottle.

The so-called curses are often small inadvertent things, such as touching a ring or necklace, and then you can never get rid of it.

"Ma'am?" Figel asked.

"Why didn't this generation escape the war-torn residents?" Georgiana asked.

"There are many forests," Figel said.

Georgiana frowned.

When drinking tea in the morning, she took a special look at the tea stains at the bottom of the cup. It was still an ominous sign. It was obvious that Betty had been arrested.

"What's wrong?" Figel asked.

"It's not a good idea to go back," Georgiana said. "I have a bad feeling."

"Then where are we going?"

"Follow the bell," said Georgiana, and galloped through the woods again.

Today she's wearing a cape, black on the outside and bright red on the inside, which keeps fluttering in the wind, giving her a medieval vibe.

She really wanted to see if she could use the God-Calling Guard, if she could use it now.

Because Harry Potter wanted to see his father, he used a time-turner to go back a few hours, but it turned out that he himself summoned the Patronus to save himself, Sirius, and Buckbeak.

He is not some savior, just an ordinary boy. He passed out after using up the summoning guard, but fortunately, Hermione Granger was not an ordinary girl, she was a witch, and sent Sirius, who was also unconscious, to the hippogriff with a levitating spell.

Wingardium leviosa.

The caster makes it levitate.

What was she floating now?

Suddenly there was bird singing in the forest, full of panicked sounds, wolves, foxes, rabbits, etc. fled away one after another, even the horses felt it and stopped.

Georgiana fell to the ground, maybe the fallen leaves acted as a cushion, she didn't break her neck, and then she stood up.

These trees looked like giants. During the Battle of Hogwarts, she had used the devil's net to tie up the giants, but she never thought of using the levitating spell to levitate the giants. After all, they were not feathers.

She might be really crazy, and actually tried to "float" those trees with wandless magic. These trees often have deep roots, and even machines can't pull them out, they can only be sawed off.

But she still wanted to try, the process was extremely painful, she wailed, and then the fallen leaves on the ground floated up, followed by the broken branches, they gave off a rotten smell that made people sick.

After she pulls up a tree, she wants to try another one. If one day the Siberian trees fight with the wizard watching Quidditch due to black magic, she will need this power.

However, when she subconsciously took a step forward, she felt so heavy.

What kind of strange feeling is this? She can't describe it in words. Only the feeling of using magic power so freely makes her feel a lot better, and her mood is not so bad.

She took her wand from the quivering flower bracelet and waved it lightly, and the fallen tree returned to where it had been.

Soon, the forest returned to its former calm, only the Muggles who had witnessed everything were left looking at her in shock.

"Would you like me to clean their memories?" Caroline asked.

"Whatever," said Georgiana indifferently.

Just then, a tree that had been re-established fell down with a loud bang.

"Where does a person like you need protection?" Coraline, who was wearing a cloak, whispered, then turned and left.

Georgiana used "Fuchsia" on the tree, but it didn't respond. I don't know if the spell is only effective for "animals" or because she ran out of magic power.

"Woof!" a black dog with a wet nose barked at her.

She felt that her nose was also wet, and when she touched it with her hand, it was actually full of blood.

She looked up at the sky again, wondering if it was her illusion, or the dense leaves had fallen a lot, and the sky seemed brighter than before.

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