When a group of young "upstarts" came to the Tuileries Palace, Bonaparte once told them such a story. One day a wealthy Marseille businessman received a young man with a good family. The young man carried a letter of recommendation with him. After reading the letter, the businessman found that the paper was very expensive, but three quarters of it was blank, so he put The blank letterheads are torn off and put in a cardboard box for recycling.

The young man didn't care about this, and accepted the businessman's invitation to go to his house for dinner. At his house, the young man was stunned by the businessman's rich family background and good taste. Differently, the young man was very satisfied with the family banquet, but he couldn't hide his confusion about the businessman's previous behavior, so the businessman explained to him, "You are too young to understand the masses, which is the only real power. "

Georgiana, escorted by guards, arrived near Lechen Castle, and then she saw a group of farmers shutting free-range pigs into newly repaired pens.

They were originally free and happy pigs, looking for their favorite tubers in the forest, but now they are caught, and they inevitably wail, as if they also know that all caught pigs will face the fate of being slaughtered.

It didn't take long for the farmer to pour a bucket of red things into their troughs. These are beetroots left after sugar extraction. Due to technical problems, there are actually a lot of powdered sugar in the beetroots. Pigs love them as much as horses Eating candy, they ate it happily, and soon forgot the fear of being arrested just now.

Meanwhile the farm was tinkering with repairs to the house, the smokehouse where the bacon was made. Due to technical limitations, bacon can be preserved for 30 days in winter. If the weather is hotter, it cannot be preserved for such a long time. It can only be used to make bacon. But Christmas is coming, and many families will buy food for Christmas dinner. Purchase some time in advance, the closer to the festival the more expensive the prices will be.

Belgian beef mainly comes from the Netherlands. The Netherlands has a well-developed animal husbandry industry, especially dairy cows. Not only are there a lot of dairy products, but also young bulls will be exported as vegetable cattle and sold in Belgium after being fattened.

But if you want to drink fresh milk in the city, you still have to rely on the supply from your own farm in Belgium. Georgiana once saw a milkmaid in Mechelen. She led her own cows and peddled them in the streets. He stopped her, and she milked the customers on the street on the spot.

Georgiana doesn't know if the people drinking coffee in the Parisian cafe will have the appetite to drink latte after seeing that scene. Any village strives to be self-sufficient, but it will never be able to do so. It will sell the surplus products to neighboring villages , buy salt, condiments, and replace horseshoes for horses. If they do not pay taxes and land rent, and do not encounter natural disasters and wars, farmers can actually live very well.

But they have to support lords and nobles who talk about food and clothing. If they want to show off in court life, they must collect enough land rent and taxes from the peasants, otherwise they can only borrow money from the king.

Richelieu demolished the walls of the castles of the lords, making them useless for defense, and destroyed their stud farms, leaving the French cavalry without horses. Let the nobles bow their heads and ears, and become gorgeous furniture. It took three or four duchesses what a clothes-rod could solve.

In that closed world, people compete for better positions. Louis XV's handkerchief was lost, a group of counts and dukes scrambled to get under the table to pick it up, and finally one count picked it up, and then he got the position of managing silverware for the king.

When she observed those Belgian peasants, she found a characteristic. When she visited France before, the peasants wore cotton clothes, while the Belgian peasants still wore dull dungarees. After getting rich, people tend to improve their lives. Georgiana has a goth cloth factory. Before the revolution, the goth cloth business was very good. After better choices, no one wears it, but it doesn’t take long to wear weak cotton cloth for farm work. It needs to be replaced with a new one.

She couldn't think of a solution for a while, and after the farmers locked up the pigs, Georgiana let the horses run. This place is located northeast of Brussels, very close to Tervuren Castle. In the 13th century it was once the residence of the Duke of Brabant, and later became the residence of the Spanish Governor. The castle was transformed into a country house, and at the same time the Church of St. Hubertus was built nearby.

It remained like this until the 18th century. Charles of Lorraine wanted to convert it into a Versailles-style summer house, but he built the chessboard garden first, and the castle still looked like a hunting palace. Maria Christina did not live for a day after she came. Pass. Joseph II ordered the demolition of the Duke's castle, but did not order the demolition of the garden. It is still possible to walk a short distance from the castle of Lechen to the garden of Charles of Lorraine.

But as the headquarters of a bank, its location is too remote, and the banks are all in the downtown area. However, the fountains in the garden are all open, and it is not as remote as Georgiana imagined. There is a market nearby, which is the size of a rural market. To get there, you have to pass a country dirt road. Ducks, both domestic and wild, walked around the lake, as if they too thought the water was too cold.

Arriving at the gate of the main house of the castle, Georgiana first saw someone holding blueprints and pointing at the surrounding scenery. It seemed that the "tenant" wanted to expand the "landlord"'s house.

In fact, Georgiana wanted to build a direct road from Brussels to here. It would be better if there were street lights on the side of the road, but there were no lights in the downtown area, so it seemed a waste to lay street lights in this inaccessible place. But if there is an armored vehicle passing by, the forest will be full of darkness, which is just right for the robbers to ambush.

This also involves the location of the vault, which is what bankers fear most. If Napoleon directly takes away the real gold and silver in the vault as military expenses, who can stop him?

Georgiana dismounted and ignored the two planners. She wanted to see if she could use something as collateral to borrow some money from the banker to repay the 26 million franc bond.

What I didn't expect was that the inside was much more "lively" than the outside. The decoration team transformed the hall that was originally used to hold the dance party into a lobby. There are French area, Dutch area, German area, and English area. There are two tables in each area. , the service staff and customers communicate across the table amidst the noise of decoration.

"Give way!"

Just when Georgiana was in a daze, she heard someone behind her say, and then she got out of the way, and two workers were carrying a potted plant into it.

She couldn't help but followed it curiously. It might have been a small living room for guests to rest before, but now it has become a reception room. William Cockerill, who she met once, was talking with the manager.

Not only was the manager's desk larger than those of the outside clerks, but there was a small plaque on it bearing his title.

Georgiana withdrew without disturbing them, and looked around again. She found that there were no Spanish and Russian sections in the office window, and there were obviously not enough rooms in the castle. If they became offices, there would be no rest place.

So she struggled, should the banker pay for the expansion, or should she, as the landlord, pay for it?

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