Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 245 The Troublemaker

Pomona and Severus first found the gloomy Hermione. When she was in a bad mood, she would turn out many little birds to circle around her. Lonely.

"Hi." Even really optimistic and compassionate people feel tired after taking care of the old bat, not to mention her pretender, Pomona, and Hermione sitting on the steps of the second floor. greet.

"I yelled at her stupid bitch." Hermione wiped away her tears and said in a sobbing voice, "After Ron got out of the hospital, I never had a good word with Lavender. I sneered at her, saying she was cheeky and showing off. coquettish..."

"You're not alone." Pomona sat down next to Hermione, then glared at another bad guy who caused the girls to fight.

"I'm going to find Draco." He walked away with a wink, and when his footsteps were far away, Pomona leaned on Hermione's shoulder "I don't just hate her, I hate Ginny too, I I think she is very ambitious, but in fact, she is just like Lavender, just boldly chasing what she wants."

"She was bitten by a werewolf," cried Hermione. "She enjoyed Trelawney's divination class. Why didn't Sybil predict it for her?"

"It wasn't a full moon, and Greyback didn't turn into a wolf. How do you see her?"

"Her face is ruined, just like Bill's."

"I don't think I should say that, but I'm going to say it anyway, thank goodness!" Pomona said with a laugh.

Hermione looked at her puzzled.

"No matter what disease is better than a werewolf." She sighed. "I like Remus very much, but I still want to separate him and Tonks, because I am very afraid that he will give birth to a werewolf child."

"Teddy isn't, his eating habits don't even look like Bill, just like normal people."

"I think God bless him, by the way, how did Harry become Teddy's godfather?"

"After Tonks became pregnant, Professor Lupine was afraid that the child he would give birth to would be a werewolf, so he abandoned Tonks and came to find Harry, wanting to carry out dangerous missions with him." Hermione shook her head inexplicably. What are you thinking?"

"He wants to die, this is not the first time he has done this." Pomona said blankly, "Before the invention of the improved wolfsbane potion, he drank the wolfsbane potion made from aconitum, which is a very poisonous , he drank it without hesitation, and later he left Tonks to work as an undercover agent for the werewolf, I guess he didn't intend to come back alive."

"Why did he leave Tonks?"

"Because I did it." Pomona looked at Hermione blankly. "Tonks is a student of my academy, and besides, their age gap is too big."

"You are not her parents."

"I didn't persuade Tonks. I persuaded Remus. I told him, for the sake of that girl's happiness, leave her!"

"That's terrible!" Hermione looked at Pomona in disbelief.

"Is it worse than the two of them fighting together and leaving Teddy to grow up alone?" Pomona took off her hat, letting her long gray winged hair fall over her shoulders "Girls are always easy to fall in love , and then make a series of bad decisions, there are always silly girls in my academy who get scammed by bad boys, and I am irresponsible, womanizers, and better than pure bloods and death eaters, in my eyes Draco Malfoy calling you a Mudblood is worse than him calling you a stupid bitch."

"He didn't call me a stupid bitch," said Hermione inexplicably.

"You are the best in the whole grade. If he scolds you like that, it means that he is stupider than you. This is one of Draco's strengths. He will not humiliate himself in this respect, so he can only learn from your background." humiliate you."

"Oh." Hermione said suddenly.

"I hate people like Lockhart, who only brag and cheat. Do you still believe that fighting a werewolf will only make his face a little dusty? And the snowman is also, that kind of monster is afraid of fire, but he Teach you to use the curse to make the snowman get a cold and you can defeat it. I think Severus is the kind of sincere person. He has achieved his current strength through his own efforts. He taught Lockhart a lesson in the duel room For a second, I'm so proud of him, I just don't understand why it's the way it is."

"What's wrong?"

Pomona didn't know how to answer Hermione's question.

"Lockhart was doing badly at school, sent himself 800 love letters every Valentine's Day, set up a restaurant full of owl droppings, and we all breathed a sigh of relief when he graduated. But soon he was abroad. More and more stories are coming out, he is in a distant place, dedicated to eliminating all kinds of dangers, the cause of dark creatures, Severus should leave the school like him, we imprisoned him all his life, just because he The mistakes he made when he was young, he is a prisoner like Sirius." She panted heavily, and she felt that she was about to suffocate, "I don't have any decent opposite sex around me, he is very good, Harry relies on his An old textbook turned Potions Genius, and his real talent was even better, and I was drawn to it."

"I don't see what's wrong with that?"

"Oh, no, dear, it's wrong, it's all wrong," she replied with a smile, "we should be looking for a partner outside the school, instead of sneaking around in the game reserve, let this school be stained, here is knowledge The palace is a place to learn morality and magic. It sends fresh blood to the wizarding world, which is equivalent to the bone marrow in the human body. Once there is a problem in this place, the whole body will also have problems. I should be fair and just, not Partial because of love, Severus wants to pull the whole Hufflepuff on his chariot, last time Ernie McMillan was on your side, DA finally became the winner, the battle of Hogwarts Hufflepuff Puff is in too, we're the biggest academy, and while there's a lot of mediocrity, there's a lot of great talent, and in the end we won too, and I'm so dazzled by him now, I don't know what's the right thing to do, other people trust I, I feel that the choice I made is correct. If I stand on the wrong team with me, it will bring disaster to themselves and their family. My own life has gone wrong, and I bear all the responsibilities, but I cannot get involved For other people, it is very important to be rational, but people can't help being emotional. The two biggest mistakes you made in the last adventure, one is to release the dragon of Gringotts, and the other is to apparate to The position was exposed in the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, I am very angry, Hermione, I am not a qualified leader, so I handed over the decision-making power to you, because you are more rational than me, except for the issue of Ron, why do you Be as stupid as I am, turning against your friend for a man."

"Lavender and I are not friends, but roommates." Hermione calmed down at this moment, "It seems that your problem is more serious than mine."

"Of course! Your Ron is a little guy, you just need to deal with your own problems, Severus Snape is a big problem, he is like a teenager when Bella provokes him and Narcissa Malfoy signed the unbreakable oath, and the witness is still a Black, he swore the oath so hastily, I have the heart to kill him."

"Fred almost coaxed Ron to make an unbreakable vow before, when Ron was only 5 years old, Arthur found out, Arthur lost his temper, Ron said that was the only time he saw his father angry like his mother, Fred De said his ass looks different."

Pomona wished she could beat the Potions Master as hard as Arthur beat Fred, but she shuddered at the thought, because it felt so nasty.

It was as weird as a whip. When did the Slytherin boy who put peppermint in her palm become so evil now?

"I hate you, Severus." She murmured, she wanted him to give her back his innocence!

"Hahaha." Peeves threw a red water balloon down the steps, and it nearly hit Hermione.

Pomona immediately raised her wand, said "Carpe Retractum", and a golden light from the end of the wand pulled Peeves from 20 feet in the air.

"I haven't seen Peeves for a long time. Are you so arrogant that you dare to bully the professor?" Pomona said with a sweet smile. She controlled Peeves with her wand, but her eyes were the most evil. Even Peeves They were too scared to laugh.

"Forgive me, Professor Sprout!" exclaimed Peeves.

"Professor McGonagall will only threaten to find the headmaster when he meets Peeves..." Hermione whispered in shock when she saw the scene in front of her.

"Are you still bullying the house-elf in the kitchen?"

"No, I swear not!"

"Why can't I trust you?"

"I swear to God I never went to the kitchen after the war!"


"They will resist, ouch!" Taking advantage of Pomona's distraction, Peeves ran away.

"Why did you let it go?" Hermione said listlessly.

"Compared to the werewolf problem, house-elf rights are your job." Pomona sighed. "House-elves have a very complicated social structure. Do you know why Dobby likes to make friends with humans? Because it An anomaly among house-elves that no house-elf would want to befriend."

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