Chapter 2441

After the redistribution of public land in France in 1789, there was a wave of baby boomers. Even farm laborers got the land, which improved the life that was too miserable. And because there were no more lords and nobles, there were no land annexers. People yearn for a happy and comfortable life.

At the same time, some small farmers and day laborers left the countryside and migrated to the cities. This was not only because of the city’s wages, positions, and new lifestyles, but also because the old system that firmly locked the serfs in the past collapsed. Some areas will stipulate that, If the children of serfs want to inherit their parents' things, they must stay at home. If this rule is not followed, everything of their parents will be taken away by the lord.

Cities, especially cities like Paris, attract many people. This may be the reason why Jeanne did not choose to leave after cheating, but continued to stay in Paris until the fire could not be contained.

Except for Paris, other places are all in the countryside. How could she adapt to the life of Versailles?

After changing her clothes, Georgiana calmed down a little. People's memory is very imperfect, that is, it is easy to be forgotten and misinterpreted, so props such as a pensieve are needed, so that you can witness the situation when the crime happened, just like watching a surveillance video.

Rumors are unchecked, and while they are not necessarily all false, it cannot be ruled out that they are intentional. For example, after the necklace incident, there was another rumor on the market that Queen Mary and Jeanne conspired to defraud Archbishop Roon of his money.

When everyone is spreading rumors, some people will take the rumors as true, and even unconsciously change their confession so that it is consistent with what the rumors say. Bow Street detectives not only need to be diligent, but also need to rush to collect confessions from multiple sources before the rumors spread, and then cross these confessions.

Perhaps hearing Georgiana's footsteps, Langenhofen, who was waiting in the hall on the first floor, turned his head and looked at Georgiana on the stairs in a little surprise.

She knew that this outfit would surprise him, and he probably wouldn't see it in Brussels, or even in other countries. The men's clothes she brought had been modified by Bertin and the gold scissors tailor she found, and they were already neutral. Wearing the amethyst lotus brooch she just bought, it's a pity that she is not tall, but she doesn't plan to pass on high heels, but wears boots that are more convenient for walking on muddy ground.

"I'm sorry for calling you so late, Senator," she said in a mocking tone, walking down the stairs. "Is the way here safe?"

"It doesn't matter." Langenhofen said calmly, "I believe that no robber would dare to attack the police."

"You can just send the chief of police, why come in person."

"Actually, I have something else to discuss with you." Langenhofen raised his briefcase, "Leave the work of the police to the police."

"Matilda!" she yelled.

"Yes, ma'am!" Matilda answered upstairs.

"Go make a pot of tea and bring it to the living room."

Then she went with Langenhofen to the place where his wife had been received that morning.

Not long after they sat down, the Duchess Rushfoucauld personally brought them steaming tea with her maid. Langenhofen took out a silver jug ​​from his jacket pocket and poured a little brandy into the tea. , and drank it while it was hot.

"Add more wood to the fire," said Georgiana to the Duchess Lachefoucauld.

"Yes, ma'am."

It was Alice's mother who answered, but the maid who came in with her did the work. After the fire in the fireplace was well lit, the servants all withdrew, leaving only the former Duchess standing in the corner.

Langenhofen glanced at Duchess Rushfoucauld.

"Speak directly," Georgiana said calmly.

"We have come up with a plan for the maintenance of Brussels Boulevard." Langenhofen took a stack of papers out of the briefcase. "We can allocate funds from the postage costs."

"I don't think it's worth the trip yourself," said Georgiana.

"This is the way our agronomists came up with. We can change the pigs from free-range to pens, and use the beet residue from the sugar mill as pig feed. The detailed plan is in the report, but this involves a problem .” Langenhofen paused. “We need agricultural protection tariffs.”

Georgiana looked at Langenhofen without touching the document.

"Not to France, but to Holland, especially meat, I think you also know how much cheaper beef is than pork."

"If you export pork to France, you will know that the price of pork will soon increase due to the shortage of supply." Georgiana said.

"Pigs are not like cattle and sheep. They only give birth to one at a time. Besides, they eat everything. They can stay in the pigsty all the time and don't need pastures to graze. Have you ever been to St. Giles parish?"

"What?" Georgiana said.

"I guess you haven't been either, even though you're English," Langhenhofen said. "It's where the lowest class of Irish people in London live, and they have all sorts of occupations, a lot of them boxers and wrestlers, so It can attract a lot of gamblers, and they still raise pigs where they live, usually in the backyard, sometimes downstairs, and a large family lives in a single room, the room is supported by dirty wood."

Georgiana had nothing to say.

"They take all kinds of jobs, so Londoners think that the Irish have taken their jobs. There is an open space there, which is usually used for fighting. The Irish and the English often fight there, and the police often come forward to organize them. I don't know. I don’t want Belgium to be like this.”

"You don't welcome the Irish?" Georgiana asked.

"It was predictable, ma'am, I practiced as a lawyer for the Brabantine rebels, but I also know how eager they are to come home."

"What do you want to say?" she asked patiently.

"Don't treat us like a colony," Langenhofen said. "Or give us back the jurisdiction."

"You think I can decide this matter?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"You signed that document..."

"I don't want to sign!" She shouted a little angrily, "I don't know how angry he will be, but how did you say 'making these people pay the price of their lives is to make the bad guys repent, not to entertain the public', you Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

Langenhofen sighed.

"Then why did you sign it?"

Georgiana did not answer.

"I heard that you passed by the town of St. Nicholas. The people there welcome you very much. Why?" Langenhofen asked.

"I need time to think about it," Georgiana said.

"This is our condition. If we can agree, it is not impossible to implement a beet sugar factory." Langhenhofen said, "Whether poor or rich, they must satisfy their appetites, although whether it is wine or sugar is harmful to the body. It's no good."

"You sound like a doctor."

"I was originally a doctor."

"Where's your brother, why doesn't he go out to practice medicine?"

Langenhofen did not answer.

"I should take him less to those parties." Henry said with some regret, "because he took mysticism seriously."

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