Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2436 Reckless Plan (Part 2)

Charing Cross Road is a loud and spacious place, with great coach-houses for seeing off or washing visitors, stables for nobles, kennels, and, of course, the indispensable poor, who always congregate at the quays, Stations, small street markets are everywhere.

The Leaky Cauldron seemed dirty and small in the 20th century, but it fit perfectly into the 18th century Charing Cross Road. Before the International Statute of Secrecy was implemented, Muggles could also enter here, although most of them did not know that the bar was run by wizards.

After the implementation of the International Statute of Secrecy, although bars were still allowed to continue to operate, Muggles were not allowed to enter freely. At that time, Diagon Alley was not a dedicated commercial street for wizards, and bars only protected a few shops next to it. More and more wizard shops set up shop here, crowding out the original butchers.

Some wizards will leave Diagon Alley after buying wizard supplies, go to the small Muggle market to buy some vegetables and meat, and then go back with Floo powder at the Leaky Cauldron. Charing Cross Road used to be prosperous and beautiful, but now most of those buildings are dilapidated and have reached the point of no hope. Every day at twelve o'clock at noon, there will be two very large stalls set up here to sell "bow pow pie", which is made of heavily seasoned meat. No one knows what animal they once grew on, a thick crust covering the stuffing and lying in a large, deep pan, a 1.5p pie that diners usually eat on the spot when they arrive .

The terrier dogs in the noble kennels will bark constantly at this time, and the cavalry guards will also appear at this time, so this pie without a name is known as "woof pie".

But this street is also close to Mayfair and Soho, both of which are the most glamorous neighborhoods in London, frequented by aristocrats and foreign guests. The Prince Regent had a man named Nash build a straight street to bring nature to the rich in St James's, Mayfair and Marylebone, where they could walk and drink.

This "continental model" originated from the Sun King Louis XIV, but Louis XIV built Versailles on the outskirts of Paris, and planned the Grand Palace in the east of Brussels, although no matter whether it is the palace in the city center or the grand palace that has not been built in the east Louis XIV never lived there, but such a large project in a densely populated area was unheard of.

A man like Septimus Malfoy wouldn't go to a street that smelled of livestock, and he didn't want to be bothered, but he suggested that Sparvin go to Georgiana anyway.

Georgiana didn't understand either, what could it have to do with her that the Prince Regent wanted to build in London? But Sparven felt that someone should take care of this matter. When the magnificent street was built, the existence of the dilapidated Leaky Cauldron would be very abrupt. What would happen to the Leaky Cauldron and the Diagon Alley behind it?

When Spavin finished what he wanted to say, he woke up Henry Petty who had fallen to the ground with his wand. Henry Petty looked a little delirious when he stood up, and Georgiana was worried that his brain had been damaged. damage.

"Don't worry, I'm not one of those kids who won't restrain themselves," Spavin said, before leaving the break room.

"Who is that?" asked Henry Petty, bewildered.

"I don't know how to describe it to you," Georgiana said with a headache.

At this moment, the bell rang downstairs, and the next scene was about to begin.

"I must go," Georgiana said to Henry Petty, and rose to leave the drawing room.

"Georgiana." Just as her hand touched the doorknob, Henry Petty stopped her, "You can try this and let Napoleon gather the funds of those who he thinks should be rewarded, Loans to farmers through banks in Lyon."

"You didn't hear that Arthur Young was nearly hanged?" she retorted.

"That's the last of your worries," said Henry Petty dryly.


"Wolves always want to eat meat. When they are hungry, they will attack their owners. It is better to let them learn to obey orders and have meat."

"Wolves have no master." Georgiana said indifferently, then opened the door and left the lounge.

The purpose of setting up the "Corn Law" is to protect farmers from going bankrupt because of the low price of grain. However, when the Corn Law was abolished, the price of grain rose instead of falling. The main reason is that a large number of local British farmers feel that growing grain is not profitable. Abandoning the farmland and relying on imported grains alone, even England's population is relatively small, cannot meet the demand.

Then there is the limitation of transportation capacity. Even if the grains in the United States cannot be eaten locally, they cannot be shipped to Europe.

Shipbuilding needs wood, and England's wood is almost cut down, and there is corruption in the naval yards.

She knew that these people were not philanthropists, and that the weavers in Lyon had a bad life, but the more people interacted with each other, the more they became friends. In the past, Georgiana thought that St. Merry was the kind of person who used Josephine after he had used her, and when he entered the upper class, he felt that she was worthless and would cling to her. It seems that she was wrong.

Both he and Josephine were from Martinique, and not only were they friendly, but fellow countrymen. More importantly, Josephine has marriage protection. Unlike Georgiana, others will also assess the risk of following her. When Bonaparte no longer loves her, or the situation is so bad that the two countries go to war again, then everything will come to naught, so There are only a few people around her.

All her efforts felt futile. Of course, she could also choose to be blind. She can enjoy all that mistress status brings, but then she is like those lost in this world.

For some people, a stunning view from a window is a must, like sipping coffee overlooking Central Park in a luxury apartment in a New York skyscraper. The forest looks beautiful from a distance, but as soon as you walk into the forest, the sense of beauty disappears. This forest is not just joggers and happy families playing in the grass with their dogs.

Such is the state of human happiness and joy, that we are always envious of others from afar, that "what is not" is indeed more attractive than "has been", and that one will pay any price for what one wants.

Napoleon's empire was over, and Bonaparte was not as single-minded as the legend said, why would she leave Severus for things she didn't need?

She could also pretend that she didn't hear the well-known fact that the Lover wasn't in love with Lily.

If she had nothing, like a wanderer in the forest, when she looked up at the man overlooking the scenery from the window of the mansion, she...


Georgiana looked at the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared, and although he looked harmless, she remained vigilant.

"Please don't treat the corpses of those assassins like that."

"What are you doing!" The guards noticed the abnormality and rushed over quickly, one of them even took off his hat.

"Have mercy." The middle-aged man was still shouting when he was taken away, "Please have mercy."

Georgiana looked downstairs, and although most of the people had gone, there were still some, and they were also looking at her.

After a while, they all turned their eyes to the door, and their steps were so hurried that it seemed that a monster was chasing after them.

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