Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2432 The Battle of the Queen of the Night (Part 2)

No matter how beautifully the Queen's aria is sung, what it expresses is the flames of vengeance. The Queen of the Night tells her daughter to kill Sarastro, and if she doesn't kill him, the Queen of the Night will disown her.

One night queen is enough trouble, let alone three, and many people on the dance floor are discussing this topic. But not everyone is interested in theatre, and Jean Dasay is pitching his new invention to Belgian MPs.

This is inspired by the invention of the pressure cooker in the 17th century, which boiled the bones into a powder and also formed a jelly-like jelly.

Due to the shortage of materials during the French Revolution, the National Assembly hoped to find a way to improve the nutritional diet of the poor to deal with the famine. Then Jean Dasay invented the method of soaking bones in dilute hydrochloric acid and then steaming them to obtain gelatin.

Dassay was promoted to almost all the asylums and workhouses in Paris, including Georgiana's workhouse, but no one bothered to try it. Some people doubt whether the nutrition in gelatin is enough, and Georgiana will not give food soaked in dilute hydrochloric acid to children.

Someone wrote a paper asking the French Academy to express its opinion on the use of gelatin food. If it is approved, gelatin will be promoted in navigation and the army after canning. However, due to the lack of evidence, the French academic community did not clearly support or oppose it. After all, after seeing the poverty and hunger of the people at the bottom, if there is another source of nutrition, it can also deal with food shortage. There are many around the market Bones, discarded like garbage.

Georgiana also felt that it was a pity, but Dasay appeared here not because of gelatin, but because he was Lubran's teacher.

Lubran's daughter was ill, and he couldn't leave, and Dasey was still a senator, so he took Lubran's place in this formal occasion.

Louis XIV’s post road was broken between Valenciennes and Mons. The gravel road would crack after being hit by shells, which was very dangerous for horses. into or split.

That road is currently unavailable but another road can be taken, starting from Mons to the south, heading towards Maubeuge, arriving at Laon, passing through Soissons, and then going to Compiègne or Paris.

The road condition of this road is not as good as the main road, but it is much safer. Since Louis XIV included Lille into the French territory, he ordered Vauban to build a defense line, separating Fort Nock, Ypres, Menen, Lille, Tournai, Condé, Valenciennes, and Mauberi are connected, but they are not connected in a line like the ancient Roman defense line or the Great Wall or the Maginot line, but densely packed strongholds, designed to hold people back , let them have no peace.

The boy who told the story to Georgiana was Henri-Alex Montt, a Belgian architect who used steel and cement to build the building for the exhibition, but his specialty was building fortifications.

The difference between a fortress and a stronghold is their fortification. The British, Dutch and Austrian allied forces did not attack those strongholds that seemed easy to break through, but instead stormed the Valenciennes fortress.

In fact, after the capture of Valenciennes, there is still a layer of defense. It starts from Dunkirk in the west and reaches Sedan in the east. The artillery technology in the Louis XIV period is much different from that in the 19th century. up the challenge.

The siege of Valenciennes lasted only one month, and its collapse, unlike the previous siege of Condé, was due to food shortages. The Duke of York used solid positional warfare and bombarded it with heavy artillery for two weeks. Allies such as Austria did not understand the British way of attacking the city.

The military expenses of the entire anti-French alliance war were paid by England, and they were not short of this money. What's more, the Duke of York wanted to attack the fort head-on. In the end, the dejected French army in the fortress surrendered, but they held on for a long time. After surrendering, they were released instead of being treated as prisoners of war. The Duke of York announced after entering the city He is the king of France.

As for the disarmed French legions, they were sent to Dunkirk. In order to hold this gap, the anti-French allied forces left 10,000 people here, and then went to attack Dunkirk, but because of the division of troops, it caused Insufficient troops led to the failure of the siege of Dunkirk.

And Monte thinks that the concrete building he designed can withstand shells, no matter whether he can really do it or not, the first thing he needs to do is to meet Napoleon, and then he has the audacity to say such a thing to her.

Before introducing him, Georgiana thought it would be good to let Dasay, who had been director of the ceramic factory in Sevres under Louis XV, try his skills. The high temperature produced by the kiln of the Sevres ceramic factory can melt gems and diamonds. Through the observation port, he also saw the scene of diamond burning, so when Lavoisier's burning theory appeared, he quickly gave up the phlogiston theory.

Georgiana did not participate in the first intermission. She returned to the box to watch the second act as usual. At this time, the stage had been rearranged, and it looked like a gloomy castle. The heroine was surrounded by a group of strange people. to the stage.

She didn't care much about the plot. The flame needs oxygen to burn, which is common sense that people in later generations know. However, the kiln needs to be sealed, and oxygen can't get in at all.

Living people not only have fickle thoughts, but also need to breathe. After regaining consciousness, Georgiana fanned herself with a fan, hoping that the slight breeze would calm herself down.

"If it's a trap," said the heroine, "then this man is one of Sarastro's devils?"

"Am I a devil?" asked the bird-catcher in astonishment. "I am the best man in the world!"

The heroine is relieved "Forgive me, you have a kind heart."

"What's the use of that, I don't have a girlfriend until now..."

"Are you not married yet?" asked the heroine.

"Wife? If you don't even have a girlfriend, how can you have a wife?"

"Calm down, God will care about you, he will send you a girlfriend, faster than you think."

She glanced at Padma again. At this moment, she and Charles were sitting in a serious state, not talking and laughing like before, and then looked away.

The plot proceeded in an orderly manner. When the bird catcher found the princess, the prince was lost in the castle. While he was groping in the dark, he accidentally knocked on a door and it opened, or rather the whole The curtain was raised, and the first thing that came into view was a gorgeous lamp, which was in the shape of the solar system, and the light was the sun, and an old man stood beside her, and for a moment she thought it was Albus.

He spent his whole life alone on the tower, while his lover was locked by him in another tower, and maybe his ambition and desire were locked together with him. When all this is lost, what is left of him?

She looked at her hand, the amethyst ring had been taken away.

In fact, now that I think about it, both the snowflake earrings and the summoning ring have disappeared, only the black swan pendant that has not used any magic is still worn around the neck.

Before encountering black swans, people believed that all swans were white, but when black swans appeared, people's cognition was subverted, just like people always believed that the sun revolved around the earth until the heliocentric theory was put forward.

What will happen in the future? The black swan represents unpredictability, so it is useless to ask this question.

She yawned. She was really tired after a busy day. How about she go to the rest room to sleep in the next intermission?

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