Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2428 royal circus (eleven)

She recalls a scene, when she was still at the Louvre in the 21st century, and Hathor showed her a scene in which Bonaparte had just been withdrawn from the Moscow front and was staying in a small hotel.

He didn't light the fire, but kept spinning in circles, muttering to himself, as if preparing to speak. Soon afterward the Poles came, and he gave them millions of francs, and the Poles went away contented, as if the defeat had never happened.

This is unimaginable for people living 200 years later, and it is precisely because of the "War of 1812" that the number of immigrants to the United States increased from 5,000 a year to 500,000. At that time, Pomona was in Liverpool's museum I was shocked when I saw this data.

There are civilians fleeing war in every era. Napoleon seemed very likely to unify Europe at that time. Where else could he go if he didn’t go to places far away from the European continent, such as North America and Australia?

When the sailors were still caught by the British navy, in 1812 Britain and the United States also went to war, and the new immigrants drove the merino sheep to migrate to the northwest inland.

Because of this great defeat, Prussia once again ignited hope. Starting from the king's sister in 1813, women donated their jewelry, and some even donated all their gold when they got married, in exchange for a Prussian government issued The ironware "only used to commemorate the donation in 1813" can still be seen in the museum.

Bismarck is known as the prime minister of iron and blood, and Prussia is known as the iron empire, but people are still flesh and blood after all. Friedrich Nietzsche said that every day without dancing is a disappointment to life.

It was a very uncomfortable feeling to be dancing a pas de deux, but suddenly it became a solo dance. In Nietzsche's Dionysian spirit, people not only demand survival, but also pursue the release of vitality.

Old, lonely widows and young people in need of opportunities each get what they need. Nietzsche said that any theory that devalues ​​life and desire is hypocritical and absurd, and it is even more shocking to say that God is dead.

If God is dead, human beings will lose their absolute moral standards, and all morality will be judged by "I". The way you want.

You have your morality, and he has his justice, just like the Hogwarts school song, everyone chooses their favorite tune, and the final gathering together is not a "chorus".

Christmas is coming soon, and Georgiana asked the children to sing "Christmas Eve" together. Although they are not a church choir, it feels good to watch a group of noble children perform in front of her. After singing, Georgiana gave them every Everyone sent a golden bee.

Then she talked about buying Christmas gifts for the children in the orphanage. She was talking about the orphanage in Paris, but the ladies would get it wrong, thinking she was talking about the war survivors, and it happened that Brussels The Oktoberfest will collect a lot of taxes, and that's how "business" comes.

The woolen industry in Flanders, although in decline, is not yet extinct, providing blankets, woolen cloth, so that children may have new clothes for Christmas. Although there is still a famine and the Christmas dinner is probably gone, it is still possible to buy some sugar and make chocolate.

Such a scene reminded her of the women she had mobilized in Paris to make amulets for the soldiers going to Santo Domingo. They didn't work and almost wiped out the entire army. More than 20,000 people were elites who had experienced the French Revolution. .

Then she called Faron over to see if he could give each of the ladies present a bottle of French perfume, and then she left the ladies' living room and went to the next door.

The place where the men gathered was, as always, smelling of cigarettes and coffee, and they were huddled around a map. That is the survey map near Metz Village. They are planning how to transform this agricultural village into an industrial area.

No one who has ever seen London's "fog" thinks it is a good idea to locate an industrial area close to the city, and Georgiana's presence interrupts their conversation.

She walked over to look at the map. Straight lines had been drawn on it with a ruler, divided into large and small plots, and each had their names written on it. It looked a bit horrible.

"Has the resettlement problem of the villagers been solved?" Georgiana asked.

"They will get a compensation and move away," said the Brussels MP.

"Where's the post office?" asked Georgiana.

"Where do you want to put it?"

Georgiana glanced at the map and did not immediately decide where to choose the post office.

"Please design it according to the Belgian custom. I just have one request. If the villagers of Metz want to work in the post office, they will be admitted."

The congressmen agreed, and then Georgiana turned and left. Unexpectedly, Shaputal and Edgeworth followed suit. As soon as they left, the rest of the entourage also followed, and then they left Boucher just like that. castle.

The girls in the car fell asleep for a while, while Georgiana stared at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

At that time, the reason why the French conscription law was so rejected was because they recruited young people aged 20 to 25 from all families. One of the largest troops in Europe. Children from rich families are no exception, all are equal.

She thinks that wealthy widows will become very sought after in the future. Marrying her will not only save them from military service, but also have a large inheritance in the future, provided that the widow and her ex-husband have no children.

Wordsworth wrote a poem: To live in the dawn is already a blessing, if you are still young, you are in heaven.

Who could say no to such a life?

She leaned her head against the carriage and closed her eyes. She seemed to have returned to Hogwarts in a daze. Since Albus became the headmaster, there was no habit of students staying at school for Christmas. Everyone was busy packing their luggage, only a few people decided to stay in school.

Harry Potter was signing the consent form to stay in school, and behind him was a scrawny boy, as thin as a house-elf.

"Aren't you going to stay in school?"

The boy did not speak.

"Are you going home for Christmas?"

"Can I bring some food home?" the boy said pitifully. "I have younger brothers and sisters."

She looked at this poor little girl with sympathy, and the eldest of the orphans would also assume the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings, just like Wendy in Peter Pan, she didn't ask for it herself, and the boys all regarded her as their mother.

Hogwarts is the safest place in the world. If you are tired, you can sleep with your eyes closed and don’t worry about safety, because there will be teachers patrolling the school at night, as long as you don’t ask for trouble, put on the invisibility cloak If you wander around.

She knew it shouldn't be compared, but Tom Riddle Jr.'s life was much better than that of orphans in the 19th century. At least the lady who managed the Wood Orphanage and liked to drink gin spent the money on the children. Unlike some church stewards, who not only embezzled the money, but also sent the orphans to the spinning mills, and bought themselves silver pocket watches and horses.

At this moment, she opened her eyes, and there were sporadic snowflakes drifting down quietly, but the snow fell very lightly and disappeared quickly, as if it was her illusion.

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