Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2415 The Fox and the She-Wolf (Part 1)

The Battle of Waterloo took place on June 18. If you count 4 days ahead, it will be June 14, which happens to be the 15th anniversary of the Battle of Marengo.


Georgiana came to her senses and looked at Padma.

"what happened?"

"What does it mean?"

Padma pointed to a line of writing and said.

Anyone who takes part in the test is sentenced to a fine of £200, or to imprisonment without hard labor for a period not exceeding one year, or to both.

Provided that no one is called as a witness to prove, as stated before, to be considered an accomplice, or to be proved by reason of their being present at the aforementioned test.

"What do you know about the law of evidence?" Georgiana asked Padma.

"How do you know this?" Padma asked suspiciously.

Georgiana ignored her and continued.

"There is a clear difference between the evidence law in the UK and the evidence law in the mainland. In the continental law, the admission and evaluation of evidence should be reflected by the 'probative force of the evidence', while the objects of evidence review in the UK are divided into substantive, relevant and The admissibility, admissibility and weight of evidence, that is to say, relevant evidence is any evidence that can affect the outcome of the litigation, and the presence of such evidence for a certain fact is more likely or less likely than the absence of such evidence.”

Padma frowned.

"For example, in the case of Mr. William Coke, if there was no testimony from a psychic, no one would suspect that he killed his two wives because people saw a white ghost by the window of his house, thinking it was a ghost. However, in civil law systems, the probative strength of the evidence provided by seancery is not up to standard, especially after the French Revolution, witchcraft allegations are reduced to imagination. committed a crime."

Padma suddenly realized.

"The British court has a judge and a jury. The judge is like a gatekeeper, determining what evidence can be presented to the jury, and the jury judges the evidence based on its credibility and probative force, and determines whether the defendant is guilty. Means the jury has no access to some inadmissible evidence, lest this evidence affect their testimony, when the testimony of these people who participated in the psychic test is included in the evidence, they will be like Section 8 of the Witchcraft Act Yes, it is not an accomplice, so there is no need to be punished."

Georgiana sighed, "If Mr. Cork's murder charge is successful, the sentence he will be sentenced to is not as simple as a fine and one year's imprisonment without hard labor."

Padma frowned again.

"Have you ever heard of judicial murder?" Georgiana asked again.

Padma shook her head.

So Georgiana retold the case of the Swiss witch Anna Gretti.

"German judges are different from British judges. They are responsible for the admission and evaluation of evidence. The judges have already had access to the prosecutor's case file and learned about the 'should be excluded' evidence, but the premise of this evidence is false."

"Oh~ God~" Padma hugged her head.

"I know, it doesn't sound very interesting." Georgiana said dryly, "But since you are going to be a witch who is accused of being accused at any time, you must understand this. Gorrady died in the end and was beheaded." , can you hide the curse?"

"She was murdered by justice?" Padma asked.

"That's right, just like the situation Mr. Cork is in now, although the motives are different, if he dies, his relatives will inherit his wealth and the custody of his son, and that poor little man will be deprived of all his wealth. Being regarded as a burden by relatives, kicking each other."

"What proof do you have?" Padma said.

"No, this is my guess. If I don't have evidence to support my guess, then I either shut up or someone can sue me for defamation. Not everyone is like Harry Potter's aunt."

"I don't think she's that bad," Padma said.

"People's hearts are untestable. We have never told Petunia how much wealth James Potter left Harry."

"Who are you?" Padma asked.

Georgiana still did not answer the question.

"It was an innocent murder against Gerledi. She did not poison the baby, but in the process, Gerledi was beaten into a trick, and her testimony became evidence of her guilt. The reason for the disclosure was that the church personnel who witnessed the incident gave some original documents to a German newspaper, that is, the prosecutor’s file I mentioned earlier. Gorledi did not read it, and her testimony did not match the prosecutor’s file. Public doubts about torture, German prosecutors' files and British judges see different evidence."

"How is it different?"

Just as Georgiana was about to speak, there was a knock at the door, and then Leila du Renard entered.

"Ma'am, Frau Langenhofen is here."

"Let her in," Georgiana said cheerfully, then turned to look at Padma. "Keep studying."

"How can I learn by myself?" she complained.

Georgiana felt the same way, and it seemed that she had to find a special law teacher for Padma.

"Keep studying." She warned, then turned and left the study.

She followed Leila to the reception room, and Madame Langenhofen took one of her daughters by the hand and curtsied to Georgiana.

She looked at the two little guys, one of them was only about 3 years old and the other was about 10 years old, which reminded her of the 14th Duke of Alba she saw at the ball yesterday.

"Good morning, Mary, who are these two little fellows?"

"This is Henriette, and this is Eugenie." Langenhofen said to the two little girls, "Say hello."

"Nice to meet you." The older Henriette imitated her mother and saluted Georgiana, while the younger Eugenie looked at her ignorantly.


"It's okay, she's still young, isn't she?" Georgiana asked. "Have you had breakfast?"

"...No," said Frau Langenhofen cautiously.

"That's right, I have tea, or do you prefer coffee?"

"Tea is enough," Mrs. Langenhofen said softly.

"Let's go then," said Georgiana, and went to the next room.

There were already people in this room, all of them were French ladies, including the nieces of the Bishop of Ghent, Alice's mother, etc. They greeted the two little girls warmly when they saw them.

The Dutch woman was a little nervous at the scene, but she kept smiling and joined the "breakfast tea party".

Georgiana would like to call Lupe, but unfortunately he is not married, and she does not have a past with Ballas like Josephine, so she can invite him to come here for breakfast.

But fortunately Bonaparte was not planning a coup in Brussels either.

In the feudal era, lords would send their sons to the king as servants, and their daughters to the court to learn etiquette, or to become so-called court maids. In fact, they did not know how to work as maids. For example, Anne Boleyn was a court maid.

To put it bluntly, their identities are hostages, but it's too merciless to say that directly. This is also where Lupe's trouble is. He has no son or daughter and is too old to be a page. Although the mayor of Brussels is appointed by the central government, the magistrate is elected by the people, and unlike the mayor of London, who changes once a year.

Jack the Ripper was active in 1888, which coincided with the election of the mayor of London, who later became the magistrate of London.

Of course, such a horrible topic is not suitable to talk about at this time, but if Fanny really died of smallpox and her body was stolen again, what London should pay attention to now is to prevent smallpox from spreading again, rather than the hell according to the spirit. The media's testimony to determine whether the widower lied.

If a doctor is infected, the consequences are really unimaginable given the current habit of doctors who don't like to disinfect and wash their hands.

In fact, there is a solution. Edward Jenner has researched out vaccinia, but how many people are willing to be vaccinated?

While drinking tea, Georgiana observed the two little girls and thought about a question, can such a young child be vaccinated?

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