In human history, dramatic changes fueled by violence have always brought the most talented military leaders to center stage.

Napoleon did not come alone. There were many soldiers in uniform behind him. They naturally blended into the ball where the nobles gathered, or chatted with people, or invited a certain lady to dance. Ornate uniforms were no different from evening gowns at this time, and could be worn for formal occasions.

If someone looks at paintings from old times, they will find that soldiers in uniform are usually in the background, playing roles such as guards.

They now occupy the limelight instead of painters, writers, and nobles who, before that, might have been servants' sons, fruit sellers. They don't mind each other's origins like nobles. In contrast, they prefer to marry bankers, so those bankers who left their luggage at Lechen Castle also appeared.

In fact, there is Louis XIV’s palace in Brussels. Although the Franco-Dutch war was reversed because William III of Orange dug up the seawall in Amsterdam, Brussels was still occupied by the French. The Sun King followed his own ideas. Planning Brussels, so Brussels also has the title of "Little Paris".

The Monnai Opera House, which was demolished in 1795, was built on the basis of the Opera House rebuilt in 1700. In 1695, it was blown up by the French like many buildings in Brussels. The designer designed it, and the first play staged in this theater was "Atys".

Georgiana thought Bonaparte was referring to "Attila", but later he explained that "Attis" was an opera written by Jean-Baptiste Lully, and atys was taken from "art touch your soul" The initials of the opera have nothing to do with any mythological or historical figure. The content of the opera tells the love story between an ordinary young man named Attis and the Phrygian fairy Cybele.

In the original mythology, the lover of the fairy Cybele was called Attis. Even in the ancient Roman era, which was famous for its debauchery and debauchery, the worship of the goddess of nature Cybele and Attis was a recognized cult, because all priests must Only by castrating herself can she take office, and in the ceremony to sacrifice her, the priest also needs to wash the altar and the pine tree with his own blood.

The content of the adapted "Attis" tells that the goddess Cybele fell in love with the young Attis (Atys), but Attis had a marriage contract with the fairy Sangared, and Cybele personally appointed Attis as own sacrifice, and confessed to him in a vast dream.

Attis still chose Sangaride out of uneasy conscience, but Sangaride married Sibunus, king of Phrygia out of jealousy, and Attis interrupted the wedding, claiming that Cybele forbade the marriage, and Disappeared with Sangarid. In order to retaliate, Cybele summoned Alecto, Alecto created hallucinations, making Attis think Sangared was a monster, Attis accidentally killed her, and in remorse, Attis decided to kill himself. Unable to do so, Sibley turns him into a pine tree and mourns him.

Georgiana really didn't know what to say other than "wow" when the play was first performed at the Monnai Opera House on the 17th anniversary of the accession of King Philip V of Spain. Content aside, at least Lully's opera is colorfully staged, especially in the third act, dedicated to the god of dreams, nightmares and sleep, in which the ballet takes center stage.

Louis XIV himself liked ballet very much, and even he himself was an outstanding dancer. The Royal Academy of Dance set up at the Paris Opera House specialized in ballet. Some dance postures that are still in use today were decided at that time.

In the second half of the 17th century, Vienna became the center of ballet performances. However, ballet at that time faced the debate between "pure dance" and "problem dance".

As the principal ballet dancer of the Paris Opera House, Ms. Chevigny is an advocate of "pure dance art", while the so-called "problem dance art" is closer to breaking through tradition. Some body movements of "problem dance art" are considered unsightly. The division is getting wider and wider, so we have to strictly regulate the foothold.

Ms. Chevigny is not a professional ballet dancer. She has a husband who is an architect to support her, and other actors make a living from it. She occupies the position of chief and makes many people who want to be a ballet instructor have no way out. Originally, she was injured It made everyone think that she had a chance, but later she found "powerful people" and public opinion to keep her position. Many people felt that it was unfair.

Since the original mint was built into the Monnai Opera House, the "new mint" was built on the square in the center of Brussels, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it. After all, it is decorated with layers of ribbons. It's hard not to see.

In fact, even if the Monet Theater was demolished, there is the Royal Theater in the Royal Park opposite, which was also repaired by Louis XIV. The original Brussels Royal Palace was destroyed in 1695. The re-planned Grand Palace is the most magnificent building in Brussels. , but it's not fully built.

Bonaparte had seen these places during the day, but he didn't alarm anyone. Now he suddenly appeared at the ball in Brussels and surprised many people. As we all know, the situation in Hamburg is very tense, and there are assassins everywhere. spy.

After finishing the "opening dance" and showing his face, he took Georgiana away, and then she was taken to the palace of Louis XIV, which is also located on the square, opposite the City Hall.

On the facade of the palace, there is a relief of Apollo driving a chariot. The wheels of the chariot are painted with gold powder, which can be seen clearly even at night. The decoration of the palace is still in the consistent Baroque style. But there is a portrait of Louis XIV hanging in the Brussels City Hall, but there is no trace of him here. Instead, there is an enlarged portrait of Napoleon riding over the Alps drawn by David.

"How do you think I'm going to be Henry VIII?" he asked with a smile.

"I don't know if you will be him, but I don't want to be Anne Boleyn." She said anxiously, "Please forgive me, I'm going to find my students..."

"She is an adult, you don't need to look at her like a tutor." He said indifferently, "If a person is born to be a star, I will not allow him to degenerate into a satellite, but most people are born with kindness in their hearts." Evil, bravery and cowardice sow seeds, this is human nature, how to grow the day after tomorrow depends on education and perseverance."

"She's a girl!" cried Georgiana.

"Don't you want equality? There are people younger than her in the army, and they all know not to leave the team without authorization and run around on the battlefield."

Georgiana didn't say it wasn't a battlefield.

War is a continuation of diplomacy, and one should be cautious on such occasions.

"What do you want to say?" He yelled with the majesty of a commander.

"Why are you so fierce." She muttered, "I know."

He looked pissed off, his nose flapping.

"Do you want to take a bath? I'll get you some water," she said again.

He said nothing.

She regarded him as acquiescing, so she asked, "Which room do you live in?"

As if he didn't want to talk to her, he turned and left.

Georgiana shrugged, intending to find someone to ask.

As for Padma, after all, this is not a school. Georgiana also reminded her that there are scavengers active nearby, and witches are not allowed to put down their wands, let alone she has participated in Da.

But she still intends to ask Bertin, maybe Padma is still with her.

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