The story about the wild swan is recorded in Andersen's fairy tales, but Andersen has not yet been born, and the famous "Grimm's Fairy Tales" has not been published.

In the story collected by Andersen, Elisa left her childhood palace and came to the black forest. There was no sunlight shining through the thick branches, and there was not even a firefly in the moss, but there were many berries in the forest. , they exude sweet and sour breath, exude seductive light like jewels, and look extremely delicious.

There was also a princess named Snow White. Her stepmother was jealous of her beauty, so she ordered a hunter to kill her, but the kind hunter let her go, and used a deer's heart to pretend to be Snow White's heart to deceive the princess. The stepmother decided to do it herself. She disguised herself as an old woman and gave Bai Xue a poisonous apple that looked attractive and delicious.

Every meal in Belgium is very delicious, and people don't feel the famine caused by the reduction of production in the Baltic Sea. It is difficult to eat such a rich food after returning to Paris. Pomona herself didn't care. She was more worried about Padma, because the girl had never experienced hunger. Even Fleur has problems with dieting. The Hogwarts diet is too greasy. If she eats any more, the dress she wears will not be able to fit.

When eating at noon, she planned to take Filier to eat at the table together. To Padma, slave is a word that is very far away and in history, but to Filier it is an "in progress".

The atmosphere was awkward, and Georgiana pretended not to notice and continued eating. After lunch, she received the news that she was leaving for Brussels.

"What about the first ruler?"

"He left early in the morning."

She felt very surprised. She didn't expect Bonaparte to leave without saying goodbye. The key point was that if she wanted to write to him, how would she send it to him?

About an hour later, she left Mechelen with her mighty entourage and headed for Brussels along a dirt road.

On the way, they passed the industrial area under construction. A simple pier had been repaired, and a ship full of construction materials was docked beside it. In addition to using manpower to carry, people are also building a tool similar to a crane, and people look like ants in front of it.

Before she could take a closer look, the convoy had already crossed the Seine River. After passing through two small towns, they arrived at the outskirts of Brussels before dark.

In the morning, the mayor of Brussels asked her if she would go to the city, but she didn't think about it at the time, and the convoy just drove into the Castle of Lechen.

Although it belongs to Grand Duke Karl in name, the Grand Duke just inherited it and never lived in it, so it still maintains the neoclassical style loved by the previous hostess. It looks a bit like Neuschwanstein Castle, full of fairy tales color.

The girls were happy to live in a place like this, and Georgiana figured she would be content as long as she didn't live in one of Ghent's medieval stone castles.

However, after getting off the car, she realized that there were too many people, and there might not be enough rooms in this castle. And here will be the headquarters of the Belgian Industrial Promotion Bank in the future, so the bankers will leave, and it is not suitable for senior French officials to live here. So after settling the bankers, Georgiana set off for Brussels and lived in the home of the Duke of Arenberg.

They entered the city at night, but a welcome ceremony was held nonetheless, all the street lamps in the city were lit, and fireworks were set off. The people of Brussels were very enthusiastic. They waved the French flag and shouted Napoleon's name on the side of the road, even though they didn't know that Bonaparte was no longer in this team.

The mayor held a welcome ceremony at the city hall. This time, more people came than in Mechelen. Georgiana walked in front alone, and Shaputal and Edgeworth walked behind her, introducing several people to her. In addition to Paul, the former mayor who met in Mechelen, there are two "young talents", one is Louis DeVos, who once studied Latin, Greek, cello and music at the Brussels Conservatory of Music. Conductor, later went to Austria for further study, served as a conductor in several orchestras, and is now a Brussels MP. The other was Henri-Josef van Langenhofen, a lawyer to the Brabant Council, a chemist himself, a native of Brussels, the son of a paper merchant.

Since Napoleon and the church signed the reconciliation of the "Academic Administration", Lupe's situation has been more embarrassing. In fact, the stock exchange does not need to be repaired, like the Church of Our Lady of Victory, which was once confiscated and used as a gaming distribution center. Now that Napoleon allowed all churches not converted to other uses to reopen, and he made the Austrians exchange war bonds at a fair price, at least some Belgians liked him.

After working around for a while, Georgiana realized that she was going to live in the Beguinage Monastery in Brussels to check for news about the Pietist Church, but today she had already agreed to live in the Duke of Arenberg's house.

Although her other "knight", Charles Joseph, the lord of Ligne, has immeasurable wealth and his residence will be more luxurious, but the diplomat with half a dozen home countries is notorious for openly supporting homosexuality , but it doesn't mean he doesn't like women.

She had to be more cautious when Bonaparte was not around. Unlike Josephine, she had marriage and child protection.

She only showed up for 20 minutes before leaving due to the fatigue of the journey, and then Mrs. de Vaudet took charge of the presidency. Besides, she was indeed tired, but she did not go to the Duke of Arenberg's house immediately.

The mayor prepared a lounge for her, and she was woken up by Margaret after sleeping on the sofa for half an hour.

Just like Vice President Burr of the United States, in order to open a bank controlled by himself, he passed the approval under the guise of opening the New York Water Company, but the water service that the company actually operates is extremely simple.

In this "game", politicians need political donations to win votes, and Henry Shaw, Jr. talks about his governance concept through the evening party-telling the Republican Party's alcohol prohibition in the Democratic constituency. Another thing is to borrow money from the bank like Burr. In the era of free banking, "Wildcat Bank" can also print bank notes by itself. As for how Burr will pay back the money... it is because of his messy finances that Lyon will target him. , Talleyrand asked for bribes and caused the xyz incident, but even so, isn't Talleyrand still the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France?

Whether the scandal caused by Burr, the vice president, will affect Thomas Jefferson depends on the performance of the Federalists and Justice Marshall, as well as New York Mayor George Clinton. New York is deeply influenced by Hamilton. The 1801 election The difference in the number of votes between Jefferson and Burr is not much. Although Jefferson is very annoying, Hamilton hates Burr even more. Under Hamilton's lobbying, he let his supporters vote for Jefferson.

It's a pity that there is no telegraph and TV now, otherwise she would like to see the excitement.


Padma happily entered the lounge.

"What clothes are you wearing?" Georgiana couldn't help but say when she saw Padma's new dress.

Padma looked at the blue dress studded with diamonds on her body, and she didn't know why she had to look at her.

Georgiana really didn't know how to explain it to her.

"Then change to one." Bertin walked in behind Padma, "I still have several sets."

Wanting to be praised, Padma left with her mouth curled up.

Bertin mouthed Georgiana that she would take care of it, and then left with Padma.

"How did she call your name?" Margaret asked after the two left.

Georgiana shook her head and walked behind the desk, ready to meet the guests.

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