Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2400 Fire-born Lotus (Part 1)

Even in the 20th century, the location of Richmond Park did not belong to the downtown area of ​​London. There are relatively few people going there, but there are many deer in it. It is very suitable for families to take their children there to interact with animals.

June 19, 1802 was a Saturday, 2 days before the summer solstice. It would be a day off for a man as wealthy as William Cork, and given his current situation, he did need a little fresh air.

But Pomona remembers the "mince" program during World War II, in which the spy service designed the Germans to believe that the body washed ashore in southern Spain was that of a Royal Navy lieutenant named William Martin, who carried Important information about the Allied Forces.

There is a word "hundred" between 1 million pounds and 100 million pounds. It is difficult to read it wrong even with the mouth shape, but if you judge that the current British Prime Minister took bribes in the Louisiana acquisition based on this statement, it is like witchcraft The accusation is also unsubstantiated.

William Coke was a stockbroker and moneylender, and he certainly had plenty of enemies, and neither witchcraft charge nor murder would result in the forfeiture of property like an economic crime. If he is indeed found guilty, then the next thing that will be played out is the issue of relatives fighting for the custody of his son. Until his son comes of age, his property is controlled by the guardian who raised him. God knows when the little thing grows up How much is left.

James Potter has stored a lot of gold coins in the vault of Gringotts. Even if wizards’ gold coins cannot be used in the Muggle world, they can be exchanged through goblins. If you give the Dursleys a sum of money every month, haha Will Lee's childhood be easier because of this?

Harry didn't show how rich he was at school, although he received a Firebolt as a Christmas present, which aroused Master Draco's jealousy.

It wasn't that the Malfoy family didn't have the money, but that Narcissa didn't allow Draco to risk his life playing Quidditch like he did in the second year. Not only did Harry have no father and no mother, but he also had a godfather Sirius Black who was not like an adult himself. Fortunately, the Firebolt also came in handy. For example, Harry rode on it and was chased by a Hungarian Horntail.

Pomona tried to use the identity of a Gryffindor instead of Hufflepuff to think about whether Padma should be allowed to "adventure" in Britain where witch hunting is currently rampant, especially her identity has been changed in a sense. was made public.

Now Padma should know why the Witchcraft Act of 1735 did not prevent accusations of witchcraft, but caused more "witches" to be persecuted, it only banned the use of lynching by the people to a certain extent, but it did not implement it very well, Ali Anna was attacked by three Muggle children.

Muggles have a lot of curiosity and fear of mysterious things, how can the confession of spiritualism be used as testimony in court?

Elizabeth and Fanny's property increased to 150 pounds after they married William Coke, who helped manage the money. Did he need to murder the two wives who were pregnant with his children for 150 pounds?

But this sum of money is a "huge" wealth in the eyes of the wives' relatives in the countryside. There is also the mysterious disappearance of Fanny's body. An autopsy is required to determine whether Fanny died of smallpox. Georgiana is now very suspicious that Fanny's body was stolen by a tomb robber. Fanny is a woman, and the child has not yet been born, so it is of great "research" value.

She has come into contact with some information. The Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty once had the sprouts of capitalism. During this period, they were all mercantilism. However, mere mercantilism may lead to industrial development, but this alone cannot cultivate the spirit of capitalism. of. Before the split of Protestantism, the order brought by religion was related to punishing evil and promoting good. People who do good deeds go to heaven, and those who do evil go to hell. Out of fear of suffering in hell, people buy indulgences.

There are also people who want to pray, or find other ways to obtain salvation. Confession is one of the seven sacraments, but there is no confessional booth in Protestant churches. If Protestants need to confess, they can directly confess to God without going through a priest. " rather than "intermediary", so there is no need to set it in Protestant churches.

Instead of going to church to pray, people can spend time on work. Production and consumption in a capitalist society replace prayer and salvation. Martin Luther believed that "salvation" and "grace" cannot be bought and sold, and faith can only come from pure piety. But this is unacceptable to ordinary people. The pious Job in the Book of Job was still regarded as a bet by God and the devil. Not only was his family ruined, but he also suffered from a whole body of diseases. God’s justice and omnipotence conflicted with his freedom here. up.

If a person is only devout, going to heaven or going to hell becomes a completely random matter, and it all depends on God’s arrangement. God treats people like Job, so what can people do?

This forces people to find a set of ethical views. Since people cannot actively strive to be selected by any means, can they look for some signs and signs of being selected?

Some people think that since every person in the world is assigned to some kind of work, this work is his vocation, and if a person bury his head in his vocation, it is a sign of being chosen. Work hard without consuming, so that you will accumulate more money to expand your work and earn more money, so wealth becomes the evidence of a person's salvation.

The Methodists consider themselves a branch of Protestantism, but they promote spiritual revival and holiness, and all people can be saved by the Holy Spirit. They desperately searched for any sign of grace, and Halloween commemorated all the holy spirits, both famous and unknown, but children treated it like a ghost festival, dressing up as all kinds of ghosts and going door to door begging for candy.

Regardless, the Methodists were popular, and many reports of ghosts were associated with them. The trouble with William Coke is that people believe in ghosts and witchcraft. If it was called a crime of imagination in France, the judge might not even bother. He was engaged in speculation and faced the risk of bankruptcy, so he killed his wife in some inexplicable way to obtain her inheritance. There is no personal insurance at present, otherwise he will investigate whether there is fraudulent insurance.

The wills of William Coke and Anne were both made in a way that benefited the other party. This is a kind of gambling agreement-see who will die first. Insurance is also a gamble. If a ship sails and they feel safe and don’t buy insurance, then if they encounter shipwreck or pirates, all the shipowners will be responsible for it. If he buys insurance, the insurance company pays out if something happens, and the insurance premium goes to the insurance company if nothing happens.

Speculators need guts, but are courage and daring the same thing?

Georgiana actually admired the Patil sisters, but the most beautiful girl was "uninvited", and was "finally" invited by Harry and Ron to the Christmas ball. What if Harry didn't ask them out?

What's more, only one of them can be the dance partner of the Triwizard Tournament player and "Golden Boy" Harry, and the other...

She didn't know whether it was Ravenclaw or Gryffindor who made this decision. Anyway, she thought that if she asked Padma to go to London, she would probably agree, but Padma is a girl after all. Although she didn't know if the head of Gryffindor would do that, out of caution, Georgiana wanted to make perfect preparations for her.

"You looking for me?"

Georgiana looked up at Richard Edgeworth.

"It's been a long time." Georgiana said with a smile, "My guardian, do you still remember my guardian?"

Richard smiled in embarrassment.

"What are you up to these days?"

"I met an interesting young man." Edgeworth took out a fountain pen, leaned over his desk, and found a blank piece of paper to draw on.

"What is this?" asked Georgiana, looking at his drawing.

"A new steam engine that works quite differently from Watt's." Edgeworth turned it around to Georgiana. "It doesn't use a condensing device."

"What?" Georgiana asked.

"I thought Erron would be happy to meet him, he seems to have a pressure cooker for extracting essential oils," Edgeworth said.

Georgiana hesitated for a moment, "Let's talk about academic topics later, I have something to ask for your help."

"Go ahead," said Edgeworth.

"I have a student who is going to London. I want your friend to keep her safe while she investigates allegations of witchcraft." Georgiana smiled mysteriously.

"The Indian girl?" asked Edgeworth.

"Yes." Georgiana nodded. "Do you believe she is a witch?"

Edgeworth smiled, "I think I can help with this, is there anything else?"

After thinking for a while, she asked, "Has Watt seen Bonaparte?"

Edgeworth shook his head, "Don't worry, I won't look for him."

"Is it another member of the Moonlight Society?"

"If you trust me, I will arrange it." Edgeworth said firmly, "Or am I losing your trust? Georgiana."

She remembered the president of Bank Peruzzi, and the contract.

Finally, he smiled, "Of course I believe in you, please sit down."

Then they sat down across a table and Edgeworth took his cigarette out of his coat pocket.

"Sorry, no smoking here," Georgiana said.

Edgeworth froze for a moment, didn't mention that Georgiana had smoked herself, and put the cigarette case back in her pocket.

"If you want to live longer, quit early." Georgiana leaned back in the chair, "Especially you have a little wife."

"You're judging me?" Edgeworth asked.

"I suppose it's a well-intentioned suggestion." Georgiana sighed, "but I don't think anyone will listen."

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