The Royal Palace is just north of the Louvre, on the Rue Richelieu. It was originally the residence of Cardinal Richelieu, and later it was owned by the French royal family, and then it fell into the hands of the Duke of Orleans.

During the Great Revolution, many church and royal properties were confiscated, and the Royal Palace was one of them. In fact, the Royal Palace was a famous "social" place in Paris before the Great Revolution, but it is more public now. Perfume can be used by both men and women. Farron has always had a keen "sense of smell" in this area. The Royal Palace can be said to be an internationally famous place. Many foreigners go there to appreciate the "romantic" of Huadu when they come to Paris. ".

The new cafes there were chicly decorated, with marble coffee tables inside and outside the palace, ornate stucco on the walls, covering the wallpaper with lily patterns, and all kinds of people smoked, chatted and read newspapers there.

Paris is now rejecting old-fashioned attire that they call "ridiculous", as if they intend to replace everything that once prevailed in Paris.

In the past, clothing represented a person's social status, but mutual imitation in clothing and behavior has swept away people's hierarchical concepts. Whether it is a dairy worker or a past duchess, they all wear silk and satin, and wear gorgeous clothes. Wearing jewelry to participate in entertainment activities, on the contrary, someone who wears too simple clothes will be considered indecent and will be stopped outside the door.

After the Great Revolution, frugality was advocated, and people cared more about gentle etiquette than clothes, and expected to hear inspiring speeches there.

Of course, beauty is always an unimpeded passport no matter where it leads. Paris is also known as the "Flower Capital". This flower is not the flower in the Dutch flower field.

You can understand that this is a large party similar to the Venice Carnival, the difference is that the participants do not wear masks, but play their own roles. Like an actor on the stage, if he were to play Caesar, he would never be dressed in the clothes of a jester.

In the old days, the milkmaid would wear the long skirt of the duchess, while Queen Marie Antoinette would wear the skirt of the milkmaid. The simple men's clothing made it hard for a person to tell whether it was a clerk in a clothing store or a marquis standing in front of him. .

Now the times have changed, the queen is gone, the marquis is gone, people's social life has no class barriers, and there is no need to guard against each other. This new free and equal way of life can be seen everywhere in the Royal Palace.

There was a grenadier named Cobain who killed himself for love. He was not the first one, but Cobain liked a girl who sold water. disaster area". Other soldiers stationed in Paris who were conscripted in other places would go there to have a cup of coffee during their shifts, and sometimes a charming girl would look at one of them for a while, and then he thought he had a chance, and stepped forward get in a word.

Times have changed, but Farron is well-informed, and similar situations were not uncommon in the old days. Paris is a big dye vat, no matter how white your clothes are, they will eventually be dyed. Josephine from Martinique doesn't have many chances to appear in Versailles, Faron doesn't have much impression, but she is definitely not a girl who is not deeply involved, willing to become someone's mistress, living in a summer resort or in the suburbs of Paris. In the house, this kind of house is called "lover's house", which is also a major local characteristic.

She knew how to curry favor with powerful people like Barras, and under his protection, she used her charm to walk among all kinds of ghosts and monsters in Paris, and became the first wife of the Consul.

The relationship between supply and demand in the market determines the price of cotton. If the supply of cotton exceeds the demand, the price will rise, and if the supply exceeds the demand, the price will fall. It took slavery, the opening of new lands, and European money to bring down the price of cotton in the American South. If you leave it alone, the price of cotton will continue to rise until it reaches an inflection point, exceeding the market's capacity. Why do you have to buy cotton cloth instead of silk at the same price? But the high tariffs set by Napoleon made this inflection point come earlier.

At present, the textile industry in the United States is not completely self-sufficient. Slaves also need to wear clothes. These clothes are borne by the slave owners. The raw cotton produced in the United States still has to be sent to the United Kingdom, and then shipped to the United States after processing.

Slave masters were "merciful" to slaves, and slaves were better off than free workers, if they were naked, where was the good?

There is also a law in South Carolina that slaves can work for themselves on the rest day for a week, and the money earned on this day belongs to the slaves themselves. free.

Shouldn't slaves be beaten to the bone by slave owners without leaving any property?

If the slave master really did that, the slaves would be passive and slack, anyway, no matter how hard they tried, they would not change their fate. Instead, give them a little hope that they will work hard, and eventually the slaves will not give all their wealth to the slave owner for freedom, and the slave owner can use the money to buy a new one that has not been drained. Strong slave.

Not everyone is optimistic about the Treaty of Amiens. The Americans were not the only ones who created conflicts in Mississippi. After the Seven Years' War, the "Paris Peace Treaty" was signed in 1763. French Louisiana ceded part of the area east of the Mississippi River to Thanks to Spain's support in the Seven Years' War, Napoleon's Louisiana was obtained by Spain from France. This area has been ruled by Spain for a long time, so France's rule there is not solid.

Farron doesn't understand the financial knowledge just mentioned on the table, but he knows Quesnay's economics. If Egypt can be opened up as a new raw cotton producing area, the price of cotton can be lowered, and the UK does not need to use Gold outflow to the United States of America.

Before the discovery of the gold mines in the west, the United States did not have precious metals to make coins. Both the Continental currency and the Federal currency were used as banknotes. They even used Indian shell coins. They could only obtain precious metals from trade. That is to say, the British provided funds in this slave trade as did the Portuguese.

Slaves are not real estate, they will run away. As their value increases, the loss of a slave owner will be greater. After all, the debt is still there after the slave ran away. When the bank asks the slave owner to pay back the money, the slave owner is willing to sell himself Is it a slave?

Or through their own efforts, the slave not only obtained the status of a free man, but also saved money to buy a slave and became a slave owner himself?

The soaring price of slaves will only affect those who have just started their businesses. Large farms and plantations will not be affected. On the contrary, slaves can also have children, creating more value for them.

Jefferson abolished primogeniture, and all sons and daughters could inherit, so that they would not be much different from other small farms.

Unless they borrow money to expand on the existing basis, their business will go bankrupt at any time just like John who runs Indigo because of a government decree.

She remembered reading it in a library in Chinatown. When European immigrants heard that there was gold, they would put down their careers and go there, while the Orientals would stay and work hard.

Not every adventure will be rewarding, but if you don't take risks, you will only be stuck in the status quo.

Perhaps she is even more unable to survive in troubled times than Josephine.

Georgiana didn't like to gamble, and she didn't want to go around wearing diamonds either.

She quite likes Farron's suggestion, the problem is how to "wake up" those men who are already running wildly in a fixed way of thinking.

She couldn't tell whether it was the pain caused by the silk on her body or the thorns in her heart that hurt more. She wanted to end it all.

"About Turner..."

"What do you mention him for?" asked Georgiana.

"He refused to sell your portrait," Farron said. "His patron stopped sponsoring him."

She froze for a moment.

"Stupid," she muttered.

"Are you laughing?" Farron asked.

"No." She suppressed a smile.

"You'd better not let the head of state see it." Farron sighed, "Young man."

She laughed, "Why don't you retire at your age?"

"I have been idle for two years, and soon found that I am a restless person, even though my sense of smell has 'retired'." Farron pointed his nose, "The perfume company is inherited by my son."

"How about I find you something new to do?" Georgiana asked.

"What is it?"

"Are you interested in paper?"

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