The morning on Wall Street begins with the smell of coffee. In the 17th century, coffeehouses became a place for people to obtain information and share information in England. source.

For the "brokers" who specialized in securities trading in the 18th century, drinking coffee was actually similar to going to the stock exchange, similar to the Dutch in the 17th century trading tulip bulbs in taverns, but one difference is that the tulip mania is really on the rise. Trade bulbs.

For people in the 21st century, Wall Street has become accustomed to ringing the bell. It not only represents the opening or closing of the market, but also represents the listing of new stocks. But in "ancient times" it also meant ships arriving in port, and it meant not only cargo from Europe, but also messages to the New World, at least until Agamemnon laid cables on the bottom of the sea.

There is a term in the cafe called "Dai Knock", which means a transaction between two or more brokers. The stock exchange is a place for "public" trading. It does not buy or sell securities itself, nor does it determine the price of securities. Instead, it provides venues and facilities for securities trading, and is equipped with management and service personnel. However, its most important role is supervision. First, the securities must be delivered the next day. Second, we must prevent black-box operations, that is to say, prevent "knocking" and artificially pushing up or down the stock price. However, it is very difficult to implement this, at least on the Second Wall Street Stock Exchange It was difficult to do before the establishment.

There is a card in the Tarot called the magician. This card represents creation out of nothing. The purpose of counter-tapping is also to create volume out of nothing. Generally, it is to attract retail investors to follow up, and later it is derived as a means of trading. The flock likes to follow the trend. Usually they rush left and right blindly, but once a head sheep moves, the other sheep will rush forward without thinking, completely ignoring that there may be wolves ahead or better grass not far away. .

A young man who had experienced the Asian financial crisis once talked about "Gone with the Wind" with her. He didn't like Melanie, whom everyone liked, because he thought she was fake, which made Pomona sad for a while, and then After thinking for a long time, she finally came to a conclusion. Melanie is a typical southern woman. She can't kill deserters who broke into the house with a gun like Scarlett, but she can at least pretend that she picked up the knife, so that Scarlett feels supported and affirmed. For The guilt of murder is not so serious.

Tolerance is Melanie's means of survival in troubled times. She can't live independently, so she forgives Scarlett, who never forgets her husband Ashley. If she gets dizzy and chooses to divorce, she will not only Losing Ashley and Scarlett will also lose her own survival support.

Like she knew slavery was evil, but she was too weak to survive on that land without the cotton plantations. Living like this is actually very painful. Even if Melanie was not sickly and weak due to childbirth, she would not be able to live as tenaciously as Scarlett.

In addition to being beautiful, Scarlett also has a characteristic of being full of vigor. She is quite selfish, robbing her sister's fiancé and making her an old girl. But if the younger sister is allowed to marry the grocery store owner, she will only be a grocery store owner's wife. When the estate left by her parents cannot be maintained, she can do nothing, and she may have to express deep sympathy for her sister's misfortune.

When Scarlett went to the grocery store, she immediately saw wood and the business opportunity to rebuild Atlanta. She used the small grocery store to open a wood factory. After slavery became illegal, she used prison inmates to save the cost of starting a business. Later, she Not only kept the manor, but also became a big timber merchant.

Georgiana didn't like Scarlett either. She liked being held in her arms, but when she woke up early in the morning, she knew how far away that kind of happiness was from her.

After sitting on the bed in a daze for a short while, she got up and took a shower. Bertin was already waiting for her, and she had already prepared today's outfit for Georgiana, which looked like a wake-up ceremony.

Marie Antoinette once complained about the cumbersome court etiquette, and Georgiana didn't want to waste too much time on these cutscenes. She "went out" after choosing a suit. Those people from last night had already gathered in the living room outside the suite, and there were even two new faces.

When Soros sniped the Thai baht, he was not alone, but a team. Although the financial market in the 19th century was full of loopholes, it was still difficult to do like him.

As Machiavelli said, a conspiracy is easy to leak if too many people know about it.

"Sit down, gentlemen," she said to them all.

So everyone found a chair and sat down. It didn't take long for Margaret to ask the attendant to put the breakfast on the dining table, and the smell of coffee wafted in the room.

Making bread and coffee was a lot easier than what they were about to discuss next, and Pomona used to find happiness in it, and it still does.

But if she doesn't do something now, when the Mississippi conflict breaks out, or France sells Louisiana to the United States, the "balance" is broken, the "Amiens Peace Treaty" cannot be maintained, and the European war will break out again. All the designs made under these conditions will be wiped out, and thousands of families will be affected.

The "Bubble Act" was promulgated due to the South Sea bubble. The establishment of banks and joint-stock companies in the UK required the approval of the Parliament. The same is true in the United States. Before the War of Independence, there were only 7 companies in the entire American colonies. After the war, the royal family handed over the power of approving the establishment of companies to the state legislatures, but Hamilton took this power into the federal government. That is to say, people who are in the frenzy don't actually get approval to form a bank, but they can claim that they have, such as New York Million Bank, which has gone public, and investors flock to buy the company's stock, and when the news is clarified It soon becomes clear that this is a sell-off and a fall in the stock price is a second-order thing, and New York doesn't have skyscrapers in this day and age.

The U.S. bankruptcy law is based on the British bankruptcy law and adjusted according to the national conditions of the United States, but the formulation of the U.S. bankruptcy law has not been successful. Even if there is a devil-like lawyer, Doerr can't escape the prison if there is no law to follow.

And his partner, Secretary of War Alexander McComb, whom Duer speculated first with his money and then with his own, the "incumbent" Secretary of War also went to jail for bankruptcy.

The apprentice messed up the magic, and the old wizard cleaned up the mess for him. She didn't know what the consequences would be if she messed up. At most, Josephine ruined the man who represented her own foreign exchange. If she hadn't been forced to, she didn't want to go to this point. But since she had to resort to force if she didn't sell it, she had no choice but to do so before the real hot war broke out.

Due to the opening of the new sea route, the trade center was shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic coast. This is recorded in the history books. The British originally relied on the geographical advantage of the Atlantic, but there was a prerequisite for this. An army is still needed to fight the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon told her that because Athens was too powerful and the fear it caused to Sparta, the Peloponnesian War was inevitable, and a newly rising power would inevitably face Challenge to the existing great powers.

People are willing to die for what they want and for what they already have. People who live a full and good life don't usually want to be involved in war. She was one of those people, but she was forced to leave A place of seclusion.

When we love a goal together, we will not be united because of it. On the contrary, when we hate a goal, we hope to find like-minded people.

Because when we are hurt and long for revenge, we always hope that others will stand on our side, and strength will come from a large number of people.

She didn't want to be a woman like Bella, who, sooner or later, would unleash her rage on everything in the world.

Although she knew she shouldn't deny the fact that she wasn't human, deep down, she might be like Remus Lupine.

When we stare at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. After fighting with the dragon for a long time, you will become a dragon yourself.

She still wanted to be the senior sister Hufflepuff, and on a sunny day, she would lie on the grass and bask in the sun with her eyes closed.


She opened her eyes and found a big black dog not far away.

Then she found a ball on the ground, she threw it out, and the black dog picked it up.

She thinks this game is very interesting, and she won't get tired of playing it all day, maybe her fun is as simple as that.

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