Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2387 Consequences of Victory (Part 2)

The magnificent Rome was built by slaves, and it was also destroyed by slaves, not only because of slave riots when foreigners attacked Rome.

With slaves, employers no longer want to use freemen, who charge higher wages. And many of those free people were changed by farmers who lost their own land. The grain from Egypt and Syria used to offset taxes reduced the price of Rome’s grain. In addition, it was the tax package system, where nobles auctioned off tax revenue to bidders. , the highest bidder gets the right to tax the area. Taxpayers will inevitably extract more tax from the local area, and no one will do business at a loss. Roman farmers who originally had little income had to bear the risk of natural disasters after bearing high taxes. The land is theirs, but money is needed to buy seeds. After mortgaging the land to the nobles, they can get money to buy seeds and other items. Large estates replaced small landholdings, and large estate owners would use slaves instead of tenant farmers, so that peasants would flee to the big cities in search of job opportunities, and then they would face competition from slaves for the labor market.

A man who went out to fight came home to find that his family was either no longer there, or was living hard at home waiting for his return. Then it was difficult to recruit soldiers. After the reform of the military system, a large number of mercenaries appeared. The soldiers in the Roman legion only recognized their own commanders and did not obey the command of the nobles. Then there was a civil war, and the generals killed each other. In the end, Caesar won, but Caesar was assassinated by the republican nobles.

Brutus had secured “freedom” for Rome, and after the initial shock of the assassination wore off, some senators praised the conspirators, but the general public showed little enthusiasm. No one responded to the speeches of Brutus and others, and no one was attracted by the distribution of money, and no one responded to their slogans to defend freedom.

The republicans who lost the initiative could only watch Antony call the senate to meet as consul. After a long debate, Cicero proposed a motion, which was passed by the overwhelming majority, pardoning the conspirators. Before that, Brutus was still in the trial seat, condemning his sons to death.

Tarquin was the last king of the Roman monarchy. He was expelled, but he was unwilling to fail. He secretly contacted and instigated some noble youths in an attempt to overthrow the new republic. They were all arrested, including Brutus' two sons.

David also painted a painting with this theme, which was exhibited at the Salon. Then Brutus was expelled by Antony and had to flee to the East.

In Athens Brutus raised funds to recruit soldiers and form the Roman legion.

It is true that the production efficiency of large manors will increase a lot, just like the large farms in the United States, but the flames of the civil war will burn those beautiful olive orchards at any time, not to mention that the Roman army has to deal with the Germans, and the recruited soldiers cannot afford the equipment like the yeoman , In order to pay for equipment, military expenditures have to be increased.

The Gegula brothers once planned to carry out reforms, but they were also opposed by the nobles and killed them.

Difficult times make strong men,

A strong man makes a moment of ease,

The hour of ease makes the weak,

Weak people make hard times.

From the moment Brutus used money to start a civil war again, even if Caesar was assassinated, the Republic existed in name only in the hearts of the people.

From the precedent of Rome, it can be seen that it is necessary for Britain to protect its own agriculture with tariffs. Around the 4th century, the large manors split the land into small pieces and leased them to farmers and slaves to cultivate them, and they became tenant farmers.

When the price of grain rises, the price of land rent will also rise. If foreign grain is allowed to enter, the price of grain will drop, and the farmers in the country will go bankrupt.

If prices are not lowered, urban residents will be helpless in the face of increasing food prices just like the workers during the French Revolution. Fortunately, the factories are still open and have a certain income. However, the textile industry, which is dominated by light industry, needs child labor and female workers. .

Men are needed to build large-scale infrastructure. Men in the British Isles work very hard. When digging the British-French tunnel, the British are faster than the French.

Although the French did not go on strike when the Urk Canal was dug, there were voices of complaint, but the people of Lyon were not sure whether it was organized by the canal workers themselves or was instigated by someone.

The Urk Canal is related to the water supply problem in Paris in the future. It was originally offset by the red wine tax, but it was "preempted" by the people of Lyon, and there is also the legend of moving the capital.

The silk produced in Lyon is mainly consumed by the upper class. It is not good news for Lyon when the rich also start to be frugal.

People's demand for luxuries is higher than necessities. When luxuries cannot be sold, the situation of necessities will be even worse. During the reign of terror, the nobles basically did not consume anything that could show their status. The domestic economy is almost at a standstill, and only military supplies can keep factories open.

It is not necessary to use Perrier's means to create internal divisions. After the meeting, Georgiana went downstairs, and Padma was dancing with Saint-Merry.

This person is a fellow of Josephine Martinique, who was introduced into this circle by Talleyrand, and the atmosphere of the whole ball was driven by him.

There is an oriental idiom called "Happiness does not miss Sichuan", which means that people forget to go back to their hometown because of happiness, and it also expresses that happiness makes people lose themselves. Many people in this place are lost because of this and do not want to leave.

She was very worried that Padma would also fall into this illusory dream, but before she could find a chance to "teach" Padma, Bonaparte's adjutant came to her.

She glanced at Padma before leaving, and then went to Bonaparte's suite, where he was standing by the window, looking out at the misty city.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Aren't I going to tell you?" She pretended to be relaxed and said, "Is the emissary of the former president here?"

"Not this." He turned to look at her. "About the Austrians threatening you."

"I just don't think it's necessary." She said coldly, "He's just at the end of his rope. If he's pushed, he will use any means. As long as his request is met, he won't let that exorcist talk nonsense."

He still looked at her.

"Did I mention that there is a law in America that prohibits wizards and No-Majs, that is..."

"Madu." He interrupted her, "That's who I am."

"I have a friend. She once had a lover named Robert. They reached the point of discussing marriage, but she chose to break up because of this law. In fact, England does not need to abide by this law, and there are people, Their names are Queenie and Tina, and they were also threatened because of this law. Unless she was willing to draw a line with Queenie, Tina would lose her job as the head of the Auror office, so after experiencing some things, she accepted Scar Mander's proposal, moved to England."

"And Queenie?" asked Bonaparte.

"She used to work for a very, very bad person, and while her husband forgave her, no one else did, and besides, she was married to a No-Maj, and their marriage is not valid in America." She stared at him Say "Whether in the wizarding world or the Muggle world, do you know about the Salem Witch Trials?"

He looked at her calmly.

"There is a legend that Cleopatra used witchcraft on Caesar and Antony to make them so infatuated with her, but Caesar ended up with his Roman wife and Antony chose to be a non-Roman " She walked slowly from the darkness to the moonlight, "Maybe one day you also need to tell the world that you were bewitched by a witch's magic."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'll disappear," she said softly, "like Queenie and Jacob, starting over in a place where no one knows them."

"what should I do?"

"You should be with your Roman wife, Caesar, there is already an Austrian woman in this country..."

"What about the child's problem?" He picked up the snuff bottle.

"There are many people in this world who can have children, but there are things that only you can do." Georgiana replied, "Joseph II failed to eliminate the witchcraft clause in Belgian law, and this place is the most rampant witch hunt in Europe." One of the places where the Witch's Hammer was allowed to be printed."

"What does that fire mean?" He laughed.

Georgiana smiled dryly.

"How do you unlock the black magic on you?" he asked.

"What black magic?"

He looks at her belly.

She was so angry that she wanted to curse.

"What do they call the witch and the child of Madhu?" asked Bonaparte.

"Half-blood," Georgiana replied, "Severus is, his mother is a witch and his father is a Muggle, but their marriage is not happy."


"His father abused her, not that he beat anyone."


"He forbade her to use the wand and made her live like a Muggle woman. Although she is no longer like a child, she has mastered how to control magic so that she will not be silently parasitized, but she still lives very depressed."


"A dark creature. When we are still being hunted, in order to hide ourselves, we must suppress our power. That very bad person guides us not to suppress ourselves. Although doing so will expose the magical world, but he Although there are many supporters, most of them are criminals and frustrated people, they do not have the right to vote, and he participated in the election halfway, so he used a little shameful method, he got a unicorn." She said with a smile "Remember what I said, we used an animal to choose a leader before."

He put down the snuff bottle and waved to her. She walked over and he hugged her.

"You don't have to suppress yourself, princess." He said softly.

"I think I understand the difference between the people of that era and the Death Eaters." She said in a muffled voice, "The marks are not very high, and they don't exceed the scope of the concealment spell. They can use magic freely within that boundary."

"You can use it now." He released her.

"It's not like you haven't seen it."

"Are you worried about that law? You are not allowed to use magic power in front of Madhu?" He asked provocatively.

"No, I just don't think it's necessary." She hugged him "I need this more."

"A lot of people say I'm not a good guy," he said. "You don't judge me."

"I'm not a prophet, Leon, I can see the 'past', but the 'future' is not obvious to her." She whispered, "I don't have a 'third eye'."

"Are you explaining to me the prophecy I saw today?" he asked.

"I don't know if it's real or if it was made up by Frederick I and he got the crown with it."

"That's because he lived in the dark Middle Ages." He laughed mockingly.

She couldn't figure out if she was drunk, she closed her eyes, waiting for a kiss to come.

But he pinched her nose. His hand was a bit strong, and it hurt her nose.

He laughed even louder now.

‘Would you still like to wear a crown of bay leaves made of gold? Just like in that famous painting? '

She didn't say this sentence, because like she said just now, she is not a prophet, and the future is not clear to her.

She is also an ordinary person, unable to distinguish people who deliberately deceive her. People like her are actually not suitable to be leaders.

But fortunately, she is a woman, not as competitive as a man, and she can be content with the status quo, as long as she loves her. Is this request so difficult to fulfill?

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