Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 237: Do Not Disturb the Sleeping Dragon (Part 2)

If she could have a secret garden of her own, Pomona hoped that it would be filled with beautiful flowers, such as begonias, hydrangeas, jasmine, and geraniums, instead of poisonous plants like poison beard.

It was very expensive, but Pomona never sold it, because these plants were used to deal with the eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest.

Put poison in the spider's food, when one spider dies its body will be eaten by the same kind, so that another spider will also be poisoned. It's just that Aragog's sons and daughters are already in the tens of thousands, and it's not enough to rely on just one or two poison beard plants, so her garden is full of this poisonous plant.

"You take good care of them, Neville." In the steam-filled greenhouse, she checked the conditions of these plants. They were growing vigorously, and their tentacles stretched slowly, like stretching. Pomona herself That's about it for taking care of them.

"That's what I'm supposed to do," said Neville. "May I ask why you planted these poisonous tentacles?"

"If you want peace, you need to prepare for war. They were very useful on that battlefield." Pomona put on the dragon leather gloves, "and it is also an important ingredient of insecticide. You never thought of using it against eight Eye spider right?"

"Oh." Neville suddenly realized.

"Since I planted it, I have to go to the forest to feed every once in a while, so as to ensure that the eight-eyed spider is controlled to a certain number. You have not eliminated the insects in the past six years, and they reproduce very fast. That's why it became like this." Pomona sighed, "I'm so sorry, I didn't even tell you."

"Professor Slughorn is needed for the insecticide?" Hermione asked. "Because it's an advanced potion?"

"Not exactly." Pomona put on the dragon leather gloves, "Do you know how much a bottle of eight-eyed spider's venom is? A pint costs 100 Galleons. Now the school needs money. Let's take advantage of this time to hunt eight-eyed spiders." The spiders have the opportunity to collect more spider venom, so that they can raise funds, it must be collected when it is fresh."

"Why making money is so easy for you." Hermione said with a wry smile.

"Because I'm a Hufflepuff, we have a lot of rich people in our academy."

She said proudly that the armor made of basilisk skin was also sold at a good price. It was almost the same as dragon skin, except for the mouth and eyes, the basilisk had almost no weaknesses, which was why the eight-eyed spider was afraid of the basilisk.

"I heard Ron is most afraid of spiders, right?"

"Yeah, that's right, he rated spiders as a 9 in the book, even Boggarts," Hermione replied.

"Boggarts can see the fear in people's hearts, but it's much worse when it comes to people who are really afraid. If you are short of money, you can call him." Pomona said cruelly, "It's time for him to be a little bit manly." gone."

"I'll tell him when I get back tonight," said Hermione calmly. "Can I ask you a question, Professor?"

"You ask."

"Will you handle Hagrid?" said Hermione, looking into Pomona's eyes.

"He is a troublesome guy, but I have known him for a long time, and many of my friends are also his friends. He introduced me to them." Pomona said a little tiredly, "He is like a young man." Your child will always need someone to worry about."

"So you're going to cover for him?"

"That's right, that's right." Pomona pointed to Neville's nose and said, "And you, just pretend that this incident never happened. This time, after I poisoned the eight-eyed spider, it was you and me who poisoned the eight-eyed spider." What happened to Slughorn, Professor Longbottom, a female spider can lay 100 eggs at a time, and it can hatch in about eight weeks. It is a class A trade product, and the same thing will happen again if their numbers are not controlled. .”

"It's not Neville's fault, it wouldn't have happened if you had told him the secret earlier." Hermione maintained, "I don't blame you for giving up everything about elopement with Professor Snape, but why did you settle down after you settled down?" Not even sending us a letter?"

Pomona was speechless.

At that time, she just wanted to get rid of everything in the past and live a simple life. She even opened up a vegetable field by herself, which was as self-sufficient as the Hogwarts nursery.

Occasionally, they would go to the forest to collect honey or catch wild animals. If they really needed to exchange supplies with others, they would drink compound soup and exchange them at the nearby Muggle market. She was busy with happiness every day. , There is no time to deal with these troubles.

"Aren't you having a good time off campus?" Neville asked suddenly, "So none of you want to come back?"

"Neville, you are just a class teacher, and you don't know the dean's situation. Even without the three of them, there will be a lot of troubles. At least you have a vacation to rest, and we don't." Pomona sighed, "I need a long vacation. "

"So how long are you going to stay this time?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know, Hermione, maybe this time we weren't as lucky as last time, and couldn't get out alive." Pomona said dejectedly, "Even I was exposed, and you can see how bad the situation is now. "

"We can work with the Muggle government," said Hermione.

"Discuss this issue with Kingsley. Don't involve me. Now he's dealing with the night caller. Do you know what will happen to the Muggle world if the power goes out?"

Pomona recounted the information Severus had told her.

"And we're dealing with an Obscurity that hit Diagon Alley. Arthur's idea that Muggles are weak and need protection is wrong. They're dangerous and they're numerous. Our population is small, even The Mysterious Man also agreed to a truce mainly after Harry was handed over, the blood of wizards cannot be wasted, I am tired of persecuting each other for politics."

"Do you need help?" Hermione asked. "There are many centaurs in the Forbidden Forest, and one of them is giving a divination class in the castle."

"You mean Firenze?"

"Exactly," said Hermione.

"He is also an outlier among the centaurs. I doubt how much he can play a role."

"At least try," said Hermione.

"Let's see the effect after we inject the poison. I don't want the conflict to escalate."

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the greenhouse, and Slughorn and Master Malfoy appeared together. The colorful bird and snake coiled around Draco's chest, which looked like a beautiful badge.

"Merlin's beard, is it really you?" Slughorn looked at Pomona in disbelief. "Where have you been all these years, Pomona?"

"Want to make a fortune, Professor?" She smiled and said, "There is a big deal, how about we cooperate?"

Time went back to ten years ago, it was still the same greenhouse, but there were all kinds of plants planted here, not only poison beard.

"Open it and see what's inside?" The Potions Professor, who seemed to be recovering from a serious illness, handed her a small box, and there was a rattling sound inside.

"Seed?" she said in surprise.

"It's the seed of poison beard." He explained lightly.

"That's a Class C Prohibited Trade Item."

"This is a school, not only for teaching but also for my own projects. I want to use this grass as an insecticide to deal with spiders in the forest."

She understood his intentions, this is the biggest difference between him and Slughorn, he would explain to her what he was going to use these plants for, Slughorn just told her that he was going to use these things, Like she was supposed to serve him.

"Where did you get it?"

"A gift from a student." Severus said with a malicious smile. "Have you heard of the Weasley brothers' quick-acting skipping candy? Those two boys almost used it as a material."

"I thought the candy was designed to make it look like students couldn't keep going." Pomona shook her head and sighed. "They almost poisoned people to death."

"The twins will test on themselves before using skipping sugar on others. They are smart boys, much better than the rest of the Weasley family." He took her hand and said very softly, like a butterfly In flapping its wings "I'm glad you're back, Pomona."

"Why didn't you go to Sirius' funeral?" she asked softly. "Everyone else went."

"I don't think anyone would want to see me there, least of all Harry Potter," he continued in a dark voice. "He hates me."

"You took his message and saved his life, Severus, if it weren't for you we never would have gotten the message to the Department of Mysteries in time."

"Did you go that day?" He asked immediately.

"No, the interior of a building with floor tiles everywhere is not for me."

She is more suitable for the forest, where there are magical plants everywhere, that is her home field.

"I didn't either. I didn't kill Sirius Black."

"I know, it's his cousin, Bellatrix."

A lunatic who treats human life like a joke.

There were victorious cheers from the Quidditch pitch in the distance, the game seemed to be over, and soon the castle would be full of people again.

He wanted to speak for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

"Come to me at night," she said at last. "No one will bother us."

His breath became hot.

But he didn't do anything, and left with his robes on. Slughorn's clothes were very close to Muggle-style formal clothes, unlike his robes that dragged the floor, like ancient priests. This is a style unique to Voldemort.

No one could tell that he was a half-breed. When he saw Severus Snape, his first thought was this dark wizard. He didn't hide his love for black magic at all.

After touching the necklace, although Katie Bell was still alive, she lived in St. Mungo's. The curse on the necklace was so powerful that she might not be able to come back and continue her studies until she found the cure.

Don't touch things of unknown origin, no matter how beautiful it looks, why don't people listen to it.

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