Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2369 mauvais sujets (below)

There is a river Scheldt in Belgium, which is said to be named after the Celts.

The outlet of the Scheldt River is Antwerp. After passing through Antwerp, the river flows through the Netherlands into the North Sea.

Most men have a "hero complex" in their hearts. In 1801, the British Expeditionary Force also came to Egypt. Unlike France, the British Army had established artillery, mainly infantry. At that time, a battalion was arranged in Abuki near Alexandria. In one of the ruins at Er, which was a key position on the British front and whose importance was also understood by the French, the Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacked from both sides.

Although the British Navy is famous all over the world, the British Army does not have the artillery to match it. Napoleon was good at tearing up the intended strike position with precise and efficient firepower. This battalion not only resisted the fierce artillery fire from the rear, but also repelled all infantry attacks. Originally the battalion was known as the Gloucestershire Regiment, but they were given the privilege of wearing a cockade on both the front and back edges of their hats, so the Gloucestershire Regiment was renamed the Double Emblem Battalion.

Napoleon had already left Egypt in 1799 and returned to France to launch the Brumaire coup. The sea route to Egypt has been cut off, and even if Napoleon wanted to command the battle remotely, it would be difficult for him to achieve his goal.

However, Shuanghuiying is still proud of defeating Napoleon and his army in this ancient pagan country.

In the fable of the bees, the author compares honor to a kind of gout, which is regarded as a handed down work in noble families, and all the children of nobles have it.

In fact, the Gloucestershire regiment is not all nobles. Since 1782, the United Kingdom has linked the regiment with the county to facilitate conscription.

In Machiavelli's "On Livy's Roman History", the British military system was mentioned. The British army was composed entirely of its own people, unlike Italy, which used mercenaries to fight.

Gloucestershire is located in the southwest of England and is mainly agricultural. It is not the center of the industrial revolution like Birmingham.

If the soldiers of the Shuanghui Battalion could leave the army and return home alive, not all of them would be able to survive, but their stories were passed on with those who returned, as if they were all legends.

These stories are difficult to distinguish between true and false, just like the story about Marcus and the raven that Bonaparte told her just now, unless she reads all the books written by Levi, she can figure out whether this is him again. Compiled.

There is no garden in this castle, but there is a very spacious lawn surrounded by plaster statues and a few big trees, which looks very "natural".

At this place, he chatted with her about another legendary figure—Barbarossa Hayreddin, who not only ran rampant in the Western Mediterranean, but also established an unprecedented pirate kingdom.

Every piece of Arab land was incorporated into the Ottoman Empire at different times and under specific circumstances with different histories and backgrounds, and North Africa was no exception. In the 16th century, Ottoman’s expansion reached Libya and Algeria. At the same time the Spanish Empire also wanted to occupy this place. At that time, Barbarossa only occupied the port of Jigiri. He soon knew that he could not survive in the gap between the two great powers, and he had to rely on one side.

It just so happened that the Spaniards killed his elder brother Arrughi, so Frederick rushed to the Ottoman court with a tribute gift and asked Selim Sultan for protection.

In feudal Europe, farmers were firmly tied to the land, with poor population mobility and blocked information. Except for a few trading countries, most people lived in isolation. Although building roads is a waste of time and money, and has attracted many complaints, but there are at least caravans on the roads, and people outside the caravans will bring new news. As a result, Louis XVI sympathized with the hard work of the people and decided to cancel the road construction, which just angered the farmers.

They feel they are forgotten.

At this time, the importance of churches and pastors is reflected. Many cities like Lyon use "parishes" instead of villages and towns to divide administrative units.

In the old days, the soldiers were too poor to pay the military service tax, and the king of France had to recruit mercenaries. They felt that these mercenaries were more reliable than their own citizens.

After the promulgation of the new conscription law, France suddenly mobilized a large number of troops. Although the Austrian troops stationed in Belgium were well-equipped at that time, they were facing the French army's onslaught of 80,000 beasts and the attacks of Carnot and Saint-Jose. The artillery of the special organization can only be defeated.

At that time, the tactics of the French army were indeed very "primitive", unlike the Bavarian War of the Throne, which had high mobility and complex personnel transfers, trying to cut off the enemy's connection with the supply base to force the enemy back.

Jourdan was also harassed by local peasants when he entered the Rhine region. For Napoleon, whether it was peasants forced into the army by force or prisoners released from prison to make up the number, they were not servants, knight servants, or slaves. But equal citizens, no matter how cruel the officers, are equal to the soldiers, and flogging soldiers is prohibited in France.

If the bourgeoisie overthrew feudalism because labor was tied to the land and unable to satisfy industry's demand for free labor, then soldiers came out of the village to the army not to suffer or to make up for it.

"In the past, their lives and vision were limited to the limited pastures, and their perception of the world was limited to the borders of the farms, but after they joined the army, they saw a wider world."

The armies of the French Republic used to be mixed, with people from different regions mixed together in one grassroots unit, not in Napoleon's legions.

He understands the feeling of nostalgia, especially in the early days of service, when placing fellow soldiers and close friends together can help recruits better adapt to unfamiliar environments.

When they "go to work", they speak standard French with veterans and military officers, while "off work" they speak the dialect of their hometown. Through arduous training, getting along day and night, eating and living together, the nostalgia at the beginning was cured, and the army became their home and family. Destination, and even a brotherly friendship.

What will soldiers feel when they have climbed the highest snow-capped mountains, stepped on fertile plains, walked through arid deserts, seen the water city of Venice and Cairo next to the pyramids, and then returned to the countryside where they grew up?

Even his parents and wife couldn't understand what he had experienced, only those "comrades" from the same town knew. If they were lucky enough to be alive, they might be at parties someday and sneer at "the great Bonaparte" as they did in the army.

If they have a son, they will pass on the survival skills they learned during the war to him in case they will be useful one day.

It was also written by Machiavelli's "On Livy's Roman History". During the war in Italy, the Kingdom of England had no war for 30 years, but the king was a wise and thoughtful person, and he did not relax military training even in peacetime.

While touring Normandy, Napoleon didn't just visit factories, he also noticed many well-fortified farmhouses, which he ordered the gendarmes to dismantle for fear of becoming a base for bandits.

The fabric of linen has many advantages. It is light and natural, and can be worn next to the body. Louis IX once wore it to welcome the crown of thorns. King Charles VI of France used flax as part of a ransom in exchange for captured French nobles from the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I.

The sultan had won a brilliant victory, but it didn't take long for Timur to come. He was captured in Angola, and his ruling career and the peace he brought to the Ottoman Empire were as fleeting as his nickname "Lightning". passed away.

Although the land in France is very suitable for growing flax, which has been cultivated since the end of the Roman Empire, the fiber structure of pure flax is tight, and the dye cannot easily diffuse into it. It is usually gray or natural color, except for one color-indigo.

During the American Revolution, the British temporarily stopped bounties for the production of indigo, the dye used in the uniforms of the Continental Army. Now because of Napoleon's sanctions against the United States, it has been fired at sky-high prices. Wearing natural indigo clothes in Paris is a symbol of luxury.

Many people hold a negative attitude towards dumping, especially the dumped country, but if the dumped product is not produced in the dumped country and is a consumer product, then as long as the dumping does not create a monopoly or prevent the importing country from establishing in normal international competition new industry, dumping is beneficial to the importing country.

However, if the dumped products compete with the domestic products of the importing country, the damage suffered by domestic manufacturers must be offset by the benefits of consumers. If the benefits of consumers are the interests of the entire country, domestic industrial enterprises must serve the market efficiently. Is it also in the national interest?

The tariff agreement in 1789 was a predatory dumping. After the French textile industry, a pillar industry, was destroyed, British textile companies could form an international monopoly. After the monopoly was formed, the price would not be determined by the "market" or "free competition".

Napoleon was well aware that if his return in 1799 represented civil unrest, the populace along the way and in Paris would have been less welcoming to him.

Machiavelli also said that a monarchy and a republic without military force will suffer great humiliation, and if there are people, there will be soldiers. At the beginning of Tullus's succession to the kingdom, there was no one who had been in battle, because the country had been at peace for forty years. This kind of problem will inevitably arise in the long run of peace, but after a war, it is inevitable to recuperate for a period of time.

Regardless of whether it is rivers, lakes or seas, after many years of human fishing, the fish has been exhausted, and the rich fish resources cannot be recovered, and the fishery has a fishing ban.

Filch has long wanted to restore caning. There was a baby boom in Britain in the 1960s. When Lily and the others entered the school, it happened to be in the 1970s. At that time, the school supervisor could use it, but it was banned later. Umbridge resumed it after he took office. up.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class she took was unacceptable. In her eyes, everyone just sat on the bench and fooled the exam.

Imagine a picture like this, a wizard holding a time switch and returning to the battlefield of the Battle of Angola. Because of an accident, it fell off and was picked up by a Mongolian or Ottoman Turk in the chaos. Without it, you can’t go back to the original What would she or he do in this world?

Lily put down her wand, and although it was useless against Voldemort, witches shouldn't have put down their wands.

This is her choice, to be a happy housewife and rich wife, she changed the arrogant James Potter, a good life was about to start, but it stopped abruptly.

After Troy was broken, no one was spared, even Andromark became a slave girl, and her past happiness was gone forever.

Although it is a bit rushed to replace the horsehair on the helmet with a raven, Georgiana decided that the "clothes" she gave to Xiao Lian was the raven helmet. The tribune who dared to challenge the Gallic giant reminded her of the victor David in Goliath, and Harry Potter in killing the Basilisk with the help of the Phoenix.

Although the raven is considered an unlucky bird, the Challenger survived.

It's just that the fallen Gallic giant made her feel sad, because the Romans invaded his homeland, and he was a big man who had no power to change what those small men had done.

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