Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2367 mauvais sujets (on)

In the northwest of Mechelen there is a floodplain, known locally as den battelaer forest, at the junction of the Zenna River and the Leuven-Delle Canal.

The canal has been navigable since the 14th century. However, with the increase in trade, the canal was gradually insufficient. It was planned to widen the canal in the 17th century, but the plan was not approved until 1749.

The excavation was carried out by 500 Ardennes farmers who were assigned to requisitioned houses near the canal, which soon filled with water after it was completed in 1752, but the volume of water exceeded people's expectations, and it turned out to be flood.

The people who designed the canal at that time also considered this situation and set up two single gates and one double gate, but the double gates completely lost their function, so they rebuilt three single gates, and the amount of water flowing into the canal has been relatively small since then. stabilized.

But the houses where the canal workers used to live are vacant, and there is no telling when the floods will return and the locks will fail, and the houses are gradually being taken over by the homeless.

If it hadn't been for the intelligence obtained from the brain of the assassin Brooke, even if he flew over this area, it would be difficult to notice that there are actually people living here. It is almost completely like a natural forest, not only covered by a lot of vegetation, but also the reed warbler, a bird that lives in the swamp.

Louis from the Beaufort family sneaked into the village with the wizards first, and then the Mamluk cavalry also entered the village and began to search the houses that seemed to have been vacant for a long time.

This was the last thing she wanted to see, so she gave the command to Shabi and Figel, and she waited quietly by the swamp.

She stood by the lake and watched the waterfowl pass by the mirror-like lake. It was much smaller than the lake she swam in before, but it was just as peaceful.

She looked at the soft fabric on her body. Brook's sword didn't leave a mark on it just now. Under normal circumstances, it should have been pierced, and she should have fallen in a pool of blood.

At that time, she had no time to think about it at all, and she looked at the fire opal ring on her hand again. Maybe another person would think of attacking Brook with fire magic, but she subconsciously used this kind of defense method, and she didn't even use armor for protection.

The reason why the magic world exists is because of hiding, but the taste of hiding is not pleasant. Who doesn't want to live in this world with integrity?

Unlike British wizards, French wizards feel that hybrid magical creatures are a "scandal". They are so open that they can even accept a werewolf drinking potion in public. When Scamander's grandson first saw it, he was shocked. Feel very surprised.

The core of the French Enlightenment philosophy is "rationality". All superstition, injustice, privilege and oppression will be replaced by truth, justice, equality and human rights, and everything before that will be overthrown and restarted.

Kant believed that the existence of God is transcendental and cannot be experienced by human beings.

He understands illusion as the ancients used it to beautify an empty behavior in order to cover up their ignorance or even deliberate illusions about a science or art, and to imitate the meticulous methods stipulated by people's general logic. It's nonsense and doesn't tell people anything about the content of the knowledge.

The illusion that Georgiana recognizes is perceptual. If a painting does not have all the colors, at least there are black and white, and a sketch can express a three-dimensional effect. An image that appears to be three-dimensional has no extension in the three-dimensional world, although it appears to have length, width, and height.

All dharmas are false views, like dreams or flames, like the moon in water, like images in a mirror, born of delusions.

Sometimes people have to distinguish between imagination and delusion. People are easy to get lost in all kinds of hallucinations. There is only a thin line between genius and madman.

After all, people still live in groups, and some ethics and morals must be followed in groups.

In fact, she would rather be a housewife, but as long as she thinks about what is happening in the village, if she is the woman who lives in the abandoned hut of the canal workers, suddenly a group of soldiers rush in...

She would rather Brook killed her just now, but she subconsciously chose to live.

She just announced the death sentence of a person, and she seems to be dead, or she is not really alive now.

As Lyle Meyer said, people in this world are neither really alive nor really dead.

Then she heard the sound of hooves behind her.

She turned her head and saw that it was Augereau, who came to Georgiana after dismounting.

"Leave it to me, madam, please go back."

She couldn't say that she was granted amnesty, at least she felt that she had no strength in her body, and it was difficult for her to stand on her own.

At this time she found that there was another person beside Augereau.

"Who is this general?" she asked subconsciously.

Augereau glanced at the other party: "He is Lagrange, the senior inspector of the gendarmerie."

Georgiana was eager to ask if this was the pseudonym of the senior inspector.

"I know another Lagrange, are you related to him?" she said jokingly.

"Do you really know him?" said Lagrange, the Inspector of the Gendarmerie, laughing. "I never heard him talk about you."

She was a little taken aback when Figel came back and they left this place together.

Back at Mechelen's residence, she saw an unexpected person after opening the door.

"Don't let others discover the rules of your actions." Bonaparte put down the official document he was reading, "otherwise others will lay down an ambush beforehand."

She stood still.

"How about we leave Mechelen?" he asked.

"You're all set?" Georgiana asked.

"I can call them to continue the meeting in other places, and you are the same. Roquerol is very healthy. I asked you to set up a school that has nothing to do with the Middle Ages. I didn't say that you would oppose Prussia..."

"No, you don't understand!" she interrupted him "Only by doing this, we can stop this from happening!"

"what happened?"

She looked at the military uniform on him and suddenly felt disgusted.

"I sometimes feel like I've made the wrong decision and signed up to the Faculty, a place full of unreliable pastors and recalcitrant desires, and I've given in to them without gaining anything."

"Isn't Polista in charge of them?" asked Georgiana.

"He has more important work, and the work of the Ministry of Public Belief can be put aside for the time being." He said indifferently.

She didn't say anything more.

"I heard that you can erase your memory," said Bonaparte.

"Under certain circumstances." She looked at him cautiously.

"Can the Mamluks forget what happened just now?"

"Of course no problem." She said immediately, "After they come back."

He stared at her.

"Can you tell me why?" He asked after a while.

"Using witchcraft to rule a country is a bad idea. There was a madman who was going to do that. No, not just one. To rule a country is to rely on fairness and justice."

he laughed.

"You think that's childish?" she asked back.

"Come here." He held out his hands to her.

"What are you doing?"

"A reward for you."

She made a face at him and went back to the bedroom to change.

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