Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2348 Great Illusionist (Part 2)

When passing by a bookstore, Georgiana saw the police rushing in and out, and many people were watching at the door.

Before she was exiled, Mrs. de Stael published a paper entitled "On Germany", discussing why the French's attitude towards German literature is incorrect. It says this:

In Germany a writer forms his own crowd; in France the crowd directs the writer, because there are more men of thought in France than in Germany, and therefore the crowd demands more, while the German writer is held high. above his critics, so that German writers are rarely improved by being criticized.

Georgiana believes that a band can only have one conductor. Although many people think that without a conductor, the band will still play according to the score, but in the band, he doesn't know whether his instruments have taken over.

Georgiana did not know whether Madame d'Estahl was a French or a German, and, as she began her essay, there was a confusion of sentiments due to the wide differences in the ways of seeing and feeling of the two peoples.

As the daughter of the great banker Jacques Necker, she is eligible to enter and leave the court. After the outbreak of the Great Revolution, the assets under her father's name were frozen. It was difficult to recover the two million francs he lent to Louis XVI before. Mrs. Starr's remuneration and royalties may not be able to cope with the luxurious court life. Fortunately, Necker felt that the political situation in Europe was turbulent, and she had already invested part of her assets in the United States. This money became her extremely important financial guarantee.

She needs Paris very much, but Paris doesn't necessarily need her that much. She mentioned in the article that "the French have more faults than the Germans, and they make judgments before they understand the subject. There are so many different views of the same object, that it imparts to the German mind a tolerance which springs from universality."

"Piety and frivolity are opposites, and the latter is the defect of the French nation, but also their beauty."

"The permanent frontier of the Rhine separates two cultural regions, which are as separate from each other as two states."

The tearing of a country starts from the upper class. In order to support their views, the upper class will find people from the lower class, and forming cliques will eventually lead to greater tearing. This is inevitable in a social system where the "minority obeys the majority" ills. As long as there are many people in my own faction, the minority must obey, and the minority does not think so. So many people in the Middle Ages supported the theory of the center of the earth and the flat earth, but only a few people thought it was wrong. In order to prove that his discovery was correct, he embarked on an adventurous voyage.

As long as you win the debate, more people will accept your argument, and you will have more supporters. The right to speak becomes extremely important at this time. As for whether the facts are as the debaters say, it is irrelevant. Sometimes the world becomes so strange and strange. It is not because of the world. Arrived at the Cloth Merchants Hall next to the City Hall.

Farron was still conducting experiments with Fresnel, but they did not continue to reproduce the illusion of the Prussian magician before, but wrote formulas on the blackboard, which made her dizzy.

After communicating with Farron, she didn't know what Fresnel was doing, such as a boat oar, it became bent when it was placed in the water, but from a distance, the lake water was not transparent, like a mirror People and boats are also reflected, but the oar under the water surface is gone.

What Fresnel calculated on the blackboard is the reflection and transmission of light. Originally, Farron hoped to visualize the image, but the result of their many experiments was to make people "invisible".

Farron is old, and the young people's thoughts are a bit hard to understand. Georgiana recalled that although she didn't understand Muggles as well as some wizarding purebloods, she didn't understand them as deeply. It's just reading Muggle newspapers and textbooks under the influence of thinking, maybe...Fresnel is studying the polarization of light waves?

As far as Georgiana knew, it was a college physics course. It is possible that Mrs. de Stael had contacted what she thought were "frivolous" French people, but she could not generalize it. Obviously, she ignored all the French academicians in the room.

She didn't like Mrs. Starr all because of Bonaparte. Odysseus lived so comfortably on Calypso's island and still wanted to go home, no matter how many hardships he encountered on the road later.

If the Iliad is about war and glory, the Odyssey is an epic of mortals.

Sailors at sea longed to see lighthouses that would guide them into safe havens, and that's what Fresnel made the lenses for. That scene was a magnificent picture to her, but unfortunately she was not a painter, so she couldn't make it come alive on paper.

After encountering a storm, the expedition expedition to Egypt left the storm circle. After the clouds cleared and the fog cleared, he saw the sky full of stars. If she was on the ship, she would observe those stars like a magic stick, although she is not very Believe that astrology can predict the future.

"Have you eaten yet?" Georgiana asked Farron.

"He didn't eat." Farron said, pointing to the dedicated Fresnel, "He doesn't care about his body at such a young age, when he lives to my age..."

"How about we go get him something to eat?" Georgiana said to Faron, "and we'll chat."

Farron froze for a moment.

"Of course." He said with his head down, then looked at Fresnel. "I'll be right back."

"Yeah." Fresnel said resignedly.

Then Georgiana and Farron left the borrowed office.

"I have some news to tell you." Georgiana said after walking in the sun again, "The First Consul sent someone to Hamburg."

"Oh, I see." Farron thought as he walked. "Hamburg is under the protection of Prussia."

"What?" she said in surprise, "I heard it didn't enter the Basel Treaty, it's still a free city."

"Prussia, which has expanded its territory, will become a new threat to the north." Farron said, "That's why Hamburg is looking for them."

Georgiana shook her head.

"What I said before..."

"He said to think about it." Georgiana interrupted Faron, "Don't have too much hope."

"Coffee can be replaced with chicory, the key is not those beans." Farron said, "In 1786, Necker estimated that there were 2.2 billion livres in French circulation, and Arnault estimated that there were 1.9 billion. Take an integer, 20 100 million……"

"Wow, that's how you count?" Georgiana said with a smile.

"There are about 5 billion livres in Europe." Faron continued, "If you add Asia, it will all be replaced by new francs."

"That's what the Dutch told you, too?" asked Georgiana.

"No, it's obvious, isn't it?"

"Don't be too greedy." Georgiana reminded, "Be careful this is a trap."

Farron smiled without saying a word.

It's a pity that she can't tell the "future" to Faron, if she is really a prophet.

After returning to the square, she saw the messy search scene again. There were scattered books everywhere on the ground, which looked like they were about to be burned. She bent down and picked up one.

It's a book in Latin, and it looks old.

At this time, the bell suddenly rang. Georgiana glanced at the St. Lumoudi Cathedral not far away. The bell she heard just now didn't sound like its bell, and the reaction of the others seemed to be that they didn't hear it. Is it because she heard wrong?

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