Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2341 House of Light (Part 2)

In 1899, Heloise Mintab, a silent person from the Department of Mysteries, used a time-turner to travel back to 1402 in an experiment. She "landed" just near the battlefield of Ankara, because she lost time in the melee converter, causing her to be trapped there for up to five days. When she finally returned to "the present," her body had aged five centuries, was irreparably damaged, and eventually died in St. Mungo's. Not only did her tour result in at least 25 offspring who were "never born," but it resulted in her return lasting two and a half days on Tuesday and leaving four hours on Thursday.

The Ottoman Sultan "Lightning" Bayezid I used the forest east of Ankara to fortify to reduce the maneuverability of Timur's cavalry, but Timur led his troops to attack the city from the south.

There is a chess piece called "cannon" in chess, which is sometimes written as "cannon". In the travel notes of "Nick Polo", there is a cannon filled with stone bullets on the Lianhua Mountain where Wen Tianxiang's anti-Yuan troops stationed. Made by Tang Ruowang, it uses gunpowder to launch stone bullets. At that time, the shell that could "flower" had not yet been invented. It was different from the projectile used for siege, and it was mainly used for killing, because the lethality of this shell was too cruel. It was published at the Hague International Conference in 1899. A proclamation prohibiting the use of this ammunition.

At that time, it was generally believed that the firearms of the Ming Dynasty could restrain the Mongolian cavalry, but Timur's cavalry did not fully adopt Mongolian tactics. Timur was a Turkic Mongol. At that time, the best cold weapon Damascus steel and the best war horse were almost All of them came from his territory, and his richness of firearms was not lost to the Ming army at all. And because they came from Central Asia, the fortified castles built by these Persians are much stronger than the Chinese city walls covered with rammed earth and bricks, and their siege capabilities are also far higher than those of the Northern Yuan Dynasty.

It is a misunderstanding to think that Timur's army is the Mongolian cavalry under Temujin. When Bayezid saw that Ankara was about to be breached and rushed to support, Timur took advantage of the cavalry again. He fought with the Sultan's army on the battlefield. After half a day of fierce fighting, the Tatars in Bayezid's army and the Anatolian coalition army turned back one after another. Bayezid's army collapsed immediately and he was captured. But Timur did not continue to attack the Ottoman Empire after he won, because at this time he received information that there was civil strife within the Ming Dynasty. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang passed the throne to his grandson Zhu Yunwen, and Zhu Di raised his troops and sent troops south. In 1402, Zhu Di, king of Yan, captured Nanjing. During the war, Zhu Yunwen's whereabouts were unknown. It is said that he died in a fire in the palace.

However, because of the long distance from China to Ankara, the messenger brought news that the Ming Dynasty was in civil strife. Seeing an opportunity, Timur quickly returned to Samarkand to prepare for the Eastern Expedition.

This defeat hurt the vitality of the Ottoman Empire, eased the demise of the Byzantine Empire, but also relieved Timur's worries. However, when Timur returned to China, Zhu Di, the king of Yan, had already become the emperor of Yongle. When he led 200,000 troops to attack the Ming Dynasty, it was already difficult to conquer. He died of illness in Central Asia in 1405 at the age of 69. His descendant Babur founded the Mughal Empire in India.

The previous controversy between Georgiana and the archbishop focused on the issue of punishment. Although the punishment by wheel was also cruel, her coldness of "making the best use of everything" was still condemned by the archbishop.

She couldn't explain to him that Bonaparte would not let go of those who conspired against him, and that the current relatively peaceful atmosphere could be maintained without martial law throughout the city, and everyone could go to the square to watch the "air show". It's not easy.

Because Joseph II demolished the city wall of Mechelen, this indeed caused a certain impact on the local law and order. Today, the representatives elected by the vegetable vendors did not care much about Napoleon's assassination, and they were more concerned about their future life.

There are roughly two reasons why Joseph II demolished the walls of Mechelen. During the period of Frederick the Great, Prussia built 80 24-pounder guns, each weighing 1,800 pounds. It played an important role in the Battle of Leuthen and the Seven Years' War.

Under the power of the 24-pound gun, the solid city walls are like paper, and they are easily smashed, and it takes a lot of money to maintain these walls. Louis XIV has already demolished the walls of Paris, so there is no need It is necessary to stay.

The other is the Beguinage. Since the 16th century, few people have been interested in the life of the order, but the order did not completely die out, and even revived in the provinces under the Habsburg rule.

After 30 years of war and the plague, the population needs to recover. The Sisters of Beinju will cause obstacles to a certain extent, but they cannot directly order the nuns to return to secular life, so they have to tear down the city walls. There is no obstacle, and they yearn for a secular life. will leave the congregation.

Sometimes a strong enemy is more conducive to unity than solidarity; easy things are easier to do than right things.

At the Battle of Leutern, a bullet shot through the neck into the shoulder blade of a Prussian officer happened to meet a captured Austrian soldier, a Belgian who happened to be a graduate of the School of Surgery at the University of Lyon, sadly The soldier had lost his surgical tools because his Prussian captors took them as trophies, but the soldier operated on him with a dull shoemaker's knife. He was lucky to survive, otherwise there would be another widow and war orphan who lost his father in this world. Another Junker aristocratic officer was not so lucky. He was only 17 years old, and he was the only son in the family. However, because of the deterioration of his wound, he could not even be transported back to his hometown for burial. The officer is the only one alive who knows where he is buried.

It's a good story for an anti-war film, which has brought suffering to many, but Georgiana has a hunch that Bonaparte won't agree with the kind of thinking of the "battle priest".

He once banned the assembly of the God-Worshiping Fraternity Association. This is an organization that is "indifferent to the world". It did not engage in conspiracy or participate in the royal movement, so it was difficult to calm people down when it was banned. Bonaparte ignored those "public opinions" and let an author who wrote an anti-religious book "The Origin of Religion" become the chairman of the Legislative Council, and let the constitutionalist Father Gregoire fill the vacancy of the Senate, as if the one who signed the The people in the "Academic Affairs Covenant" stood on the opposite side again.

He had asked Georgiana privately if she knew why he did what he did.

Protestantism arose at the beginning because of the anti-indulgence note. Martin Luther believed that the exoneration should be obtained through pious belief, not in the merits accumulated by one's own good deeds, but in God's grace and personal belief in God.

Besides Sigmund, the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles VI of France and the University of Paris also advocated the reunification of the Church.

The antipope was originally called the antipope and the false pope, referring to those who have won the pope's reputation due to the controversial pope election. When Gregory XI died in Rome, the Romans wanted to keep the church in Rome, so they elected an Italian Pope, which caused dissatisfaction with the Avignon Church. They claimed that the election was coerced, and then Back to Avignon for another election.

This schism was nominally ended by Martin V. In fact, the antipope of Avignon lasted until 1437, and there was no antipope in 1449. The last antipope was Felix, Duke of Savoy V, he is the son of Earl Amedeo VII in red, who was promoted to duke by Sigismund in 1416, and he extended his territory to the Ligurian coast.

He used the remaining Basel Council to elect Pope, and when his son became an adult, he concentrated on being Pope until he was persuaded to retire by Pope Nicholas V in 1449.

The Ottoman sultans had a title called "Shadow of God". After the Ottomans occupied Constantinople, they declared themselves the legal successors of the ancient Roman Empire. The sultans occasionally used the titles of Caesar and Emperor.

Although the Ottoman Empire is currently in decline, the Ottoman Empire is also a new star emerging from the dust of the "supernova explosion" of the Arab Empire. Maybe new stars will be born from the Ottoman dust, and even if there is no threat from the Ottoman Empire, there are other countries that give up force for peace, and even the ability to protect themselves is impossible in the eyes of Bonaparte.

She is not against the Pietists, which will lead to persecution, nor is she against the Harrer model, she thinks it is quite practical, but she does not agree with the Harrer model of training war orphans into candidate soldiers.

She didn't know how to explain it to the archbishop, but as a woman, she knew that women sacrificed their time to play, just like the German lullaby sang, and bored children at home, not to let him go to the battlefield as "cannon fodder" one day of.

Some people disagree with her point of view. In the process of expansion, the nobles got the manor and the peasants got the farm. This kind of "profitable war" is more attractive than "unprofitable peace".

If the author of the parable of the bees could leave the question to wiser men, who would she leave it to?

Following the blood that flowed into a stream, I climbed up the hill cautiously,

Bodies littered the field, and the survivors stood up.

If the resurrection stone of the Deathly Hallows is used, it may not be a "survivor" who stands up, but a corpse.

It seems that it can move does not necessarily mean that it is still alive, just like Grindelwald's resurrected unicorn corpse in the International Federation of Wizards, the "back" is not one of the twin unicorns, no matter how it calls the other party, it can't hear it.

According to the Novikov principle of self-consistency, time travel doesn't actually change anything, and whatever the travelers do, they just cause the situation they noticed before the trip, just like Harry and Hermione in third grade did.

Heloise Mintab only stayed for 5 days and died, is it because she stayed too long or because she changed history so that time is messed up?

Pomona has been in there for well over 5 days, so her return to the "now" means she too will die?

But Hermione Granger used the Time-Turner just to learn, it doesn't matter how she is in this world or the world her body is in.

The strange thing is why did she know that her body did not come into this world? How strange.

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