Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2339 The Magic Flute of Variations (Part 2)

"I did it." Snape said while packing away the instruments for potion experiments.

"What?" Pomona said in surprise.

He looked at her with a "you are inexplicable" look.

"No... how did you know?" She asked confusedly.

"James Potter wants to ask Lily, do you know how messy it is out there?" he said in a harsh voice. "I don't trust either of them to keep her safe."

She was silent for a moment, and seeing that she was silent, Snape continued to clean the cauldron.

"I told Lily that James liked her, and she didn't believe it."

"So you told the principal to stop them dating?" Pomona asked.

He was so angry that he put the washed cauldron aside, making an unpleasant noise.

"And you too, why did you agree?" He asked in a reproachful tone.

"I haven't heard the concert." She answered honestly.

"So you agreed to Sirius Black's invitation?"

She finds him strange.

And Snape had already turned and left the Potions classroom.

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Marie Antoinette is known as the "Queen of Deficits". In fact, when there is a deficit in the budget, in addition to raising taxes and saving expenses, there is another way to print money.

Minting coins is less fast and less costly than paper money, so hyperinflation is much slower.

As a centralized country, Marseilles does not have the right to mint coins like the princes of the Holy Roman Empire. Usually, silver coins made from silver ingots are much more, because both gold coins and silver coins must be mixed with other metals, otherwise they are like gold and silver. Such soft metals are prone to wear and tear.

In fact, gold and silver are formed through transmutation when stars die, not through the so-called alchemy in ancient times, or the backward chemistry that some people think. Before the death of a star, it must go through a process of expansion, and the expansion of the star does not start when it is close to death, it has been expanding, but it will accelerate the expansion when it is close to death, such as the sun, which only had the current volume of the sun when it was just born About 87%.

However, a star with a small mass such as the sun cannot produce much gold and silver. Its mass is too small. After nuclear fusion reaches a certain stage, the carbon-based core will shrink, while the more massive star will shrink with iron as the core.

The sun is just a celestial body, it is not worthy of worship, it, like other planets in the solar system, was formed from the debris left by the death of the previous star, which broke free from the gravity of the black hole. The gold and silver on Earth may be left over from the dust left over from the explosion of a previous star, or it may be brought by meteors called "interstellar travelers" from other galaxies that may not have Life like the earth is born because their stars are too big, but when the supernova explodes, it produces more precious metals than stars the size of the sun, and they attach to the meteors and come to the earth.

During the Hadean period, the earth was still in a molten state, and no land was formed. The surface was full of magma, like a hot magma ball, and the meteors falling into the magma lake were like sugar cubes falling into hot water. It disappeared, but the substances it carried entered the earth's circulation system, some came to the surface, and some came to the mantle.

Since gold is an inert metal, it is difficult to chemically react with other substances, and only mercury can dissolve gold. When people mined gold, it still maintained its metallic luster, and gold diggers could even find gold particles in the silt.

Silver is also an inert metal, but it is easier to oxidize than gold, and silver will turn black after oxidation. Copper oxidation usually forms a patina, but the product of copper oxidation is not only a kind of patina, but also black oxide copper. The emerald green patina needs water to participate. When copperware is placed in a dry desert, it forms a patina. The speed will be much slower, and the more humid the reaction speed is, the faster it will be. When the silver on the surface of the "black coin" is worn away, the alloy copper is exposed to the air. To make this alloy copper appear the same black as silver after oxidation requires certain formula and skills. Copper is also an inactive metal. , although copper oxide is black, it needs high temperature to form.

The surface temperature of most human beings does not exceed 40 degrees Celsius, so the chemical composition of the surface of the "black coin" needs to be tested. Possibly the blackened grease, with which the common people buy their daily necessities, and who seldom see the Louis d’Or once in their lives.

The soldier who discovered Louis XVI said that he recognized the disguised king by the face of Louis XVI on the money, which is indeed possible, because soldiers were sometimes paid in gold coins.

But it is also possible that someone taught him to say that, most likely the people who controlled the horses in the king's carriage, so as to prevent them from running away in disorder, but Louis XVI chose to persuade the locals to let them go, if everyone wants to let go It is useless to overtake the king and control his horse.

Most of the people have been persuaded by him, until the mayor and his wife appeared, at this time the queen began to beg the mayor's wife...

Life and death decisions are often made in the blink of an eye.

After the bankruptcy of France in 1790, in order to get rid of the financial difficulties, in addition to confiscating a large amount of teaching property, securities such as securities with land as guarantee and similar to banknotes began to be issued in unlimited quantities.

The Prussian currency also used the Thaler. Before Frederick the Great set a unified standard in 1753, the German currency system was very chaotic. Coupled with tariffs, it was difficult to circulate materials and people between the states.

As the years passed, Maria Theresa coins became more minted and their usefulness increased, and in the Near East they were also used as ornaments and jewelry, with busts of the richly dressed Theresa looking on So exquisite was this that it led to the Austrian thaler gaining such a recognized place in the Eastern Mediterranean trade that, after Maria Theresa's death, Austria continued to mint her thaler rather than the head of her successor.

In 1784, the Ottoman Sultan also signed a treaty with Austria. German merchants did not need to pay import and export taxes on non-Ottoman currencies, nor did they need to convert their currency into Ottoman currency when entering the country.

The Levant is an imprecise geographical name that refers to the large area south of the Taurus Mountains in the Middle East, the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the north of the Arabian Desert and the east of Upper Mesopotamia. Playing an important role in trade between East and West, it is also called Levantine Thaler because of the large presence of Maria Theresa Thaler there.

Ginzburg is located on the Danube River, where the Levantine thaler was made in the past. Later, Austria lost the war and the molds for the coins were shipped to Vienna.

This coin was not only used for trade, but was also used by the Ottoman maharajas to pay military expenses. However, they didn't have molds, so they handed over the gold and silver to the "economic man" in the West, and it could become a business by exporting the Levant thaler.

To do this business, you need to understand financial knowledge such as foreign exchange. Some people also earn commissions directly, but they are responsible for transporting the money to the designated place in the Ottoman Empire. Similar to Gabriel Ufral who contracted the transportation of Spanish silver coins, they have their own In order to prevent pirates from being armed, the merchants of Marseilles blocked the Mediterranean coastal shipping to a certain extent.

"Campo Formio" caused Austria to lose Belgium and a large piece of Italian land, but gained Venice, Trieste, the Tela Peninsula and the Dalmatian coastal area, that is, the Adriatic Sea, and in addition There are four galleons belonging to Venice, on the basis of which Austria can develop its own navy.

Although it is necessary to bypass the Alps from Austria to Riester, it is at least a port to the sea, and Austria has not yet become a completely landlocked country.

The Dutch West India Company approached Georgiana and the people of Lyon, and they took a fancy to the coffee trade, which accounted for one-third of France's total import and export trade.

Currency is not the only means of circulation. When there was a lack of gold and silver in ancient times, people used pepper, silk, salt, etc. as currency. The Turks could also exchange their coffee with the French for woolen cloth. Languedoc, which was on the verge of disintegration The grams of industrial area can continue to exist. At present, they are barely supported by the uniforms of the army.

Will it be that simple?

She recalled that Snape, who was pulling a black cloak, striding across Hogwarts like a bat with outstretched wings, and passing through the crowd like Moses parting the Red Sea wherever he went, who would have thought of his miserable experience when he was studying? Sample.

Sirius is different from James, his "pranks" are sometimes dangerous, and once led Severus to the shape-shifting Remus Lupine, if James hadn't blocked it with his Animagus If Remus was killed, Severus would be seriously injured if not killed.

Or worse, turn into a werewolf.

Sirius is very loyal to his friends, but he is very loyal to his enemies, but he has changed a lot since he escaped from Azkaban. Every time the Order of the Phoenix holds a meeting, Severus can always easily arouse Sirius' anger. Nep's expression was as happy as Albus's when he saw him listening to chamber music in agony.

He didn't say he hated music, but the way he scowled every time made it seem like he hated it.

This happened before Remus took on the role of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, so it was certain that it had nothing to do with Neville's boggarts, or the music played in that class.

Later, Remus' identity was exposed and Neville was retaliated the following year when Snape actually asked him to dissect a horned toad that looked similar to his pet Rifle.

If he came to her in the future, how would he punish her?

Even if she wanted to use another person to make herself forget him, it would be difficult, and it seemed that the two of them were quite alike.

The Beatles have a song called "yesterday":

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away,

Now it looks as though they're here to stay,

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be,

Theres a shadow hanging over me, shadow hanging over me,

Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say, why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say,

I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday, now I long for yesterday

It's a shame that it didn't turn out to be a Beatles concert, the damn "snitch", what a bad guy and a good thing.

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