Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2330 wicked game

Whenever there are natural and man-made disasters in the Muggle world that lead to social unrest, there will always be some dark wizards who will take this opportunity to make trouble.

In the 1440s, Nicholas Malfoy opened an inn and used it as a disguise to kill many Muggle tenants, but he attributed their deaths to the Black Death.

This approach is actually very similar to a serial killer. Holmes, the "first" serial killer in the United States, was 20 years earlier than "Jack the Ripper", and the way he committed crimes was to build a hotel.

Regardless of whether it is Muggles or wizard serial killers, their targets are outsiders. They do not have any relatives in the local area. With the communication at that time, many people would have to wait for about a year before someone found their disappearance. When they came to the door, the evidence had been destroyed long ago, and they could still lie that the residents had gone elsewhere.

Even the case of disappearance in the 21st century is difficult to solve, and the basis for distinguishing murder from disappearance is the corpse. This is the reason why Voldemort allowed werewolves to "serve" him.

The early scavengers distinguished themselves from wizards when they were still in Europe. In other words, they disguised themselves as "our own people" to help Muggles eliminate those wizards who caused natural disasters and plagues, and became "guarantors of a good harvest." Some werewolves jumped at the opportunity and said they were God's hounds.

Sometimes people do not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, but too many wolves disguised as sheep, making it difficult to distinguish. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether Edward III banned the export of British wool to the Netherlands during the Hundred Years’ War, because the Netherlands was suffering from the Black Death, natural disasters, and wars of succession, and originally ruled Flanders. The last male of the Avena family of Siddharth invaded Friesland in the year when the plague broke out, and died on the battlefield. It happened to be from Eno.

During the French Revolution, some people regarded the right to vote as an inherent right of citizens. However, in a representative country like the United Kingdom, not everyone has the right to vote, and voters must have certain assets. This is based on the "sovereignty theory" proposed by Rousseau, but in Hobbes's book, elections hand over the power to manage themselves to a certain person, and recognize all his actions, so that they are unified in one A group of people within a personality is called a nation.

There are two ways to obtain this power, one is through the force of nature, such as the king passing on the throne to his descendants, and if the subjects refuse, he can execute those who do not obey his rule. The other is that people reach an agreement with each other and voluntarily obey a person or a group, such as the minority obeying the majority, which means that they are no longer bound by the opposite old covenant, that is, the majority obeys the authority of a few dignitaries and monks. rule.

There is another kind, which is to use war to make the other party obey his will, and pardon their lives on this condition, similar to what Henry V said to the French prisoners in the Battle of Agincourt, if they die in the next day's battle If they choose not to take action, then Henry V can spare their lives, otherwise they will be executed immediately.

The captives can actually tear up the agreement and attack Henry V while the two sides are fighting.

In fact, Hobbes' books are not liked by so many people. If there is "Leviathan", there will be "Anti-Leviathan". In the book, he also described the fence representing the enclosure movement as not blocking pedestrians, but for Get them on the right track.

According to Hobbes, the degree of crime is measured according to many different scales. Since crimes committed on the spur of the moment are less serious than those committed over a long period of time, because the former situation is a common weakness of human nature, there are also room for mitigation. But the man who plans first and then commits crime has thoughtful and has seen the law, the punishment, and the social consequences of such a crime, and has flouted all of them when he commits the crime.


Louis XVI had repeatedly ordered soldiers not to fire because he didn't want anyone to get hurt.

He is a good man, but a bad king.

The purpose of the Directorate’s war when Napoleon went to Egypt and was not in Europe may be to train republican generals such as Bernadotte and Moreau so that they can replace Bonaparte in the future, unlike the fruit moon coup.

However, snipers need bullet practice, and it is not so simple to train "famous generals". In the old days, no military service was another privilege of the nobility. After the beginning of the Great Revolution, all school-age young people, whether poor or rich, had to serve in the military according to echelons. But at that time it was not the nobles and the king who decided whether to fight or not.

Some people actively joined the army to defend the Republic, while others had their front teeth pulled out and chose to become deserters. General stars are golden, like gold in sand. Most people hope that they can become famous generals who will be promoted quickly, but most people are just sand that has been eliminated.

Napoleon at least still regarded those dusty soldiers as human beings. He remembered their names and what battles they participated in. This excellent memory is very rare. However, he also has a ruthless side. He will abandon the wounded soldiers and continue marching with healthy and strong ones. In order to pursue speed, he can even reduce the burden of tents and let people lie directly on the ground and by the fire.

When the Black Death spread in the army, people fell ill one by one, and they mixed with wounded soldiers who did not get sick. In order to prove that they were not sick, the wounded soldiers would show their wounds to passers-by, and the sick needed help. will hurt yourself.

The people looked less like people at this point and more like twisted worms, but there would be no locals to help them because of what they were doing in Jaffa and Cairo.

Not everyone agreed with Bonaparte's approach. Kleber did not kill all the resisters, but he was assassinated.

When Bonaparte erected Kleber's statue, how many people said behind his back that he was hypocritical? He obviously has a better relationship with Desai.

Mercy is most welcome, and if the prince and his subjects are sworn enemies, they will feel no discomfort after the regicide.

Although regrettable, Georgiana did not intend to persuade Bonaparte to agree to sign the farming loan.

This is not only because sometimes "right things" and "dead things" have to be clearly distinguished. Many people will do bad things because of good intentions. The French peasants supported the Revolution because they got the land. France engages in the enclosure movement, so no one can save her, and she will even drag Bonaparte to the end.

Also because he seems lonely and he needs someone on his side.

Although it is commonplace to borrow money from bankers to start a business in this era, he still does not want to be bound by bankers and debts.

The life of wild animals is cruel, not enough to eat, not to sleep well, but at least Dobby the free elf doesn't have to pay respect to wizards like he did when he was a house-elf. Even if Malfoy had a bad day and had to hit him to discourage him, he couldn't resist.

Dobby wanted to change his allegiance, not to Malfoy, or Hermione who set the house-elves free, but to Harry Potter, a strange kid who was eager to get back to school after the holidays.

She chatted with him about the wizarding world following what she just said about "wanting to go back to school". He didn't pay attention to what she said, nor did he stop her from "chattering" and interrupting him to review the documents.

There was once a witch named Dorcas who said so much about the wizarding world that it caused widespread leaks, and all she told was her Muggle boyfriend.

She didn't know that he was a scavenger, and because of this incident, it was just that Muggle-wizard marriages, which were banned because of discrimination and prejudice, were "legally banned".

There are a lot of people who think Dorcas is stupid, and Georgiana thought so at first, but how do you spot someone who's putting on a disguise, flattering you, getting close to you, and setting you up?

Real demons tend to have an angelic appearance so you can see it as "one of your own".

Things are often not what you see. In addition to reflecting the shape of objects, light can also produce illusions.

Maybe that wizarding proverb needs to be rephrase, but Georgiana doesn't care anymore, number one, she's a "non-existence", and number two, she's boring, and who's going to stop a boring woman from "talking nonsense".

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