Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2327 Peterm?nnchen (9)

Chapter 2327 Petermnnchen (9)

On the sixth day of Genesis, God made two monsters out of clay, one was Leviathan and the other was Behemoth. Around the middle ages, Bechymos became one of the seven monarchs of hell, and became a demon representing "greed".

At the same time, it also has a Hebrew name, which means "beasts". To give an example like this, several people who originally played the game together have a big winner and a big loser, and a small winner and a small loser. When the rules specified by the big winner can no longer control the overall situation, the small winner and the The little loser, and even the person who later replaced the unlucky ghost felt that they had a chance, because they all knew the rules and gameplay of the game, and wanted to be the ones who made the rules themselves, but how to decide?

Georgiana was cutting up the schnitzel on the plate. She didn't tell Bonaparte what kind of meat it was, but it was just as tender and juicy after frying.

The reason why pork is considered unclean is that it eats everything, but since he has eaten dog meat in Egypt, he doesn't care about these "details".

She wouldn't do poisoning, not just because it wasted food, but also because if Napoleon died at this time, Europe would be plunged into civil war for at least 50 years. The "rules of the game" formulated by Charles IV and the Habsburg family can no longer be played. The war will not stop until those German princes go through civil war, annexation, and finally form a new Behemoth, let alone Napoleon's generals felt that he was only "lucky" to become the first ruling general.

The most direct manifestation of ambition is lust, and sometimes even greed, but greed does not necessarily mean ambition.

Leta Kiester said that Hermione was ambitious, and she didn't know how she saw it. Could it be because Hermione was Victor Klum's rumored girlfriend and also Harry's "rumored girlfriend"?

No one likes this kind of "bad girl". That Easter, Hermione received an Easter egg from Molly that was about the size of an egg, and Harry's was the size of a dragon egg. Of course, this may be Always pay attention to the exaggerated descriptions of the children at their table...

"Not to your liking?"

She looked up at the person at the other side of the small table who had finished his Wiener schnitzel on his plate.

"Don't you feel greasy?" Georgiana asked.

"I think it's delicious."

"That's good." She took a bite of fried potatoes sprinkled with thyme.

"Don't explain?" He asked with a smile.

But Georgiana felt that he wanted to bite her.

"A French girl said that the dishes I cooked were too greasy, and she couldn't fit her dress. And you too. Didn't you also say that you gained weight?"

"I think she's just complaining about..."

"What's there to complain about?" She said indignantly, "Other people have eaten my dishes for so many years and haven't complained."

"That's because she's French, and the French whine are definitely world champions."

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Have you ever heard how other people complained after canceling work coffee?" Bonaparte raised his fork and snatched a cut steak from her plate.

"It's so late, you still eat so much!" She complained, she wanted to protect her dinner plate, but thought it was too naive to do so, "Be careful of gaining weight!"

"I don't need to tuck myself into a skirt," he said with a smug smile.

She was tempted to say that Severus had a much thinner waist than yours when you were your age.

But when she got to her mouth, she swallowed it again, and blocked her mouth with a burrito.

"Why are you so quiet today?"

"When will you leave after dinner?"

He was a little upset.

"Are you driving me away?"

"It's still dangerous outside, be careful and safe." She didn't have the same knowledge as a "child", so she said calmly.

In fact, she really didn't want to keep him here overnight. The palace that once belonged to Margaret of Austria had only lived in children and widows. If only he was a child.

But he seemed to have misunderstood, and looked at her with a very moved look.

There was a "crash", as if something was broken.

Georgiana looked in the direction of the sound and found that the salt shaker beside the stove had fallen to the ground for no reason.

"I don't need to go back." He quickly ignored the little accident, and said to her in a slippery tone, "You will share your bed with me, right?"

"Actually, I have something to tell you." Georgiana said blankly, and told Bonaparte the story Bertin told her during the day.

"In other words, Marie Antoinette was not targeting Josephine, she was just repeating what happened before her death."

"Are you telling a ghost story?" He smiled. "Yes, anything else?"

Georgiana didn't think he believed it at all, so she didn't know whether to tell him about the "mischievous ghost" in this house.

At this moment, there was another sound of glass falling to the ground. She chose to ignore it and finished her dinner.

"do not move!"

said Bonaparte suddenly, and drew an embroidery needle from the potato she was about to put into her mouth.

He looked at it in surprise, then at Georgiana.

Georgiana felt lucky. Fortunately, Bonaparte ate the steak first. Otherwise, he would have easily swallowed the needle with his voracious eating behavior, and surgery would be inevitable. With the current infection rate, he is almost certain to die .

"You want to murder me?" He turned his face instantly, his face looked extremely gloomy.

"It was a prank." She said deadpan.

"What did you say?"

"It seems that I was wrong." Georgiana snatched the embroidery needle in Bonaparte's hand and compared it with the one that Bertin took out from the skirt. "If you must stay here overnight, remember Don't change your shoes."

He didn't seem to want to stay for a moment, and stood up while pressing the handle of the knife.

Georgiana didn't stop him at all, and continued to eat while saying "Remember to be careful!"

His back quickly disappeared at the door, and then she heard the sound of horseshoes going away.

"You just want me to be like you, don't you, Margaret?" Georgiana said into the void.

"Who are you talking to?" said Bonaparte, who had come and gone, standing at the door.

"Why didn't you leave?"

He sat back in the seat he had just sat with a displeased face.

"Can you explain it?"

She didn't know how to explain the difference between a "mischievous ghost" and a "ghost" to a Muggle, who couldn't see anyway.

She turned the embroidery needle into a wooden soldier, the kind that little boys often receive at Christmas, and placed it in front of him.

"This is my explanation." She said blankly, "You should have left just now."

He still tried to stay calm.

"Mischievous ghosts tend to be bound to houses, and I told you not to touch those two fortifications around Bruges..."

"What can they do?" asked Bonaparte.

"Nothing, but tough. Do you know how Margaret died in Austria? A maid broke a glass, stepped on it, and died of an infected wound, the first day I went here to take a bath, and the elf here put a broken glass outside my tub, luckily I found it in time, so I tell you to sleep here and don’t change your shoes.”

"It's that simple?"

"It's as simple as that. It's like putting banana peels on the bottom of other people's feet as a prank by a child. If the unlucky ghost hits his head on something when he falls, he will die."

"You are not afraid..."

"That's the kind of education I got, and there are quite a few ghosts in the place where I went to school," she interrupted him. "Besides, I'm still teaching there. Don't forget, I'm a wizard, Leon."

Suddenly, the girls screamed.

Georgiana found that the "mischievous ghost" was very active tonight, and usually stayed quiet all night.

She glanced at Bonaparte again, who was looking in that direction in bewilderment.

"I'll have the Mamluks take you home." She threw down her napkin, took out her wand, and ended the lack of interaction of the "date."

In fact, the whole time she didn't feel like she wanted to "eat him alive" when she and Severus were dating in the castle kitchen.

What's wrong with her?

She needs to think about it, so thank you for showing up at this time, Margaret, you came just in time.

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