Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2320 Peterm?nnchen (2)

Chapter 2320 Petermnnchen (2)

Farron called Napoleon Führer, which is the title used by Georgiana's party, which was used by Octavian at the end of the Republic, before the monarchy. In addition, it also involves the Republic of the Southern Alps. Lyon is closer to Paris than Paris, not to mention that the founding ceremony of the Republic of the Southern Alps was also held in Lyon.

This is actually a gamble, after all, Georgiana does not have legal protection like Josephine, but Bonaparte repeatedly asked the archbishops to hold religious weddings for them like a joke.

Even if the formalities of secular law have been completed, the divorce will not take effect without the Pope's permission. For example, the marriage of Louis and Hortense has both secular formalities and a religious wedding, which is equivalent to double insurance. However, if Louis thinks he must break free, there is no way out, just like the Constitution of the Republic does not allow the first ruler to lead the army, but does not prohibit him from accompanying the army. is prohibited".

Georgiana didn't see the contract drafted by the Dutch banker and Bonaparte, she could only see the one she signed, but that would have to wait until Farron left, he bombarded like He told her a lot of news, which made her brain hurt.

It is difficult for a woman to know what a man is doing outside and what a woman is doing at home. Napoleon asked Farron to see her because he wanted her to arrange for the nobles in exile. Farron was not as annoying as Bertin, and he had never done anything to collect debts from former customers. Anyway, it probably means this. After the French stepped on the ice and entered the Netherlands and established the Batavian Republic, they have been stationed there. In 1799, Britain sent troops to land. The French thought it was an invasion of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, but the Republic of Batavia did not think it was an invasion, and the common people of the Republic did not think so. It was August, and the British-Russian coalition forces commanded by the Duke of York Landing near Den Helder forced the surrender of the remnants of the Dutch fleet with bloodshed and destruction never before seen in the Netherlands. It was also because of this war that the Dutch navy general escorted Napoleon across the "Pas de Calais", who defeated Nelson.

At that time, a large part of these Batavian defenders were sent to the Vendée to counter the rebellion, but the high military expenses for countering the rebellion were paid by the Batavian Republic. The reason was that the French garrison was stationed on the Rhine River defense line in the Batavian Republic. Even occupied Vlissingen in 1800, Napoleon was already the first consul at that time, he threatened the Republic of Batavia, if the reparation paid to France was less than 1.6 million pounds, then he would not return Vlissingen, in addition It also forced the merchants in Amsterdam to borrow 400,000 pounds to the French army.

Then it was the turn of Hamburg, the city of the Hanseatic League. Hamburg was accused of paying the Kingdom of Great Britain to several members of the Irish resistance organization who were hiding in France. Therefore, a huge fine was issued to the "Free City" of Hamburg. It did not enter the accounts of the Ministry of Finance of the First French Republic, but settled the arrears owed by "Madame Bonaparte" Josephine to pay for beautiful clothes and luxury travel, and the other part was used as a loan for the purchase of Malmaison Castle.

Malmaison Castle was bought with a loan. At that time, Napoleon was still in Egypt. He was a clean and honest general. The remaining money was used to buy various gifts, and then the compensation for Hamburg was gone.

Originally, the Dutch didn't have much interest in establishing an Industrial Credit Bank, but Napoleon sprinkled bait again during a meeting with the bankers. During the reign of Charles IV, the electors were granted the right to collect customs duties and mint coins, which included the duchies of bishop princes. Although the popes were captured in Avignon as prisoners, they still had the right to mint coins.

In the early days of the Papal States, the image of the reigning Pope was used in the coinage. This kind of money was called petermannchen. However, during the period of Pius VI and Pius VII, this power was taken away.

The other is a currency called kaste, which are minted by electors who have the right to mint coins. This money is different from the Rifle, which does not have the heads of the kings. Louis XIV only had gold coins with the king's head on it. This kind of money is called gold Louis.

Whether it is Petercoin or Castelcoin, they are not as high-quality as the currency in circulation in France. The new franc will be implemented next year, which means that some of the original low-quality currency will be recovered and recast. In the "Subordination Act" Just talked about this issue.

It is no problem for those German princes to take back the coins. Where is the key to recasting? The Netherlands and Antwerp implemented coin exchange business. They thought it would be better to set up the mint here. Anyway, with the British steam coin minting machine, minting coins became very convenient and fast, although it was still not as fast as printing banknotes.

The paper Danish kroner is printed quickly, but they do not have a central bank to control the amount of money issued. The Dutch guilder has been issued since the 13th century. In the 16th century, the Dutch Republic held a three-level meeting to determine the silver Dutch guilder as the currency in circulation. 1 The Dutch guilder is equal to 20 stuiver. At that time, a coin called daalder was popular in Central Europe, worth one and a half guilders or 30 stuivers, also known as Austrian trade thaler, which has been issued since the 16th century. Because Germany did not form a central government like Britain and France, the coinage standards were different. It was not until 1750 that Prussia introduced the purity standard, which stipulated the silver content of the Thaler. This system became the basic currency system of North Germany. Not only the inferior thaler coins before 1750 have to be recycled, but also the crown thaler. Replaced, and even parts of South Germany.

At present, the establishment of a central bank requires a joint-stock system, but it is banned. Only the two national banks of England and France adopt a joint-stock system. Banks with this kind of partnership system are risky, but they also have their advantages. For insurance, the first thing is to "hold up" Napoleon and let him become one of the partners. As long as he does not start a war, "there is no risk."

Of course, these bankers are not pacifists. It is forbidden to grant loans to farmers because they have not obtained the consent of the government. However, the base of French farmers is so large. If they have to accept every loan, will civil servants do other things? up? Or expand the recruitment of civil servants to form a huge and bloated organization?

Although the law prohibits it, it can still be put on the shelf. Farming loans have given bankers a legal channel, and they don't have to worry about lending in the future.

The purpose of farming loans is to buy farmers seeds, fertilizers, improve soil, add farm tools and livestock for the coming year, improve yield per mu and production efficiency, and get rid of the current backward farming methods. It is not for them to use land as collateral to buy more land with loans .

Even if it is said, it will basically fall on deaf ears, but the courage of farmers is not as bold as those British money order managers who can use the same routine to multiply their loans ten times.

What can be called benevolent government in the East may not be possible in the West. Napoleon was persuaded because of the usury in Alsace. Farmers really need loans, but usury made farmers lose their land. People hate those usurers , and even regard the robbers who robbed them as heroes.

The story of Zorro happened during the period of Spanish rule in Mexico. There was a debt bondage system in Mexico, that is to say, after the colonial authorities turned Mexico into a colony, the original soldiers became settlers, and new towns were established according to the Spanish towns. Citizens were granted cavalry allotment and pasture allotment.

At the beginning, there were two kinds of Spanish peasants, one was the slaves of Azcot, and the other was the servants of the Spanish nobles, mainly housekeepers, overseers, tax collectors, and accountants. However, the earliest debt bondage system was not the big manor, but the woolen textile workshop. The main labor force in the workshop is the debt employee. The owner of the workshop makes a contract, and the rights and obligations of the registered wages, time and labor are approved by the judge. The debt employee is a penny. I couldn't get them all, and all of them were used to pay off the debts, and the workshop became a big prison, and the real prison was suddenly emptied.

There are also some employers who force employees to buy daily necessities, food, labor tools, etc. in workshops and shops. Even ordinary employees who are not debtors become debtors because they owe debts.

Later, a large number of Azcote and Spanish mixed blood appeared in the society. They increased the available temporary labor force. The village communities that lost their land still retained administrative autonomy and formed large estates, which required a large number of temporary labor forces. It is still the same, people need some daily necessities in life, first pay on credit, and then make up for the wages of daily workers.

However, natural disasters and man-made disasters continued, and smallpox took many lives. In addition, there were heavy rains and droughts, and various taxes from the governor.

People who also live in that land have different views, and there are still many responsible people in that paradise of outlaw lunatics. Some bonded farmers asked the farmer to pay them a few months' wages first, and then ran away with the advance wages. The creditors were more willing to borrow money from people who had lived in the area for a long time. These people have bargaining power and relative freedom. They regard how much the creditor is willing to pay as the value of their investment and job security, and some seasonal workers are not allowed to owe debts.

Once the hole in farming loans is torn open, it will be a flood. Originally, Bonaparte wanted to please the peasants, but it might backfire in the end, even though the loan only has 5% interest.

The sale of Louisiana failed this time. As one of the conditions, Sir Francis of the Barings Bank was going to persuade the British government to maintain peaceful relations with the British government. Pierre Cesar Laboucher, a banker sent by the Netherlands, was the son-in-law, also a friend of Gabriel Ufral and William Pitt, Jr., representing Hope Bank.

Napoleon sold Louisiana, so the United States can move westward, expand American farms and cotton plantations, and increase the slave trade. Banks such as Hope Bank that engage in the slave trade will make a lot of money, at least until the Civil War breaks out in the United States. war until the abolition of slavery.

If you don't sell Louisiana, you can continue to promote bonded farms. Louisiana itself has a lot of Spanish speakers, and those bonded farmers can buy any "European goods" they want.

Napoleon needed a brilliant victory to recover from his defeat at Santo Domingo. It was the Legion of the Rhine who went to Santo Domingo. These people were almost wiped out. Under the premise that there was no conscription in France in 1802, where would these lost soldiers be replenished?

If there is no withdrawal, you will be threatened by force. Withdrawal must meet certain conditions, and it is the same thing whether you agree or not.

Josephine's pet name for Napoleon was "General". When the land sale negotiations failed, Barings and Hope Bank immediately revised the plan. In the new plan, England occupied the northern states of the United States and united with Canada, while the southern states belonged to France. Napoleon will receive the title of "King of the United States", which sounds much more attractive than "Father of the United States Louis XVI".

But this means war and the loss of huge commercial benefits, and France will change from a neutral country between Britain and the United States to a participating country.

I don’t know if it’s the generality of the Bourbon dynasty or the French. We must pay attention to the victory of the war. There is also a war corridor in the Palace of Versailles, which depicts many victorious wars of the French, but whether it is the Spanish Succession War or the American War , They all suffered when negotiating a peace treaty. Although Britain lost, it got benefits.

Napoleon's famous battle of Toulon saw "little Gibraltar", but the real Gibraltar was in the hands of the Duke of York.

It’s not that simple to make men look down on winning or losing. Buying and selling official positions is just a means, just like Draco bought the latest broomsticks for all Slytherin members, so that he can compete with the "airborne" Harry Potter Compete, instead of waiting until you are old enough to play.

Gryffindor has lost to Slytherin for many years, whether it is the House Cup or Quidditch, but some people still think that they are the best house.

Minerva saw Harry's talent, broke the rules, let him be Gryffindor's suitor, then Slytherin also broke the rules, why is it so special to Harry Potter, because he is " Savior"? Or "Sage Potter" as Draco said?

Especially in the Academy Cup at the end of the year, the "Forever Trio" added 150 points, and Neville's 50 points, Gryffindor turned the tables and turned the tables into victory. In an instant, all the decorations in the auditorium changed from green to red It had always been a miracle that the Slytherins hadn't all left Pomona angrily.

Confrontation games are only fun if you have an opponent. Without Slytherin as an opponent, Ravenclaw who likes "by the quiet lake" and Hufflepuff who likes "no fight with the world" will not be as knowledgeable as a lion. After Wood, Hogwarts hadn't had a professional ball player after graduation for several years, and even Wood had to sit on the bench for several years.

There are rules in professional leagues that you cannot use the Firebolt, which affects the fairness of the game, but international competitions are not included. In the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, the Irish Quidditch national team used this broom and defeated the "poor" team. The Bulgarian team, even though they had Victor Bloom, even with the Firebolt, Victor Bloom got the Golden Snitch in that game.

Hufflepuff has always been in charge of watching plays (eating melons), but he did not expect to be selected as the "champion" of the Triwizard Tournament.

Three hundred years! This is the first time!

Then Harry Potter appeared as the fourth contestant.

You are the protagonist, are you amazing?

It happened that Justin, a sycophant, was willing to pay for the badge himself, so she pretended not to see it and acquiesced to the children to bring it.

During that time, Harry was having a hard time, from being the most popular to being a "smelly shit", but he didn't actually do anything, he was just framed, but no one believed him, including his friend Ron.

There are not so many regrets in this world, and not all misunderstandings can be forgiven through an apology.

She decided to think about him before she decided to define him as a bad person. This is also the advantage and disadvantage of being alone, and she has more time to think, although this also caused her to be uninformed. Maybe everything Farron said has been exhausted. We all know.

She is also willing to believe that Edgeworth does not know the secret plans of these people he introduced. She even wants to believe that Josephine said that she approached the handsome escort and cavalry Charles in order to determine whether someone in the parliament was plotting against Napoleon. What else? Do not believe it?

The premise of love is trust, "What makes me feel sad is not that you lied to me, but that I can't trust you anymore."

A good chef hopes to have a guest who can appreciate his culinary skills, just like a musician hopes to have an audience who understands him.

If she were a man too, she would love Josephine too, and who wouldn't want a romantic date with an attractive woman in the best restaurant in Paris?

That Pomona and Severus dinner at Victor Hugo's was a real failure, even though they were eating very fine food.

It's a pity that she is a woman, and women are rarely not jealous.

He said that he regretted ceding Venice, so that he could dance with the most beautiful women in the most beautiful living room in Europe.

In any case, it was not worth starting a war over it, and she didn't want to be Helen, an excuse for men to start a war.

God knows what she thought before, she must be crazy to feel that way.

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