Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2312 Lakeside

In 1672, when William III of Orange became grand consul and commander-in-chief of the navy and army, the mob stormed the prison where the de Witt brothers were held in The Hague. They were also torn to pieces and their broken bodies were hanged on the gallows. superior.

The chances of this happening to a group are very rare, but not uncommon for a crime scene, Jack the Ripper mutilated 5 women on the street, and there were a lot of people trying to "help" catch him.

Hunting is one of the instincts of human beings. After all, human beings are not herbivores. In fact, some people do enjoy killing, but some people like to hunt foxes, while others target their own kind.

Serial killers are often very good at hiding, even people who don't look like murderers at all. The "last witch" in Switzerland fell in love with the male master of her working family. When she wanted to make this relationship public, for her own Fame, status, but that man and the church designed "judicial murder" of her.

Many "witches" are often excluded marginal people, and then there are landladies and creditors who lend money. The old woman who talked to Georgiana at the meeting was the widow of a financier, Mrs. Borski, who joined the Industrial Credit Bank.

Bella also has many people who hate her, but she is strong enough, and whoever dares to provoke her, she will use the Cruciatus Curse or the Avada Kedavra Curse to deal with it.

Bella is a "real" witch, and witches like her have been "domesticated".

Before Joseph II, Maria Theresa also reformed Belgium, but she was very cautious in reforming. She did not disturb the security of the Austrian Netherlands, but improved the prison so that prisoners could sleep in the In a single room instead of a collective cage, and must also do certain jobs.

She was deeply influenced by Frederick the Great of Prussia, advocated enlightened autocracy, promoted scientific and technological practice and theoretical research, and established the Imperial Academy of Arts and Sciences in Brussels, with British expatriate Nedham as the dean.

After suppressing the Jesuits, the "Theresia School" was also established. The courses are French literature and natural science. what a woman should say

In the era of Charles V, he was surrounded by a doctor named Andre Vesalius, who was also the founder of modern anatomy. He was born in Brussels. His great-grandfather, grandfather, and father were all court physicians. Vesalius studied fine arts at the University of Leuven, and later went to the University of Paris to study medicine. Since then, he has performed dissections at the Holy Child Cemetery in Paris.

Then he moved to Padua, and after obtaining the permission of the judge, he began to dissect the corpse of the prisoner. In 1543, he presided over a public dissection of a notorious criminal from Basel, Switzerland. With the help of other doctors, The man was stuffed and donated to the University of Basel.

Bonaparte used this story to smooth things over at the meeting to avoid her being labeled "bloody". Habsburg rule is also nostalgic, and some Belgians want to restore it.

In fact, who doesn't want to be a gentle, kind, pure, lovely and elegant woman?

"Witches" will use herbs to treat patients. Women have been responsible for picking since ancient times, and men are responsible for hunting. They need to identify plants and make use of them. Let the patient suffer less. Therefore, "witches" often act as civilian doctors, which is much more effective than bloodletting and holy water.

Another is the fortune teller. When people know that their future fate is not going well, they will seek advice from witches. Coroline had suggested to her that Napoleon should go find a young girl and Josephine would pretend to be pregnant when she became pregnant.

The "witch" is to provide solutions and solve current problems. Of course, these "evils" will cause people's discomfort, and people with pure souls will feel the same way, and now she feels that no matter how many times she takes a bath, she is always unclean, especially the last time in Margaret's palace in Austria When taking a bath, the bath water turned red, which looked like a basin full of blood.

Is there anything that can purify her?

She wanted to sleep like this all the time, or never wake up at all, but a wizard passing by put a potion on her lips, trying to wake her up.

She wasn't really that fond of Muggle princes in fairy tales, they reminded her of Rohart, and a white horse would be a "perfect match".

"What are you dreaming about?"


She subconsciously said, and then opened her eyes.

It was already daylight, and Bonaparte, in a gray coat, was standing by her bed.

"Get up, let's go for a ride," he said softly.

"What time is it?" She said desperately, she still wanted to sleep for a while, it was so cold outside.

He stopped her from covering her head with a quilt, pulled her out of the warm quilt, put a thick cloak on her, and took her out of the bedroom.

There was only one horse in the yard, and he let her ride it first, then got on the horse himself, hugged her from behind, pulled the rein and rode away.

Just like the storyline of a hero in an old-fashioned movie, the hero saves the beauty and the two ride away together.

It was still very early at this time, and there were only a few people loading and unloading goods at the pier in the vegetable market at the entrance. They were stunned and stunned when they saw this scene.

"I just don't understand why Margaret built the palace here?" Georgiana complained.

Bonaparte ignored her, rode his horse and left the city, and came to the suburbs, but it was not an industrial area, but a lake.

The fog in the morning hadn't dissipated yet, and there was a biting chill. The lake water was black, reminding her of the Black Lake.

She looked at the lake quietly, thinking of the mermaids in the lake, she used to be with them in the lake, peeking at the humans in the "fish tank".

"Is it beautiful?" asked Bonaparte.

"Yes." She woke up from that dream, when Bonaparte got off his horse and reached out to hug her down again.

She ignored his outstretched arm and dismounted herself.

Then she took off her slippers, and, having tested the temperature of the water with her foot, was not unbearably cold, she took off her cloak and coat.

"Remember to keep watch for me," she said to him before diving into the icy water.

She cast the head-bubbling spell on herself in the water, and immediately felt like a contestant in a Triwizard Tournament, the title of which was to find something precious.

The lake was very clean. She kept diving, but only saw things like aquatic plants. There were no drowned people, treasures, or underground ruins, but she found a sword stuck in the mud.

Belgium has always been a battlefield. It is not uncommon to have such an ancient weapon, but if she fishes it out of the water, wouldn't it be the same as the "Sword in the Stone"?

With a prank mentality, she pulled it out from the bottom of the lake, but the sword was completely rusted. As soon as she pulled out the hilt, a red liquid leaked from the scabbard, which looked like blood.

She hurriedly turned back, fearing that it would overtake her. When she put her head out of the lake, the cold wind made her shiver. She looked at the horses on the bank and Bonaparte in a gray coat. She lost the mood of mischief and threw the hilt Back to the lake.

There should be a clean place in this world, free from any trace of blood or filth. If she hadn't moved the sword just now, this morning swim would have been a good memory.

She came to the shore along the gentle slope, and Bonaparte stretched out his hand and pulled her up.

"What are you looking at?" she said with a smile, and he looked so silly now.

"I'm looking at Undine, the water spirit." He said in admiration, "The Creator is really amazing."

She felt offended.

"Can you tell me what I did to offend you?"

She wanted to be angry, but couldn't.

She herself could not accept his status as a "butcher". Maybe one day he committed so many crimes that no one could forgive him. Could she still go to St. Hena Island for "vacation" with peace of mind?

There are a lot of families that are broken, and if he is doing well, what about the pain of other people who have lost family members?

"The last time you told me about your retirement, did it count?" she asked.

He looked at her slightly surprised.

"Answer me." She pressed.

"Forget it." He said sincerely, "but if the country needs me, I will serve again."

"What kind of retirement are you?"

"We didn't mention retirement that day, what are you angry about?"

Her mind was in a mess, and she couldn't think of how to express it.

"You think I'm in charge of you?" He said suddenly.

Right and wrong.

"You're mad at me!" She punched him hard twice, and he stood still, letting her beat her up.

"Are you still angry?" He asked when she was beaten to the point where she had no strength left.

She still didn't want to talk to him.

He shook his head.

"Let's go, go back." Then he picked up her clothes and threw them to her, "Put them on quickly, don't catch a cold."

She stuck her tongue out at him, and then put on her clothes. The dressing gown was soaked with water and became wet. She used the quick-drying spell, and it dried out quickly.

Then she stepped on his hand and got on the horse, and after he got on the horse, they went back the same way.

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