Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2310 auto da fé

The sun was so bright that she couldn't keep her eyes open, and it took her a while to get used to it.

At this time, she was on the edge of a sunken square, and there was a square pit in the middle. There was some firewood in the pit, and there was a wooden stake on the pile of firewood. Many people threw it into the pit when they passed by. a piece of firewood.

There are "audience seats" around the sunken square, and the class they are in can be clearly seen. The side belonging to the common people has no awnings and no seats. They gather in a noisy manner, and some people sit over the railing above. There are also "middle class" seats, which have plank seats but no awnings. The most luxurious one is the "rostrum", where there are not only seats, but also a silk awning, which belongs to the nobles, but none of them showed up.

With the sound of trumpets, she looked over, and a group of richly dressed knights appeared, followed by a donkey, and on it was a disheveled woman, wearing a cloak of yellow cloth that fell to her knees, There may be patterns on it, but they are blocked by vegetables and eggs, and there are people chasing her and throwing things at her. Those knights are not so much protecting her as watching the fun. She gets off the donkey and they don't care.

After a while, they stopped at the entrance of the sunken square, and two priests helped the woman riding the donkey down, and then there was a sound of trumpets, and nobles in festive costumes appeared in front of them. seat.

Their positions vary from high to low. The highest sits the magistrate, while the nobles are lower. After they are seated, the two priests who are in charge of guarding the prisoner during the execution carry the prisoner up the steps, and then hold the prisoner with his hands. What the woman who was tied back said.

"Bah!" The woman spat on one of the priests, and then laughed. She laughed and the others laughed too, as if they had seen a good show.

"What did you see?" one asked her.

Georgiana looked at the stranger.

"What did you see?" he repeated.

Georgiana turned her attention to the burning scene. The priest may feel that she is stubborn, so he walked up to the crowd and said to the people around, "She left herself to the devil, and the devil is standing beside her, ready to accept her soul." , let the soul, as soon as it leaves the body, throw it and the devil into the fires of hell."

"He was wrong." Georgiana said indifferently, "It should be the fire of refining sin, and her soul and body will be purified."

"Anything else?"

After the priest finished speaking, they walked down the steps, and the executioner, covered with a black cloth, stepped onto the stage, and he showed the iron chain in his hand to everyone.

The crowd cheered, all of them chanting "Burn that witch!"

Charles Dickens once wrote: "People sing songs in unison, and at daybreak all kinds of thieves, whores, rogues, and vagabonds flock to them, and they are rude and dirty in their words and deeds." There were quarrels, fainting, whistling, cruel jokes, and the national entertainment was fueled by malicious excitement and commotion as fainting women were disheveled from the crowd by the police.

The sun was rising and the sun was shining brightly, gilding thousands of raised faces with gold, each face either smiling mercilessly or expressionlessly, it was so hateful that it was beyond words. And the horrific scene around them was all caused by those two miserable people. When they were trembling and suspended in the air, there was no more emotion in this world, no more pity, no more sobriety to realize these two immortal beings. The soul is facing judgment, and there is no more restraint to restrain the previous filthy words and deeds, as if human beings have no faith at all and will perish like wild animals.

This documented a hanging that, as ridiculous as it was, brought people together like weddings and funerals, a sort of legitimized "holiday celebration" after a series of elaborate arrangements that didn't come up at all function of warning and deterrence.

Here, it is death, not funeral, that is ritualized, which would have no effect if it had been done in secret in a prison cell—with the public support of the people.

"I've found the crux of the matter," she whispered.

"What is it?" asked the stranger.

"No one cares about James' feelings, and certainly no one cares about mine."

It wouldn't start with a dying cry, the execution would begin with a slow fire and then it would grow until the flames set her clothes on fire, and before that she still had the strength to shout and curse.

Sometimes in order to avoid leaking secrets, things will be stuffed in their mouths, so that the voices of those cursing people will not be heard.

Not this time, the woman began to swear, and then began to sing, as if to ward off the fear of death, the smoke billowed, a gust of wind blew the smoke towards her, she began to cough continuously, and soon there was no sound up.

The biggest difference between death by fire and postmortem cremation is the respiratory tract, there will be a lot of soot in the mouth.

However, this requires an autopsy to know.

After a while, the wind changed direction again, revealing the chained woman at the stake, who appeared to have passed out.

The yellow tunic on her body was blackened by the smoke, but the letters drawn on it could still be seen:

Misericordia et justitia.

Merciful justice.

The moment she was in a trance, the surrounding landscape changed.

The sun disappears, replaced by night, and the square turns into a typical Parisian alley, where a respectable man is stabbed to death by a down-and-out-looking man.

The assassin fled, and the slain lay in a pool of blood. People not far away were gathering wine glasses and shouting that the king's head would be cut off tomorrow.

If it was a normal woman, she should scream at this moment to attract the people around her.

Therefore, she must have something abnormal, and she actually walked up to the dying man and knelt down.

The man looked at her in despair.


"Why did that person kill you?" she asked.

"Because... I voted," said the man "for killing the king."

Then she looked into his eyes until the gleam of life faded from his eyes, such a man cannot be saved.

That's how Harry Potter watched as the light faded from Severus' eyes, leaving no chance for anyone trying to save him.

One of the rules of using the Time-Turner is not to be seen, Hermione uses it for a lot of her classes and of course she is seen by a lot of people and she's not wearing an invisibility cloak.

"Can't be seen" refers to the parties involved, such as the past self, and people related to the "story". If Harry knew that Severus was saved and alive, it would be a different story.

Death also has the function of "washing away sins". The sinner's past crimes are redeemed with his life. However, if he commits a sin that cannot be forgiven even if he pays his life, people will insult his body and curse his soul to hell. .

But it would be a waste to just cut it into pieces. She thought of Imerton and his followers who were mummified alive. The Egyptians like to paint murals. They would describe what crime they were tortured on the wall what?

Like assassinating the Pharaoh.

She slowly opened her eyes, the sky should not be bright yet, so candles were lit in her room, and the candlelight coated the room with a layer of gold.

She looked at the person lying beside her, who was staring at the ceiling in a daze.

"When did you come?"

"Just now, I came to see what you were doing."

"What else can I do but sleep?"

he laughed.

"Do you know why I don't go with you to St. Lumodie's?"

"You are very busy."

"Why don't you go to the clock tower?"

"I can't let an 80-year-old man climb such a tall building twice in such a heavy dress."

"He doesn't have to climb with me."

"I don't think he would want that kind of favor," Georgiana said. "The Archbishop is stubborn."

"That's why they guessed my whereabouts and set up an ambush in the church. That's why I don't act with you."

"Wow." She exclaimed.


"You're so smart." She sat up halfway, looking at his forehead, thinking that maybe Athena would pop out of it.

"Aren't you angry?" he asked.

"What's the matter?" she asked back.

"You said you were mad."

"That's another reason." She said calmly, "It has nothing to do with this."

"Can you explain it to me?" asked Bonaparte.

She didn't want to say it.

"What are you asking about Charles V and Marguerite of Austria?" asked Bonaparte.

"I thought, she's playing tricks on me, she's not like Marie Antoinette."

He looked at her in bewilderment.

"Leave these problems to me to solve, and you can just focus on state affairs."

"Would you like to get up now?"

She pursed her lips, and finally lifted the quilt and got up. It seemed that even if someone with a torch didn't rush in tonight, she wouldn't be able to sleep until dawn.

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