Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2297 scarlet woman (eleven)

Machiavelli once wrote in the history of Florence: Is there any disease that is more harmful to a republic than slavery? Is there any other treatment that can effectively eradicate this disease? Wars are unjust, but wars fought when necessary are just; violence itself is merciful when only violence can offer hope of salvation. I know of no country that needs this more than ours, nor any greater sympathy than the deliverance of our country from slavery.

Napoleon was sent to the military academy when he was very young. In the eyes of his classmates, he was a short and weak person, a foreigner with a strange personality, and the French took it as their duty to correct other people's French pronunciation. One day, a student a few years his senior laughed at his accent and called him a wild man. At that time, he was in the fourth grade, and the big man was much stronger than him. He also hesitated, should he do it?

He jumped up, wanting to give this guy some color, and then Napoleon was easily beaten to the ground by the big classmate, so that he had no strength to stand up again. The big man let go of Napoleon and turned to go to class. But he didn't give up, and went to fight with the big guy after class. After several times, he asked Napoleon if he was stupid. Napoleon said loudly: "You insulted me, you have to say sorry, otherwise I will fight you again." The big man was also shocked, and unconsciously said sorry.

When he told this story to Georgiana, she didn't think there was any problem. She hoped that the Hufflepuff children in the lower grades who were bullied by Draco would also jump up and rebel "over their own strength", but they were divided Entering this college, you can't expect them to dare to "fight against evil" like the Gryffindor lions. In the end, Hannah and the others couldn't take it anymore, and taught Draco a lesson on the return train, which was only after their fifth grade training in "Dumbledore's Army".

At this time, the "neutrality" has changed. You can have the kind of life you live with whoever you are with. It has been replaced by the ancient oriental philosophic saying "Likes flock together and people form groups." War finds a splendid pretext.

In the speech just now, Napoleon compared war to an art. In his hands, the ancient way of war has undergone dramatic changes. Unlike the old mercenary chiefs, who regard the preservation of the army as the first priority, his first task is to Advance at a fast speed, give the enemy a fatal blow, destroy the enemy's fortress, then get supplies, and attack the next target like a gale.

In Napoleon's new system, France will be like the sun around which other small countries revolve. If anyone disobeys, he will become the debris of the asteroid belt. The Holy Roman Empire, which is about to be dismembered, is an example.

In comparison, the church electors and dukes have enough value to use, and it is easier to create a puppet state. Similarly, they cannot be counted on in wars. The most difficult to deal with are those small princes, earls, and imperial knights. Georgiana just remembered Count Lesterwitz, who lived with Frederick the Great to Silesia, belonged to the Prussian camp. After the lions hunt and kill the animals, there will be scavengers waiting for a share of the pie. While tearing up Austria, Prussia can also take the opportunity to eat a piece of meat and get 5 times the compensation for losing land on the left bank of the Rhine.

In addition, there is Baden, who also participated in the anti-French alliance and lost the left bank of the Rhine at the same time.

The heir to the first Duke of Baden, the young Grand Duke and his stepmother did not get along well. The Grand Duke's second wife was considered an illegitimate child and had no chance of inheriting the Grand Duke's title. Bavaria took this opportunity to marry the Baden court. Bavaria's princess Augusta is not Stephanie Beauharney. The Beauharner family is actually quite poor, and they can't even afford a dowry of 100,000 francs. To be realistic, Napoleon would not agree to Louis marrying her, not to mention that Josephine also needs Ortans and Louis to have a child. Stephanie agrees to marry the Duke of Baden at least to become the Duchess of the Principality, which also involves Russia , because the wife of Tsar Alexander I belonged to the Marquis of Baden.

After the Habsburg family, will Bavaria or Prussia dominate Germany in the future? Another point of view, if the Principality of Baden does not get the support of Napoleon, Strasbourg will not get Napoleon's acquiescence, and it will be included in the boundaries of Baden, but Napoleon agreed to Bavaria and Prussia on the right bank of the Rhine. ?

North Germany's policy of neutrality is difficult to stand up to, as it involved trade in the Baltic Sea. According to the constitution of 1795, the Dutch Republic had an elected parliament organized by non-oligarchy representatives, each of whom would represent 15,000 inhabitants, the United States and France. They all have more votes than anyone else. However, there is a 21-member committee in the Netherlands that specializes in studying the constitution, and the "Governor of the Netherlands" needs their consent if they want to amend the constitution.

Georgiana wants to use the very complicated universal suffrage system designed by Sies, where the people choose people they trust, while the central government retains the right to appoint, like the former mayor of Antwerp, who is a former member of the Council of Elders. But can the people sent from Paris be trusted? During the Battle of Toulon, he also sent a painter as a general. The first thing he did when he arrived was to clean up the noble officers in the army.

Dante met three wild beasts in Hell. Some people say that the she-wolf symbolizes greed, the lion symbolizes ambition, and the leopard symbolizes pleasure. Others say that it symbolizes the pope, king and Florentines. These three beasts, I will show you another path." So Virgil led Dante through hell, purgatory, and finally handed him over to the object of Dante's unrequited love, letting her lead him to heaven.

Brutus and Cassius organized an army, which almost brought about another civil war that Caesar had managed to suppress. The Bourbon princes disbanded the army formed by exiles in the Netherlands. Although the morale was greatly reduced, it reduced internal friction.

Louis XVI's last words when he went to the guillotine: I still want to pray, and hope that after my blood is sprinkled on the land of France, there will never be bloodshed.

No wonder that the prophecy of the prince was believed, and believed, to be a Bourbon prince: a prince from ravaged Europe who would become humane against the obscurantists and oppressors who threatened us unscrupulously. , the protector of justice and culture.

Most of the time he showed his ordinary side in front of her, so that he forgot that he was one of the three invincible beasts in Virgil's mouth.

She wanted to have someone who could advise her at this time, but it was a pity that she had always lived in seclusion and didn't know many people at all.

Tsar Alexander stopped him with a city, Moscow burned like Troy, and made the French return journey as rough as the Odyssey.

She didn't think Homer could give her good advice at this point.

The bad thing is that she doesn't believe in God, otherwise she would have someone to pray to and hope that it will enlighten her.

Before Lucifer fell, he was also the "son of the dawn" and "the brightest star".

It is said that the pit of hell was made by Lucifer, and the crime Lucifer committed was arrogance.

Everyone has weaknesses. There is a Styx River on the fifth floor of Dante’s Hell. Achilles of Troy was once soaked in the water of this river by his mother, except for the mother holding his ankle. Outside one place, the whole body is invulnerable.

Georgiana wondered if he remembered Rousseau's saying that it was in everyone's interest to weaken an arrogant enemy who wanted to rule the world, and that besides this common interest each nation had the individual interest it desired.

He may remember, or he may have forgotten, after all, he is not a child who is easily intimidated. Instead, it was used by mothers to warn crying children at night, "If you continue to cry, Polly will catch you", and then the child The "devil king" who stopped crying.

At this time, she remembered a sentence in "Nico Polo's Travels", because the poisonous arrow wood was so poisonous that it became the victim of its own success.

It was too hard for him, women's tears were useless to him, Josephine had already used it once.

So, what else could she do?

She looked at the crowd at the ball, expecting them to help her, only to find that they were clueless.

They don't really care about a person's life or death that much. Although they were a little nervous at first, they don't care after getting a "reasonable explanation".

She raised the wine glass and took a sip. She filled this glass of water with the spell of clear water like a spring. Don't worry about poisoning. She has magic, so how could she let herself die of thirst?

It's just a pity that it's not the fountain of the Lucky Fountain, and it doesn't bring her good luck like the Lucky Potion, which is exactly what she needs at this moment.

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