Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2295 scarlet woman (nine)

There is a dish of grilled eel on the table of Leonardo da Vinci's mural "The Last Supper". According to the requirements of fasting at that time, it should not appear on the table of the apostles.

After secularization, no one remembered this incident, and because of changes in people's diet, many fishing cities began to decline, or they were changed to trading cities like Amsterdam.

If there is a custom of fasting, then at this time it is possible to ask all the guests to prohibit drinking and eating, but the problem is that even fasting must have a reason, and it is not a fasting period.

At this moment, Father Gregoire walked towards Georgiana.

"I heard you're going to see the Archbishop of Mechelen tomorrow?" Gregoire asked.

"Is that a bad idea?" Georgiana asked timidly.

Grégoire thought for a while, "Have you read the "Regulations on Academic Affairs"?"


"Then do you know that the Diocese of Aachen was also assigned to Mechelen?"

Georgiana recalled a moment.

The Archdiocese of Cologne and the Archdiocese of Mainz straddled the Rhine River. When the land on the left bank of the Rhine fell into the hands of the French, these bishoprics were also delimited together, and no longer belonged to the "Popal Limitation Bulletin". in the designated area.

There was also the whole of Liege, but they were all divided into Mechelen, which she did not expect.

"Archbishop Roquerol is 80 years old this year. His memory is sometimes bad and he can't remember what happened during the Great Revolution." Gregoire said.

Georgiana was "digesting" what Grégoire had said.

"Do you think judges should not support equality and justice?" Grégoire asked again.

"Of course not," said Georgiana at once.

"Since the 16th century, Mechelen has been the seat of the Supreme Court. Although some people refuse to be equal to others, there are still some people who are willing to accept 'equality'. The public opinion in Ghent is mostly in favor of the Great Revolution. You can push the sugar factory there. Easy to succeed."

Georgiana was puzzled again, the reaction of the people of Ghent seemed to be less enthusiastic than the people of St. Nicholas Town.

"The cathedral clergy of Mechelen sent a petition to Brussels because the French generals seized the church documents, which were sent to Brussels with the books of the Leuven seminary library. Can you send the documents Return them the copy? Like you did in Paris." Grégoire asked again.

Georgiana thought and thought, maybe it was because she was really old and didn't fully comprehend the meaning expressed by Gregoire.

"Do you need to translate into French?" she asked subconsciously.

Gregoire laughed.

"If you have plans in this regard, I can accompany you to see the Archbishop tomorrow."

She figured someone would be angry about it.

She didn't feel it before, but she just made a copy of the book in the church library and left it in the French library. Thanks to Napoleon, he signed the "Special Agreement on Educational Affairs" to reconcile with the Holy See. Another leader may not acquiesce in her "nonsense".

The Directory planned to destroy the Papal States, but Napoleon did not follow Jourdan's orders, but took a lot of artworks back. She remembered seeing newspaper clippings from the Paris Commune in a French library. When the Franco-Prussian War broke out in 1870, the French troops stationed in Rome were withdrawn. The Italian king took the opportunity to attack the Papal State under the pretext of "protecting the Pope". At that time, King Ludwig II of Bavaria was watching a play in the theater. An actress acted in a play. She couldn't remember what she was performing. It roughly refers to the attitude of the King of Bavaria towards this matter.

The king smiled, noncommittal, and the Papal States were finally taken over by Italy in a non-peaceful way.

The Kingdom of Bavaria is a state second only to Austria and Prussia within the Holy Roman Empire. Prussia took this opportunity to expand its territory. Wouldn't Bavaria take action?

Just now Gregoire mentioned Ghent. The nieces of the archbishop of Ghent all received annuities, but the benefits were not limited to money.

Just returning the books to them, but not restoring the school, seems to be not a big problem on the surface, but she remembered that there were secret missionary groups, and the formation of secret associations was as serious as the problem.

The University of Rouen has not been re-established so far, and she probably will never forget the university built in the cemetery for the rest of her life.

What the Carlos and sisters did was not very clever. If Voldemort was the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he would change his tricks to instill his views on those children who were not deeply involved in the world.

The offspring of John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster, and Salazar Slytherin were the illegitimate children of a Muggle, and they were not recognized.

This is another point she didn't expect. It was Ghent, the former Gunter, who first signed the contract with them.

"I'll think about it," Georgiana said to Grégoire.

He looked at her intently.

"What is the problem?"

"Your answer just now, if someone else said it, do you know what it would say?" Gregoire said, "He will immediately agree, although he may break the contract 'later' due to various concerns."

"That's not me," Georgiana replied.

"I know that some people hate tithes, and some people hate the feeling of being cheated even more. Last year, Paris also encountered brutal treatment by grenadiers. Many people were caught on the street and forced to vaccinate."

"That's not my order," Georgiana said.

"I know that's not an order from you, not even an order from the First Consul. People hate the feeling of being cheated. No one can stop the anger in the face of that. price."

She thought of Judas, who chose to betray for 30 silver coins, and he also clenched that pocket at the table in "The Last Supper".

But later he regretted it and hanged himself on a tree outside Jerusalem, but the thirty silver coins were still kept, and they were picked up later and handed over to the chief priest.

The chief priest said that the 30 silver coins should not be put in the holy treasury, so they used the money to buy a plot of land from the potter, and how did the potter spend the money from the sellers?

In fact, there is another way to make the people present fast, that is, as Christ said before he was betrayed, "Didn't I choose you twelve disciples? But one of you is a devil."

But if Georgiana really said that, she would probably be regarded as a lunatic. When people don’t believe in God, they don’t even believe in the devil, heaven, and hell.

If hell really has the forest of suicides described by Dante, then one of the trees must be Judas, because the builder of Florence also set up a gallows at home and hanged himself.

And this place is not the deepest part of hell, but the second largest circle of hell.

Fear, it makes people hesitate in front of the righteous cause, like a timid beast, which flees in fright when it hears the wind.

It's just that although this forest is next to the hot sandy desert, what echoes in the forest is not the sound of wind.

The forest is full of strange birds like Harpy, who use the thorny bushes as their habitat.

They once drove the Trojans out of Strophades, and now they wail dirges and foretell misfortune.

And those who were turned into trees, whose souls were thrown by Fate like wheat-seeds, where they germinated and took root, and grew into a tree full of poisonous thorns, whose leaves at last the harpy fed , Every time they pluck a leaf, they wailed in pain.

"Tell me what's on your mind?" asked Grégoire.

She didn't really want to pay attention to him, he made her feel very uncomfortable now, but fortunately Bonaparte left and returned at this time, she immediately ran over and hid behind him.

"What are you talking about with the priest?" He asked with a smile.

"What are you doing?" Georgiana asked coquettishly.

"An autopsy." He said calmly, "That person did die from poison, but he was not killed by poison."


"Andre has taken too much opium, and not everyone is so hungry as to steal a taste of other people's wine."

She was frightened by the coldness in his mouth.

At the same time, she took a look at his hands, they were still clean, and she couldn't tell that he had dissected a person just now.

The waiter had just collapsed. If he had been sent to the doctor in time in the 20th century, he might have been rescued.

She felt cold all over her body, and it was hard for her to imagine how the people in the anatomy theater would cheer enthusiastically when they saw a cold corpse.

"I don't want to continue this party," Georgiana said. "Can we end it early?"

"Are you tired?" asked Bonaparte, looking at her.

"Yes." She replied immediately, "I have to see the Archbishop tomorrow."

"you alone?"

"Father Grégoire said he would go with me."

"I'll accompany you tomorrow." He took her hand and said, "Have you brought your sword?"

"Wh...oh, I want to ask." She frowned and said, "What are you doing wearing a sword?"

"Have you ever been knighted?" asked Bonaparte.

"You mean the kind where you put a sword on someone's shoulder and say 'I grant it to you'?" Georgiana said with a smile. "I've seen it."

In the movie, she added to herself.

"Is the custom still maintained in England?" asked Bonaparte.

She reacted.

"You want me to be a knight?" Georgiana pointed at her nose and almost raised her voice.

"It seems that you finally understand what I said." He teased.

"I... no..., which century do we live in? I can't confer knights like a feudal nobleman."

"I said yes."

She stomped her feet, unable to communicate with this "ancient man," and then she turned to find someone who could answer her questions.

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