Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2293 scarlet woman (seven)

After leaving the venue, Georgiana immediately came to the warehouse where the wine was stored, and found the butler Fischer.

Napoleon only drank one flavor of wine, and she asked Fischer to seize all those wines, and then went to Du Roc, and she wanted to sort out the staff.

Of course, the death of the male waiter may have nothing to do with Napoleon. He had a life of his own. It is possible that he was poisoned by a jealous girlfriend, or he had some kind of evil disease, preferably not the plague of the Black Death, otherwise Everyone in the venue may be infected.

An autopsy would be required for an investigation, but the family would most likely not consent to an autopsy.

There were too many people, and there might be assassins among the guests, but there was no personnel list to check, so she could only hope that the staff still had the list.

She would not blame Josephine and Mrs. de Vaudet at this time. The future princess of Baden, Stephanie Beauharne, was a relative of Josephine. Napoleon's divorce of Josephine at this time would not be good for him. She will not achieve any purpose by "slandering" at this time, and she is not good at dealing with women and socializing, and Mrs. de Vaudet is a woman who is easy to let her guard down. Georgiana almost forgot that she is Josephine sent "against" Georgiana.

In the past, Polina was dressed as a Dionysus at the ball, and everyone else was jealous of her. A countess dressed as a hunting goddess was friendly to her, but when the time came, she said that Polina had a pair of donkey ears.

A woman's heart is really deeper than the sea.

Mrs. de Vaudet is really Josephine's "good friend", but she doesn't seem to like to abide by the "girlfriend rule" that toothbrushes and boyfriends can't be shared.

Soon Georgiana found Matilda and Margaret, whose "jobs" had been robbed, and they were enjoying the fun like ordinary guests at the moment.

"Someone's dead," Georgiana said to Matilda. "Don't panic."

Matilda covered her mouth, and it took a while to calm down.

"Is that the waiter just now?" Matilda asked.

"I want you to pay attention to the movement on the field, and report to me immediately if there is any abnormality, and also, to confirm whether anyone has left just now."

After she finished speaking, she didn't stay any longer and went to find Di Roc.

When Georgiana found him, Di Roc was talking to the guards, and today's adjutant Fontane was beside him, and they all looked solemn.

"I got Fischer to lock down the cellar," Georgiana said to Duroc. "Where's the doctor?"

"Leave it to us, ma'am." Duroc said, "Do you want to end the dance early?"

Georgiana froze for a moment, she had planned to ask this question.

"Everything is as usual, I will tell you if there are any changes, and be careful of those reporters, don't let them notice the difference." Georgiana said, and then returned to Bonaparte's side.

He was talking to the Prussian diplomat von Haugwitz, a native of Silesia, who accepted the British grant in 1794, signed the Anti-French Alliance Treaty and betrayed the Allies in 1795, and signed the Basel Peace Treaty with France. . If according to the rumors, Prussia gave up the land on the left bank of the Rhine in exchange for 5 times the land compensation on the right bank, then Prussia seems to be the biggest winner.

In the "Political Will" left by Frederick the Great, Brandenburg, Magdeburg, Halberstadt and Silesia are called "national entities", which are also the core areas of Prussia. If hostility occurs They can defend themselves, as long as the whole of Europe is not united against their sovereignty.

Haugwitz quotes this and proudly says he is not afraid of provocations from other countries, then he talks about Stewart, who was fired after the Austrian foreign ministers signed the Treaty of Lunéville and is now exiled to Pressburg.

"Have you ever been to Rome?" Mrs. de Vaudet asked suddenly, "I heard that many diplomats have the experience of serving as diplomatic envoys in Rome."

"I have no experience as a Roman envoy, but I have been to Rome." Haugwitz said, "The magnificent Colosseum and the Pantheon..."

Then the topic began to involve the customs of Rome.

Georgiana was in charge of laughing, like a beautiful decoration.

Frederick the Great also wrote in the "Political Will": In such a country, the king has to deal with his own affairs. If he is smart, he will only pursue the national interest, but a minister always has ulterior motives. Devi self-interest and planning.

In other words, the national interests and the monarch's interests are completely consistent to a certain extent, provided that he is smart enough, like the king in the wizard's fairy tale who thinks that he should only be allowed to have magic.

Is it in the national interest of Prussia not to allow foreign powers to borrow moral will?

Is it worthwhile to break out the Seven Years War for the "Neutrality Treaty" of "Westminster"? Did Frederick the Great sign this peace treaty for the benefit of Prussia, or did he create an excuse to start the war, and then let him be remembered in history like other kings?

Men died on the battlefield, their wives and children became widows and orphans, these people needed care, Georgiana's purpose at the beginning was to find a market for the wheat of French farmers, it would not be so unlucky, for several years in a row Natural disasters, sooner or later there will be a bumper harvest. In medieval Europe, grain exports were banned, which was not conducive to agricultural development.

It will get better in the future. What she didn't expect was that Ekaterina would solve so many problems with beer.

Queen Ekaterina was born in a declining aristocratic family in the Kingdom of Prussia. Her father was a general in the Prussian army and was later named a duke. The fiefdom was an inconspicuous small duchy.

After Frederick the Great made a decision, Sophia waited for a year before leaving for Russia. Did she stay in the Palace of Sanssouci to learn court etiquette? After all, she is a naughty and troublesome "wild girl". What about the Russian court?

When Frederick II played the flute, was he thinking of the music, or of something else?

Would it be possible that Ekaterina played "hide and seek" with the court teacher who taught her etiquette while listening to the music of Frederick II playing the flute in the Palace of Sanssouci.

Self-knowledge is the most important thing for a person. If Georgiana goes to the Russian court, she will die soon. She will not live like Ekaterina and become a queen. Her character can't do it, but she can be with the rabbit Babbittie left the palace like bouncing around.

Rousseau wrote that if the kings feel that the work of the government is their inescapable duty, then the most capable king must be the one with the heaviest task. If they compare their work with their ability, they will find that their work is really If there are too many, they will shrink both as quickly as they are eager to enlarge their lands and their rights, otherwise the weight of the crown will not long crush the big head that wants to wear it.

Suppressing a laugh, she tried to take a look at Bonaparte's big head, to see if it was crushed, but found him looking at her.

"What are you thinking?" he asked with a smile.

"I'm thinking about music." She said insincerely, "Can you play a piece of Frederick the Great's flute?"

Now Haugwitz and Bonaparte laughed.

"I'm just a novice, and I don't think I'm gifted in this area, why not let the musicians play?" said Bonaparte.

She looked at him coldly.

"I'll arrange it," Hogwitz said.

"I'll help you," said Mrs. de Vaudet hastily, and they left together.

"What do you want to say?" He asked calmly after the two left.

"A waiter died. Do you want to end the dance early?" Georgiana asked.

"How did you die?"

"It hasn't been dissected yet, but I suspect it was poisoned."

"That means you're fine if you don't eat or drink, right?" Bonaparte looked at the overcrowded dance floor. "Even if I leave, these people will continue."

"You can create a little accident, such as a fire."

He shook his head. "This is a dance to celebrate peace. Don't attract bad omens."

After he finished speaking, he left Georgiana and walked towards the others.

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