Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2280 waking moment

King Ludwig II of Bavaria spent his whole life building Schwanstein Castle. She never visited that castle, but went to another palace he built, Linderhof Palace. The vampire Giovanni also played a song She was so moved by the song in The Phantom of the Opera that she cried a lot.

The nice thing about being a girl is that you can cry, as long as it's not like Crying Myrtle. She felt better after crying. Jane Austen once wrote in her novel that if a woman happens to have a talent, for example, she has a bright mind, then she'd better hide her wisdom Well, people like humorous people, but for intelligent people, the answer is no.

But women have a kind of "talent" that they can display to their heart's content. No matter in mythology or poetry, people spare no effort to praise women's beauty.

Innate appearance is important, but it still needs to be carved. Just like diamonds, the raw ore just mined is not very beautiful, and it will become a work of art only after careful design by jewelry designers.

The Holy Roman Empire was based on agriculture, and the main crop was wheat. The female family education of the Habsburg family was required to be able to run the house. Marie Antoinette would also milk her own cows and do farm work in the Trianon Palace. . She couldn't play the piano, didn't look fashionable, and was laughed at by Madame du Barry and her companions.

The purpose of the marriage between Louis XVI and the Austrian princess was to deal with the increasingly powerful Kingdom of Prussia. The ancient Greek philosopher Thucydides once said that because of the growing strength of Athens and the fear that this power caused to Sparta, Burrow The Pennesian War was unavoidable, and a newly rising power would inevitably challenge the existing power. Neither France nor Austria is an opponent of the Kingdom of Prussia alone. Queen Maria Theresa must win the war if she wants to take back Silesia. Austria did not regard the Netherlands as part of its own land. It used to be used as a bargaining chip to lure France to send troops to Prussia. If it won the land, it would belong to France. Unfortunately, the war was not won, so this agreement would not take effect.

Of course, the feeling of being able to spend money freely is not the same as living on a budget. You must have a plan first, and the Finance Department will not deal with the whims of the kings like the Great Treasurer and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The last time the Urk Canal was built, Bonaparte quarreled with the parliament. They also believed that it was necessary to build a canal to provide Paris with clean water, but that would be included in next year's budget. It's just that the budget can be cut and moved, and the less urgent appropriations can be given to places that need money urgently. Anyway, Parisians have been drinking dirty water for so many years.

Later, Georgiana raised money, and a congressman once said: Although your request disrupted our plans, we will do our best.

When the funds are in place, manpower and material resources must be allocated. Even if they succumb, they are still angry.

You need to be 40 years old to become a governor, but Napoleon was 28 years old. Although age does not represent everything, the temper of a 40-year-old man is definitely different from that of a boy in his 20s. Georgiana, who was nearly as old as his mother Letizia, had decided not to be seen as a "little child," and she figured he must have forgotten about it.

Those bankers didn't come here to build Belgium, modernize the country, and make people's lives better. The banking system in Belgium is very different from that in the UK. There are promissory note brokers in the UK. They are businesses that need funds and seek management. A middleman between banks with idle funds who discounts promissory notes for small and medium-sized enterprises with funds obtained from securities pledged at banks, bearing the risk of their bankruptcy.

The most important thing is securities. The United Kingdom is restricted by the "Bubble Act", and stocks can only be issued to the public after the approval of Parliament.

Although the finances of Antwerp and Amsterdam were prosperous, the private banks and merchants were too weak, and their businesses were mainly promissory notes and money exchange. Belgian industry needed long-term investment, fixed capital, and that was exactly what those promissory note brokers needed—a security that could serve as collateral.

How to issue national debt? Or in the name of France? The interest rate of French national debt is so much higher than that of the United Kingdom, and no one buys it. What's more, both Britain and France prohibit the establishment of joint-stock banks, and Belgium, which is an occupied territory, naturally prohibits the establishment of joint-stock banks. In contrast, financing through private railways is the fastest way. Even if Europe falls into turmoil again, the battlefield may not necessarily be in Belgium, but also in Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. This will not affect the income of Mechelen Railway, let alone Liquor tax is also a kind of income, and there will be no investment without any risk.

As for no one investing in Ostende, it is because no one really wants to fight against England. It is the headquarters of the Austrian East India Company, and its opponent is the British East India Company. It is said that a drop of blood into the sea will attract sharks several kilometers away, but even sharks do not always come immediately when they smell blood. They still have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Napoleon hated dirt and chaos the most, and now they were both, at least he didn't yell at her, he just preached to her with an "I'm very reasonable" attitude.

You can't be as knowledgeable as a child!

Thinking silently in her heart, she drank a glass of gin in the tavern next to the vegetable market, and then went back to the palace.

As soon as I entered the garden, I found the Rambouillet merino sheep, tied to a tree, gnawing on the shrubs carefully trimmed by the gardener.

She looked at the sheep, and the sheep looked at her, and not only was it chewing, it looked so stupid.

She stuck her tongue out at the sheep and went back into the room.

The girls have all gone out. Although the welcome party will be held in the city hall, there is no need to worry that there will be too many people to open the bedroom. However, in order to avoid the scene like the first time Josephine hosted a banquet in the Tuileries Palace, no reception was held. You can't enter the venue until the invitation letter.

Leyla is only 16 and hopefully she won't cry from the 'sharks'.

The theme of the feast was Charlemagne, the city of Herstal, where Charlemagne was born, was located near Liège, formerly part of the Holy Roman Empire and now, along with Belgium, under the French name.

The map of this era is different from the map of Georgiana's era. There are no clear national borders. There is an enclave here and an enclave there, which looks like a mess of loose sand.

Almost every ruler of the slightest degree of ambition wants to make Europe tremble, or unite Europe. Anyway, many people celebrated that they had finally got rid of Austrian rule. Those who had the money to buy Austrian government bonds were mainly town residents. If Bonaparte hadn’t forced Austria to repay the national debt at a fair price, those bonds would be worthless paper after Austria lost.

If these people "come here for fame", then the city hall will definitely not be able to hold it. In contrast, she thinks it would be good to hold a welcome party in the castle today, but she is a guest, and she has seen guests at the place she chose , let the host hold a welcome party?

After resting for about ten minutes, she picked up a pen and began to write.

Grégoire was also a priest, and he also participated in the Easter ceremony held in Notre Dame de Paris, when the generals stationed abroad were called back, and Moreau was still smoking on the balcony of the Tuileries Palace.

Easter falls on the vernal equinox in late March, not far from April when sugar beets are planted. In fact, the important thing is not the time, but the soil temperature, which can be planted at 5 degrees. Beets cannot be grown in permafrost, but there is a soup in Russian cuisine that uses beets as an auxiliary ingredient. She also studied its method during the Triwizard Tournament.

That's why it's good to have someone to help you talk. After all, you don't need tulips, but you have to eat food. Those who let the price of food rise to the point of being divorced from reality were sent to the guillotine by the people, and their property was confiscated...

She stopped writing and lay down on the table as if dead.

In fact, she still had a choice, and that was to walk into the icy Seine instead of the city, but she still had a little hope that Severus would come back for her.

How could there be a woman willing to be someone else's mistress for love? Either for money, or for other interests, but she is not that kind of person.

Gregoire told her not to give up on others, so why can't she give up on herself?

Anyway, she's not Cleopatra, meaning the daughter who made her father proud.

The world would be better without her. Mother Teresa said, we think poverty is hunger, naked and without a house, but the greatest poverty is not being needed, not being loved and not being cared for. Her last three This is all, so she is a woman who is too poor to have nothing.

It was the same when she came into this world, except for the red dress that Hathor had magically changed.

This Egyptian God of Love can make blood flow into rivers in the world. It wasn't until Ra God used pomegranates to water the earth that Hathor turned into a beautiful God of Love again.

Hathor wants Bonaparte's soul, or, Pomona just needs to place her "dwelling place" in this world, and her mission is accomplished.

"What do you think of this deal?"

She seems to have heard someone ask her that.

But she didn't move, and even her mind stopped thinking.

It seems that the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference and she didn't invent it, so should she care about what will happen to his soul if it falls into Hathor's hands?

That's the real indifference, worse than strangers, after all, strangers see someone falling to the ground and will have compassion to help him up, but she doesn't want to move.

The fairy tale only talks about human beings breaking the oath, how Undini will punish the curse, as long as the betrayer falls into a deep sleep, he will stop breathing, but it doesn't say what Wendini will do if he breaks the oath.

She clearly said that she would kill his new lover and heir like Medea.

"You really don't look like a witch," she heard someone say.

"Caroline?" Georgiana asked.

No one spoke, as if she was hallucinating again.

"Don't tell me about the International Statute of Secrecy." Caroline said again, "You should give him some color."

"Napoleoni is no ordinary Muggle." Georgiana said indifferently, then sat up straight, and she found a "reason".

"I'm going through him to remove the accusations of witchcraft from the Muggle Laws."

"What's the use of that?" Caroline asked.

"Freedom without prohibition, prohibition without authorization," she said, looking at Caroline.


Georgiana sighed, how would she explain this legal proverb to this witch who had no legal concept.

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