Fire is needed to hatch a fire dragon, because the dragon mother will breathe on the dragon eggs, and the temperature of dragon fire is not comparable to that of ordinary fire.

Also being burned by Longyan is not fun. Charlie has terrible scars on his body. Although his face is not almost destroyed like Bill, it is by no means a look that will make a girl's heart beat.

The former Voldemort was simply the embodiment of beauty, and the ghoul he later turned into was grotesque apart from horror, perhaps because Wormtail sacrificed his hand missing a finger.

Isn't it so hard for a person without a nose to look weird? But Bellatrix is ​​still obsessed with her master, and she is the most likely father of the legendary Voldemort's child.

She was crazy about that man, Pomona felt a bit like her, Severus was really not handsome at all, there was such a woman beside another Dark Lord, Grindelwald, she followed him all the time, No title and no power. McGonagall next to the white wizard did not have an affair with him. Although she had a short marriage, she finally chose to dedicate her life to education. The black wizard always chooses to indulge his desires, unlike the white wizard who will restrain himself. Voldemort Indulging Bella to "play casually", she didn't take human life and the Unforgivable Curse seriously.

Similarly, Pomona did not take the fact that she was the "devil king's woman" into consideration, because of the posthumous Merlin First Class Medal, his followers still unified the address for him as "Mr." He is called "my master" like the Dark Lord, but he is indeed different from ordinary people.

The dragon is a very difficult to tame magical animal. It only treats those close to it well, and will not influence its will because of human power. That day when it was fighting in the North Sea, a dragon did not give Severus face. It refused to let him In the end, he could only use the Death Eater's flying technique to rush to the rescue.

That day when she asked him how he saved Draco, he didn't answer directly, but now that Lucius Malfoy told her, then his purpose of giving Pomona this bird snake egg has become easier—— Raising the bird and snake, he can ride a fifteen-foot-long monster and fly in the sky. As for whether it is legal or not, he has already thrown it out of the sky.

Article 17 of the Slytherin Code: We don't trample on the rules, we use the rules.

Slytherins prefer to plan and act later, while Gryffindors are freer and make plans as they go, and their plans are often reckless and full of loopholes.

When Draco found out that the half-blood giant stole the dragon, no matter the informant or the informant, everyone assumed that this incident had never happened, because the dragon that was used as evidence had already been transferred. However, the note written by Charlie Weasley can be submitted to the Ministry of Magic as evidence. In this way, not only Charlie's friends will be unlucky, but Charlie himself may also lose his job, which will make things worse.

You don't talk about rules and I don't talk about rules. You can secretly raise dragons, and I can secretly raise birds and snakes. Compared with huge monsters like dragons, birds and snakes can change their shape according to space, and they can be put in the jacket pocket when they are the smallest. It makes no sense that only Gryffindor enjoys it alone, but Slytherin has to take the blame for the troublemaker.

"Thank you, Pomona, you provided me with very important information. Everything I said just now is our secret, because 'Mr.' doesn't want you to know it."

"Which sycophant came up with the idea?" Pomona asked blankly.

"A man who stole the medal from Severus and is now afraid he will take it back." Malfoy thought he was clever enough to set up a riddle.

"Damocles Belby." Pomona sneered. Damocles was indeed the inventor of the wolfsbane potion, but it was not the original formula that won him the Order of Merlin.

If Severus is a small person, then he will be ignored by the public just like Ivan Dironsby who discovered the eight ways to use dragon's blood. The honor and fame still belong to Damocles, but now Snape is the king of snakes , the smart people in Ravenclaw are so smart that they bow their heads.

"When Lockhart was young, he used to promote a shampoo made from bird snake eggs in school. It really locked the hair shine, but what he did was very stupid and unwise. He was the same as Severus. His mother was a witch, his father was a Muggle, and he had two older sisters. He was the only child in the family who showed a talent for magic. He was also a smart, beautiful little boy, so he was favored by his mother without scruples. Plus In fact, he realized that he was a different wizard from his sisters, so his vanity continued to expand. He even imitated the Dark Mark and launched his head into the sky. At that time, it was the period when the Dark Lord's power was at its peak. I really can't imagine There are such bold and reckless people in this world."

Pomona sneered, and Lucius continued.

"Severus is also very bold, but his boldness is admirable. There is almost no objection to the public execution of werewolves. They are animals and not humans. What needs to be studied now is the means and process. Compared with Kingsley's overly benevolent management of Azkaban has made the law lose its majesty. If the law has no authority and everyone enforces it as they like, and even enforces the law, why should we abide by it? Fairness should treat everyone Individuals, because someone has a kind heart, he can't be held accountable if he accidentally caused a big disaster, which is unfair to law-abiding people."

"Why did Lockhart know that Severus made Ecstasy?" Pomona asked, how did that idiot know a secret that even she didn't know?

"How do I know?" Lucius said disgustedly.

"When he was studying at school, when you had already graduated, he would send 800 love letters to himself on Valentine's Day every year, and the owls gathered in the auditorium made everyone have to give up breakfast because too many feathers and droppings fell on It was in the porridge, and then he went back to Hogwarts to work again, and he finally didn't use the owl on Valentine's Day, but it was unbearable, did Draco ever talk to you?"

"I've heard of some." Lucius said blankly.

"I've always wanted to have a romantic Valentine's Day. I don't need so much pink, and I don't need someone playing the piano and singing, as long as it is memorable. Do you know how to do it, Lucius?"

Platinum Malfoy glared at Pomona's bright smile.

"Do you know what your son wants most?"

"Oh, hell!" Lucius finally exploded. "You used Legilimency on my son, a Malfoy, and now you're blackmailing me with his secrets!"

"Think of Sirius Black, Lucius, don't think that what you give Draco is what he wants! He can run away from home, and Malfoy without an heir is the next Black, not to mention you should spend more time For Sissy, she is your wife, not your servant. You used to put too much emphasis on work and neglected family, so she doted on Draco so much. Now let me tell you, you are in charge of negotiating between Gringotts and goblins , Let Draco be responsible for the hell three-headed dog. He can share the responsibility for you. When you were caught in Azkaban, he promised to serve the Dark Lord before you were rescued. It’s the same on the battlefield this time, if you really want your son to be successful, I’ll tell you now as a godmother, do as I say, if you want him to be the same as before, then do whatever you want!” Bo Mona said aggressively, just as she finished speaking, the bird snake pecked the eggshell again, and its beak could already be seen.

"Get out!" Severus said from the door, next to a horrified Draco, who was looking at his father.

"Come here, it's about to open its eyes!" Pomona said hastily.

"Want to bet on which one of us it recognizes as its master?" Severus was next to her, their faces so close that the baby snake would be able to see both faces as soon as it was born.

"It's not recognizing the master, it's recognizing the mother. Do you want to be a mother?" Pomona satirized this stinky man who paid too much attention to his manly demeanor.

"For this dangerous beast on the same level as a dragon? Of course!" He laughed and said, "Anyway, you can't be its father."

Pomona bit his arm as soon as she opened her mouth. Biting was brutal, but it was really relieved, especially when he was screaming in pain, the feeling was even better.

Suddenly, with a harsh scraping sound, the egg cracked, and the little bird snake hatched in the palms of the two of them. It was very beautiful, with colorful feathers and a red beak. Looking at the two humanoid creatures in front of him with big brown eyes, he seemed to be confused about what happened.

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