Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2268 Poseidon's Winter Feast (10)

There is a German poem about Frederick I that goes like this:

Following the blood of the murderer, I climbed the hill carefully.

Dead bodies were strewn all over the field, and the survivors stood up, stretched their necks, looked carefully, and searched carefully.

The battlefield is full of flames, and he is selected as the anointed, the messenger and guardian of God.

The "anointed one" here refers to Frederick I. Before him, Prussia was just an elector. Frederick I himself was crowned king, and since then Prussia has officially existed as a kingdom.

The Kingdom of Poland is separated between East Prussia and Brandenburg. This is mainly because of the Port of Danzig. Frederick II annexed this port and a large piece of land between East and West Prussia when Poland was partitioned for the first time. From then on, the Kingdom of Prussia In one piece.

Intervening in the Polish issue and allowing Poland to take back Danzig Port and lost territory can allow Prussia to continue to split. This is why the King of France is eyeing the Holy Roman Empire. It can facilitate their defeat, but the military and diplomatic victories are only temporary.

There is such a case. In 1733, King August II of Poland died, and the Polish throne was suspended. Then, the War of Polish Succession broke out. France, Spain, the Two Sicilies, and Prussia participated in the war successively. There was a man named Andre The Prussian colonel of Jaas Joachim was killed in this war, and his widow, Elisabeth, inherited his manor on the Kaiser Lake and demanded the debts released by her husband through the Berlin court.

With this money, she invests in local reputable credit institutions, or lends to neighbors at an interest rate of 5%, and accepts deposits from all walks of life, operates the family manor in a commercial mode, and also supervises the size of the manor inside Family matters, try to ensure fairness.

Her neighbor, Helen Charlotte von Lestwitz, inherited a piece of land on the edge of the flood plain in the lower reaches of Lake Kaiser left by her husband. Von stands for noble or noble descendant in Germany, and the surname of Colonel Joachim not here. The Junker nobles can be divided into combat Junkers, court Junkers, parliamentary Junkers and rural Junkers, among which the rural Junkers are the most "rough". In order to strengthen the acceptance of the local people, Mrs. Lesterwitz changed her name to Kaiser, but she had disputes with the local people about harvesting reed leaves and grasses by the lake in late autumn.

The local people feel that they have the right to harvest the grass and use it as livestock in winter. They also claim the right to plant flax on the small beaches dotted around the lake and to open printing and dyeing factories. Mrs. Kaiser strongly opposes these claims. She thinks The reed grass harvesting right around the entire lake belongs to her estate.

After repeated failed attempts at coordination, she filed a lawsuit against the people in a Berlin court and instructed the people in the manor to prepare sticks.

Junker means "little master" in German. Junker nobles regard joining the army as the highest honor and tradition of family men. Don Quixote also brings a knight to hire. Mrs. Kaiser ordered these "family members" Excited.

However, the result of the judgment of the Berlin court is that the rights of use of both parties coexist, which is not ideal for Mrs. Kaiser. However, a new problem occurred. There is a material for making Prussian blue called yellow blood salt, which is made from the reaction of ox blood and plant ash. The fish caused poisonous damage, many fish died, and the lake became stinky. If things go on like this, even the reeds by the lake will no longer be able to feed the livestock. Elizabeth, who runs the manor in a commercial manner, invested in the printing and dyeing factory.

Mrs. Kaiser appointed some people to prevent the printing and dyeing factory from continuing to work, and the printing and dyeing factory's collaborators refused to pay Elizabeth interest on this ground. What's worse is that the hunters of Mrs. Kaiser's family shot away the workers. The investors of the printing and dyeing factory are the townspeople. The residents, the villagers who had been in dispute with Mrs. Kaiser over the use of reeds and grass, now sided with her.

The printing and dyeing factory and other townspeople elected Elizabeth as their representative. While the two sides litigated in the Berlin courts, there were occasional conflicts over the control of the lake and its resources. It seemed fair that Elizabeth lost to the rough and aggressive Mrs. Kaiser.

But Elizabeth won the lawsuit. Mrs. Kaiser had no right to prevent other people from building printing and dyeing factories by the lake. Instead, Mrs. Kaiser was going to cut down trees. Expanding the farm was not allowed. On the surface, she rented livestock to the people for free to help They cultivated and introduced new varieties of plants as an "enlightened landlord", but in fact they privatized the public land, and the Prussian people's grazing, hunting and gathering rights on the "public" land were exploited.

The two ladies "fighted" hard. Originally, the water on the ground was free, but as the pollution became more and more, the clean water became less and less. Of course, the price of soda water bought by Georgiana was the same as that of the Seine River, or even The so-called clean water in the fountain has a different price.

The Chateau East mineral water that Louis XIV drank was more expensive, although Georgiana personally found it unpalatable. The spring of this water was once circled by the royal family. After the French Revolution, if someone privatized the land where the spring was located, he could intercept the water flow and sell the water at a high price.

In the case of Arnold the Miller, the District Commissioner built a pond to appreciate the carp. The system cut off the water not only to the detriment of Arnold the Waterwheel Miller, but the farmers had to grind their flour at Arnold's. If he couldn't grind there, the farmers not only If you want to change places, you may have to pay an extra sum of money. What is the lord doing? Oh, he is not here, he has gone to live a happy life in Berlin and Vienna, who would Arnold, as the representative of the peasants, turn to if not the king?

The happiness that constitutes the standard of right and wrong for utilitarian behavior is not the happiness of the individual, but the happiness of the people involved. If one person occupies the vast majority, others can't share it, just like that damn carp pond, where personal behavior directly conflicts with public interests, and the public who can't get "fairness" and "justice" will find another way . During the Seven Years' War, France mainly focused on the North American battlefield. It was precisely because of the terrible defeat of France in North America that Louis XVI was so worried that he wanted to separate North America from Britain. The word dollar comes from Low German. Many Germans who participated in the war did not return to Europe after going to the United States. When the villages become empty, who is in the mood to appreciate carp?

The Low German area is the eastern part of Belgium. During the Battle of Leuthen in the Seven Years' War, a bullet hit the neck of a Prussian baron without von and entered his shoulder blade. Fortunately, he was not killed on the spot and did not hit the neck. arteries, but he needs immediate surgery.

He happened to come across a captured Austrian soldier who was Belgian and graduated from the Faculty of Surgery at the University of Lyon. Sadly his surgical tools were taken as trophies by the Prussian soldiers who captured him, but they found one The shoemaker's blunt knife, making ten cuts without anesthesia, extracted the bullet from the Baron's back.

Another Baron with Von in his name was not so lucky. He was shot in the leg, and the captured surgeon told him that amputation was the only way to prevent the infection from spreading, but anyone who had been to a field hospital knew where that was. Compared with the bloody slaughterhouse-like operating room, what is more terrifying is the wailing of wounded soldiers, as well as the legs, arms, and postoperative infection piled up outside the tent. The baron rejected the doctor's advice, and then he died because of the deterioration of the wound died.

The Baron with Feng in his name is only 17 years old and the only child in his family. What is more painful than a bullet killing him all at once is the feeling of watching death approaching step by step.

17 was just coming of age in the wizarding world, the battle of Hogwarts and younger people died, she remembers the Muggle boy with the camera taking pictures of Harry, he was petrified, he looked like He was dead, and later he was revived by taking the Mandrake potion, but that time, no potion could wake him up.

His father was a milkman, luckily he wasn't the only son, but his younger brother also went to war and was just lucky enough to survive.

Georgiana was a woman, she couldn't see it, she wanted a man's heart of stone.

Margaret II, Countess of Flanders, established the Sisters of Juan by the Lake of Love in Bruges. She had two sons who were captured in the war with John of Avis. The other party came to her Asked for a ransom, she responded by roasting one of them with pepper sauce and eating the other with garlic.

She always felt that a woman gave birth to a child, not a piece of meat, not for beasts to eat. The young mother in the lullaby, she does not go to have fun and dance, but to look after the child at home, she hopes that the child will be healthy and strong, she certainly does not want to see him being poked so many times with a dirty shoemaker's shoe repair knife.

If it's insane to "send a baby to heaven" like Theodora and Chiara's nanny, what's the solution?

A desperate mother does not climb a mountain to sing "Anointed One" over a battlefield littered with corpses.

She will scream and cry, but if her homeland becomes an occupied area, like when Odysseus returned home and saw that his home was occupied by a group of "suitors", who not only ate meat and drank for pleasure, but also bullied his wife and children, it would be the same intolerable.

She doesn't want to be an "intruder" and be hated and feared, but people actually live in a world that lacks tolerance and should think before doing anything, but few people actually think before doing anything.

If Voldemort hadn't used Avada Kedavra, Lily's magic wouldn't have bounced the spell back on him.

Her tolerance has a bottom line. Human nature is inherently evil. Martina’s experiment on human nature has already yielded results. Men are in charge of doing things, and women are in charge of giving orders in the crowd until they put a loaded gun on Martina. In the hands of someone, someone woke up and stopped them. Before that, they did nothing.

Instead of using your own death to expect those people's conscience to be whipped and become a short-lived lesson that will be quickly forgotten, it is better to let them wake up earlier.

The French Revolution banned the use of whipping in the army, but it is still used in Prussia and Austria. They are familiar to these people, but they usually watch others being whipped.

Figel didn't really whip everyone, she let them choose whether to kneel down and repent, or to be whipped.

These men chose to stand and kiss the fire opal ring on Georgiana's hand.

That's not a good thing, because it means she's fighting on their behalf, like Elizabeth or Mrs. Keyser.

The French want to drink coffee and eat sugar. This is their public interest. The French Republic took back most of the colonies of the French king in name through the treaty, but Santo Domingo did not actually take back. With the population of France and the current extraction It is difficult to supply sufficient sugar beets with technology and the land in Belgium, not to mention that only Ghent has agreed to plant them.

Once the UK cuts off the supply from the sea, it will enter the situation of "less people are better to eat", let alone "continental equilibrium".

Georgiana was also framed once in Switzerland. The coins used to build roads and carriage factories were transported to the opposition soldiers through bank procedures. She was "neutral" so that there were no people on both sides.

There will be no absolute neutral position, and there will always be one side, but Georgiana doesn't like any party who is provoking troubles and exercising hegemony.

After the exhausting "ceremony", Georgiana returned to the venue. Others seemed unaffected at all. One person was still laughing. It was the female boxer Goulding. Many people were Surround her.

This "spy" didn't leave?

Georgiana walked over, she wanted to listen to what Goulding was talking about, and why so many people listened intently and were so happy.

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