Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2258 Fierce Frenzy (18)

The Netherlands is rich in tulips, and there are many rare varieties in this greenhouse, which caused the tulip mania in the 17th century. In Rubens' bedroom hangs a still life, also of tulips.

But the Dutch did not suffer from it. With the improvement of flower planting technology brought about by the tulip mania, they developed the flower industry. If it was a Dutch farmer, Georgiana felt that it might not be so difficult to promote sugar beet refining, because in this country Industry may represent business opportunities in the eyes of business people.

Bonaparte is going to build up Antwerp and make it look different. And not only cities, but also ports and docks. Everyone knows that there will be a transshipment in Antwerp. It will become a storage place and distribution center for goods, bringing many employment opportunities.

Although the ports of Vlissingen and Breskens at the mouth of the Scheldt are in the hands of the Dutch, they invited Bonaparte to "inspect" them, and it is said that some works are going on there, mainly to make the armed fleet on the river You can hide in it to avoid enemy attacks.

The draft determines that you can’t carry too many cannons. Without cannons, there will be no firepower. In addition, a continuous road from Frissingen to Antwerp must be built. This is already very close to the North Sea. In 1792, the estuary of Amsterdam was frozen. This resulted in the surrender of the British navy to the French cavalry approaching on the ice.

You can also repair some auxiliary facilities, so that when the westerly wind starts to blow, both merchant ships and warships can hide in.

The Netherlands is on the westerly belt, and the westerly wind blows all year round. The name of Amsterdam is related to the dam. In order to resist the sea water, people built many embankments to prevent the stormy waves rolled up by the westerly wind.

The entire project cost at least hundreds of millions, or even hundreds of millions. Whether the UK builds canals or railways, it will raise funds. This involves the stock market, and then there will be many speculators. They don't necessarily know how to build railways, but they definitely know how to play stocks. The South Sea bubble bankrupted many people, but before the bubble burst, every speculator, including Isaac Newton, was dreaming of getting rich in South American trade.

And this premise is that Spain agreed to allow Britain to start trade in South America, Britain also participated in the Spanish War of the Throne, and owed a large debt. Originally, the Spanish throne war was a problem between the Habsburg family and the Bourbon family. The French won the Spanish throne, and Britain recognized Philip of Bourbon as King of Spain. Durson Bay and some of the American colonies. In general, although Britain lost, it also gained enough benefits. The most important thing is that Spain cannot regain Gibraltar, which is currently the territory of the Duke of York. The Duke himself will not go there to guard it. He will stay in London , and it was these positions that his mistress sold.

France and Spain would not agree to the British going to South America for trade, but in order to increase the credibility of the news, King George I also stood up. The Hanoverian family came from the Holy Roman Empire. To use Bonaparte's uncivilized statement, it was prostituted all over the place. William Pitt Jr. restarted the South American trade. How would George III react? Stand up like his grandfather and build the confidence of the people?

Spain’s colonies in South America depended on the Pacific Ocean, while Portugal’s colonies depended on the Atlantic Ocean. When the South China Sea bubble occurred, there was an additional business opportunity—Pacific trade. The West Indies did not rely on India. Columbus made a mistake when he discovered the New World .

The scandal at the Royal Navy Lumber Factory was the embezzlement of public funds. The "public funds" were not taxpayers' money. Why should they pay income tax to these people for corruption? This has become a reason to resist taxation, just like Americans "no taxation without representation". England once divided Wales and other countries, and even now it is the United Kingdom. Hobbes, the author of Leviathan, also wrote a book called "Behemoth". He talked about the English Civil War. Cromwell and Napoleon and Caesar have many similarities, so Lucien wrote a pamphlet to list their differences.

Violence cannot stop people who act with passion. When crossing the Alps, it is necessary to beat the drums to stimulate the potential of people.

Investors in a frenzy don't need to listen to the drumbeat, they just listen to the "good news" enough to ignore the risks.

When human beings are irrational to a certain extent, incredible things will happen. During the South China Sea bubble, one person set up a booth and said that he had a project. He didn’t even say anything, and the financing was quickly obtained. Everyone was scrambling for it, for fear of missing it. Given the opportunity, others took the lead, and no one checked his qualification certificate, and the money of these investors was taken away as a matter of course. Immediately afterwards, there was the "Bubble Act", which prohibited the establishment of a consortium like a corporate entity without the authorization of the king and the parliament, and of course it would not be possible to go public for financing.

But there are still ways. In the 13th century, the British Christians created the "Use System" in order to avoid the "Confiscation Regulations" that the king bequeathed land to the church. This is the prototype of the trust system. Even though it is only protected by "equity" rather than "common law", businessmen are still willing to try it for financing, that is, take risks, and it does not trample on all laws in the world.

The founding fathers of the United States once wanted to abolish slavery when they founded the country, but slave states like Georgia will no longer exist, and they have to compromise for the founding of the country. This issue is left to future generations who are wiser than them.

If there is a 300% profit, he dares to commit any crime, even risking being hanged. Although William Pitt Jr. lowered the price of tea, more people drank tea, and it was no longer exclusive to the upper class, but there was more demand and more counterfeiting. Not all the leaves of trees and plants can be used to make tea, just like the rhododendrons blooming in this botanical garden, the counterfeiters do not distinguish the plants, and make tea from the leaves of poisonous plants, and the drinkers do not distinguish, and soak them in boiling water Just drink it, it will kill you.

Customs will conduct inspections, but in this way, customs duties will be paid, and the price will be much more expensive than smuggled goods.

Smugglers were not hanged, but thieves who stole a handkerchief or bread were hanged. When there was a famine in France, some people took advantage of the rise in food prices to export food. Napoleon did not issue an order to ban the export, but he arrested these people and put them in prison.

They thought they were unnoticed, but they were reported, and some people knew the serious consequences of doing so. A smuggler's wife can also report her husband as a bum, and even though he is well dressed, he can't explain his source of income because he is unemployed. How can an unemployed person get so much money for fancy clothes? Is it stolen? If he admits it, he will not be caught in a shelter, but will be thrown into prison. Will the French law hang the thief?

There is a story about the Bridge of Sighs. A death row prisoner saw his wife making out with other men on the gondola on the bridge.

When Georgiana cleaned up those tongue-twisters and returned to the ball, she found that there was an Italian beauty next to the short Corsican. She had beautiful gray eyes and full pink lips, just like Glossy as if soaked in water, pouting almost coquettishly, and very plump, she was wearing an ancient Greek robe, which was not low-cut, but was supported by her figure.

Of course a gentleman should look into the other person's eyes when talking, even if from her point of view, his head is about to be buried in the other person's arms?

For a split second she thought of Avada Kedavra, and its green light.

Later, she thought that this was not worth the unforgivable crime she committed, so she turned and left, and returned to the venue where the sculpture was judged.

Maybe the screams of those who were vaccinated were scary, and the people at the venue subconsciously took two steps back when they saw her appear, and then put on smiling faces to talk to her.

Georgiana, too, smirked and spoke to the accuser.

In front of her is a statue of a goddess. The sculptor portrayed Calypso, the daughter of Atlas. She is the goddess of the sea in Greek mythology. provide help.

She is like a saint, a perfect lover, her island is like a paradise, when Odysseus' ship sank due to shipwreck, she took Odysseus in.

Odysseus once advocated a peaceful solution to the problem of Paris robbing Helen, but no results were obtained. Athena wanted to give all the heroes who went to Troy a bitter return. In the twelfth volume of the Odyssey, Odysseus's ship encountered sirens and heard their beautiful and seductive singing, but Odysseus was reminded and sealed the ears of his companions with beeswax, but he was sober The people who came over bound his hands and feet and tied him to the mast. It wasn't until the crowd arrived at the Siren's island and saw the piles of bones that they understood Odysseus' intentions. They untied him and rowed out of this area with all their strength.

The night was cloudy and the westerly wind was blowing, and the mast snapped in a violent storm and hit the helmsman on the head. Suddenly thunder fell on the ship, and with the smell of sulfur, the companions were struck by lightning and fell into the sea, like a flock of crows, floating around the blackened hull, and the gods prevented them from returning home.

Odysseus tied the beam and the mast together with a rope made of cowhide, and sat on it to let the dangerous wind and waves float.

"May the westerly wind, which stirs up storms, cease now," he thought as he drifted all night, until sunrise came and a rosy morning glow appeared across the sky.

Odysseus lived on Calypso's island for seven years, and then Athena went to Zeus to sue, asking Zeus to intervene, Zeus sent Hermes, and Calypso released him. After returning to his hometown, he found that many people thought that he had not returned for ten years and was dead. Many nobles were pursuing his wife, and his palace was also occupied by suitors. They ate and drank in it.

But his wife was still waiting for him, and she firmly believed that he was still alive, so Odysseus entered the palace disguised as a beggar, killed the nobles with his son, and in blood, their family was reunited.

New York is also on the westerly belt, but it is at the confluence of the cold Labrador current and the warm North Atlantic current, so it does not necessarily blow the westerly wind like Amsterdam.

There is no Statue of Liberty in this world. When the wind howls, the Statue of Liberty stands holding a torch in the wind and waves. The flame seems to give the wandering people a beautiful prospect. They will soon arrive at a safe haven. There are warm beds and food. Think about it It feels sweet.

She's not going to help like Calypso, though.

She only gives you freedom, just like Hera gave power and Athena gave wisdom.

If liberty is so lovable, she gives liberty to men.

Some people think the opposite of love is hate, no dear, the opposite of love is indifference.

If there is nothing worth lingering then she can leave this place at any time.

Just like Melusina, she is easy to confuse with Undine, because she will also bring happiness, wealth, descendants to human beings and leave after the man breaks his oath, the difference is that she has a pair of dragon wings, looking at Like a demon.

The flames emitted by the dragon will burn everything, and slaying the dragon has become the romance of the knights. They not only protect the villagers, but also get the wealth of the dragon. Since you can get so many benefits, why not slay the dragon? Even if the dragon's breath would turn them into ashes, the thin armor on their bodies couldn't stop the dragon's breath at all.

Who is stronger, Fiendfire or Dragon's Breath?

She drank the wine in one gulp.

In fact, she would rather drink Flame Whiskey, but unfortunately it was made by wizards and could not be drunk here.

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