Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2255 Fierce Frenzy (15)

Antwerp's City Hall is a Renaissance-style building. The murals of Antwerp's history can be seen in the hall of the City Hall, which looks very luxurious. In contrast, it is a small parliament.

When the city hall was built, it happened to be during the Spanish rule. The Spaniards regarded Belgium as an ally. Although it was not independent, it enjoyed a high degree of autonomy. Usually, the Spanish royal family served as the governor in Brussels to represent the Spanish king. The State Council, the Privy Council, and the Finance Council assisted the governor. They enjoy great autonomy in domestic affairs, but in foreign affairs the three chambers must obey the minister of state and military affairs stationed in Brussels, not the governor.

Antwerp is the hometown of Rubens. He once served as an ambassador to Spain, and Georgiana is currently living in his former residence. The Flemish people of his time slept sitting up, because they thought it would be easy to die lying down, so the painter himself slept in a very small bed. Georgiana did not go to live in the master bedroom of his house. Rubens was already famous when he was alive. Many nobles and artists would visit him. There are many guest rooms in his house. Georgiana chose a room next to the atrium. She lives in the bedroom, and every night when she sleeps in her room, she passes his living room, which contains not only Rubens himself, but also works of art given to him by his friends, among which there is a garden of Eden in the hall. The theme of the mural "Adam and Eve" is several times that of a living person, and it looks like giants.

There is a legend about the origin of Antwerp's name. In ancient Rome, there was a giant named "ant". He blackmailed passing ships. A soldier cut off his hand asking for money and threw it out "werpen". , and then there is Antwerp.

Rubens' style of painting was greatly influenced by the Venetian School, especially Titian. She also found Tintoretto's works in his home. Even though she had seen many "big scenes", she was still shocked.

Bonaparte did not live with her, and Edgeworth lived in the house of the former mayor, Rockockus, who had been Ruthburn's friend and protector, from which he set out every morning , to Rubens' home to pick up Georgiana to continue the day's itinerary.

Richard was a good guardian, but the situation was out of his control. In Rubens' home there is a building similar to the Pantheon in Rome, but on a much smaller scale, with light coming in from a small window in the zenith, which contrasts strongly with the surrounding darkness.

The background of the girl wearing the pearl earring is pure black, which can highlight the image of the girl. She is like a bright light in the dark, but not dazzling, just like the pearl earring on her ear, emitting a soft light.

Some people think that the artist used pinhole imaging and camera obscura techniques. She has seen a Rembrandt painting of the lower cross. At that time, a beam of light shone on Jesus from above.

She found Leon in Rubens' "dark room". He exuded a dark atmosphere, and it happened that today was a cloudy day, and the light coming in from the opening of the zenith was not enough, as if he was about to merge with the surrounding darkness. up. This "Pantheon" is made of marble, with several recesses where sculptures can be placed. Those heads and limbs looked like human stumps. Anyway, she felt a kind of cold terror.

She stood there without speaking for a long time, and then he sighed himself.

"What do you want to say?" he said wearily.

What can she say? Those tongue-twisters who didn't name them had to say who was the one who used his wife's dowry to keep his mistress?

Many people think that Napoleon's achievements today depend on Josephine, and even during the Brumaire coup, she was the one who dragged down Barras, one of the five governors, and she was the one who introduced this Corsican to the French upper class of.

"I don't think Josephine asked people to say those things," she said flatly. "It wouldn't do her any good."

He sneered and looked up at her.

She thought it might be because of the golden paint used in this "Pantheon" that his eyes had turned amber again.

"She's jealous of you," he said slowly. "This trip was supposed to be for her."

"You won't let her come?"

"She doesn't want to be with you." He got up from his chair. "Otherwise we'd be like Nelson."

She didn't know what to say.

"A woman must get what she wants, otherwise there will be endless noise..."

"She told me that she was looking for that cavalryman to ask him to listen to the intelligence in the parliament and see if those people have conspired against you." She interrupted him and continued, regardless of his face, "don't Let rumors cloud your judgment."

He obviously didn't want to continue talking, his boots made a crisp sound on the marble, and he wanted to leave this place.

"A knowledgeable person thinks and judges things," she exclaims. "Not easily confused by one's own passions!"

"Do you understand what you're doing?" he growled suddenly, turning around.

"Women are easily tarnished by scandal, and Madame du Barry did that to Marie Antoinette," she said uncompromisingly. "You see, this is the court!"

His nostrils fluttered violently.

"Eugène has already lost his right of inheritance because of this, and some people say that the child of Hortans is yours, I don't believe it's true." She looked into his eyes and said, "So I didn't spread rumors, there is a proverb,' The wise does not buy rumours'."

"It's possible you're not as smart as you think." He smiled maliciously.

She had a moment of doubt.

"Your chosen heir is not the child of Hortans and Louis, so Josephine made such rumors?"

"Their wedding was only held in the Tuileries Palace. You made her a white wedding dress for her religious wedding." He kept staring at her "like the one you wore at the banquet that day." .”

"I didn't think so!" she exclaimed.

"Why? You feel ashamed?"

"Why should I feel ashamed?"

"Don't you think you're not ashamed?" he asked back.

"Why did you bring me out if you felt ashamed?" she said, controlling her emotions.

He smiled, but didn't answer, and didn't leave.

"Is it because of me?" She thought for a while and asked.

"Why do you think that?" he asked calmly.

She remembered the old Bonaparte who still loved Josephine very much. He even went to the restaurant she often went to, as if announcing to the whole world, telling everyone that they would definitely get married in the future.

"It's like a dream." She said softly, "You won't see me."

He snorted.

"Did you say the same thing to him?"

"What words?"

"He can't be in love with you."

She recalled it for a while, and when she was about to say something, he no longer wanted to hear her answer.

"What are you going to do at the masquerade?" he asked.

"How about Eve?" she teased. "It's enough to find a few fig leaves."

He glanced outside at the fresco of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, then at her.

"You are not as plump as her." He said objectively, and she put her hands on her waist in anger.

"Is that what you want to say?"

"Otherwise what do you think I should say?" He asked frivolously.

For example, are you still suspicious of Josephine, because she created public opinion to condemn the two of them?

Later, she thought that it was a matter of their husband and wife. Even if she persuaded Henry II to get closer to his wife like Henry II's tutor did, Josephine would probably not appreciate it. Since there is no reward for being a good person, and she doesn't want to instigate a divorce between the two of them, she might as well just leave it alone and do whatever she wants.

"You go back to Paris, I stay in Belgium." She said indifferently, "There are a lot of things going on here..."

"You come back with me!" He ordered, "'A lot of things' are not what you think about, what are you going to play in the masquerade?"

She wants to punch him.

"Greek goddess? Athena?" he asked.

"No, I'll play Undini."


"Water elves among the four elemental elves, they often appear near lakes and waterfalls. Isn't this dance held in the botanical garden? I..."

"I promise with every waking breath in my life that I will love and be honest with you from now on, and I swear by it." He suddenly said, "There is a German myth that says so, but the man who made the oath broke the oath, so He is cursed."

She listened quietly.

"The fairy cursed him and said, You swore to me with every waking breath that you would be faithful to me, and I have accepted your oath, so in this case, in order to fulfill the promise, from now on if you can Always awake, you can still breathe, but as soon as you fall into sleep, your breath will be taken away, and you, too, will die."

She gasped.

"you do not know?"

"I just thought Undine was a lot like Veela," she whispered.

He lowered his head and smiled strangely.

"It's really similar." After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked away with waddling steps.

"I'm going to sleep here tonight. I'll change to another bed. That bed is too small." He said without turning his head.

Georgiana wanted to say that he had misunderstood, that she hadn't slept in the master bedroom, although that bed was more or less adequate for a dwarf like them.

But she didn't explain that the necklace incident of Marie Antoinette shouldn't be handled by the king, and the king handled it too lightly. She still has to figure out how to deal with those chatterers. Unfortunately, this is a foreign country. Unless they are taken to Paris for trial like the former mayor of Antwerp, the problem is that they haven't broken the law, they just said a few gossips, so they can't be arrested.

"It's really hard to serve." She muttered, and left the "Pantheon".

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