Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2252 Fierce Frenzy (12)

Nothing was more important to a medieval peasant than a market day.

If a French farmer drinks a glass of wine after selling his wares, a Belgian farmer drinks a glass of beer. There is a brewery opposite the Vineyard Beguinage. In Dutch, "havle maan" means half moon. The fruity beer produced here is known as pink beer champagne. Very popular with women.

Both wine and beer have relatively high requirements on water quality, and it is precisely because of this that when people feel that the water quality is unsafe, they will use wine and beer instead of water.

The water of the Lake of Love is very clear, it can not only be appreciated as a scenic spot, but also a water intake point for monasteries and wineries. Out of contempt for the royal power and the demolition of the building materials of St. Donatin Church, the newly built French manor is Gothic revivalism, not Versailles neoclassical. At first glance, the castle and the medieval style cloth The small town of Rouge is almost integrated.

Since the city was built in the 13th century, even at its most prosperous time, it has not exceeded the atmosphere enclosed by the city wall. The location of the Lake of Love is just at the south exit. After going out from that gate, it is the canal connecting Bruges and Ghent. And when they entered the city, they passed through the northern city gate, and they arrived at the station after passing through the entire city.

The reaction at the welcome ceremony was not much more enthusiastic than that of Ostende, but the bell tower bells masked the lack of cheers. Although maintaining the original style is very important to humanities, she feels that something new should be introduced, after all, they are no longer living in the Middle Ages.

For example, the concert hall and the opera house, of course, will not be built on the castle square, but if they are built on the outskirts of the city, how can people who live in the city center come?

When you come to Bruges, you have to buy lace, which is also used by the French royal family, but Georgiana does not plan to use it as an embellishment on the skirt.

As the Dutch writer wrote, "sin" is often the thing that makes people feel happy. She found some beautiful girls, and gathered the local ladies to hold a "pajama party". They were all given I was dumbfounded.

Some people may condemn this underwear, but others are curious about it. The magicians who came with them made Bruges as lively as a market day, and the municipal department itself set up a market day temporarily in order to welcome Napoleon. The constantly refurbished tricks made this quiet town overwhelmed, as if it was a festival every day.

It is best to have a commercial street near the opera house, and the cost of building it is also deducted from the tax. You can rest assured that the French will not give it a penny.

Since Bruges is a commercial city, it should look like a commercial city, but the premise is to dredge the canal.

She originally thought it would be enough to clean it up, but later learned through the introduction of local officials that if there is enough water inflow and the water level rises, large ships can pass through, but this involves some "historical issues".

The canal between Ghent and Bruges connects two natural rivers, hoge kale and zuidleie. In the 13th century, Bruges dug and widened the channel of zuidleie to ensure urban water supply, but in this way, the river of Hoge kale was intercepted. No water flows to Ghent. Despite this, Bruges' water supply was not enough. In the 14th century, Bruges planned to build a canal to connect with the tributary of lys.

The people of Ghent soon realized that if the canal was built, the trade of the entire South Flanders and the seaport of Ardesia would be transferred to Bruges, so Ghent sent troops to expel the workers who built the canal. The construction of the canal was one of the reasons for the Ghent uprising in the 14th century. The earl who ruled Bruges had to suspend the canal plan, and the Ghents even built a cross dam on the hope kale, so that the canal would not be a boat. , horse racing is no problem.

In the 16th century, the Spanish Habsburg family and Luxembourg, together with Charles V purchased the suzerainty of Friesland, formed the Spanish Netherlands together. Then there was a new canal plan, dug through the Rees River, and rebuilt Communicate with Ghent and Bruges, but this time it is Bruges' turn to be unwilling.

During the reign of the Habsburg dynasty, a centralized government was established, and the Supreme Council was established in Mechelen, which was also the highest authority of the Habsburg family in the Netherlands. , Finance Committee and Privy Council, this institution has not changed much since then, and it lasted until 1788.

Even if the water volume of the Ghent and Bruges canals is sufficient, Spain recognized the Dutch closure of the Scheldt River through the "Westphalia Peace Treaty" and the "Munster Treaty" in the mid-17th century. Fortunately, the Scheldt The source of the river is in France, but this also means that the Ostend-Bruges-Ghent Canal is not only shipping, but also the border of the Netherlands. The Netherlands has no Alps, Pyrenees, These "natural boundaries" of the Rhine, more than 20 forts were built on the canal embankment from Bruges to Ghent.

As soon as the cross dam sluice in Ghent is closed, this "moat" will disappear. As for why the fortress between Bruges and Ostende was abandoned like this, Bruges actually had a prison, and it was a famous large prison in the Middle Ages. When the witch hunt was rampant, it was overcrowded, and these fortresses became temporary. prison.

Moreover, compared with the Ostend-Bruges Canal, which has a variable water flow, the Blankenbergsfart River has a smaller but more stable flow. Similarly, although the "mine road" is not as good as the train and railway driven by steam engines, it is much more stable than the canal. The "mine road" in Mechelen has been built. If the effect is good, there are still cities willing to build it.

No one knows whether Bruges will replace Mechelen as the highest French parliament in Belgium. No one knows what Bonaparte is thinking.

The Habsburg family, like the British, dredged the canal to allow ocean-going ships to enter, but he turned the port of Antwerp into a port that did not allow ships with too deep draft to enter. The only way to enter the Belgian canal system is to use punts .

Ghent also has feeder ships and passenger ships, which are also flat-bottomed. This time they set off from Bruges to Ghent on it. Fortunately, Matilda did not get seasick this time, probably because the wind and waves in the inland river were smaller than those at sea, and she still had the strength to watch the scenery along the coast with Alice on the boat.

It can be clearly seen that this area is much more prosperous. There will be a market near each fortress. With a market, there will be villages and towns. The second floors of the houses built along the river are full of people. They seem to know in advance that the fleet will pass by. , stood at the window and cheered.

Bonaparte, waving to the people along the coast, talked to the Minister of the Admiralty, and the only time he had time for her was at lunch.

His appetite has improved a lot, maybe because he ate beef, or maybe because he was inland. Anyway, the sea is not suitable for him, and the sea boat that is comfortable for others is a kind of torture for him. The last time he went to Egypt He got seasick, this time he didn't get seasick, maybe he got seasick, he tried his best not to show it.

On the way, they rested in Alter, where the cross dam built by the Ghent people in the 14th century was there. It virtually became a bridge and a traffic artery. It disappeared in the 17th century, and the ship lock disappeared together with it. At the same time, in order to facilitate the sailing of ocean-going ships, no bridge was built on the canal. The bridge was built to limit the height, so that residents on both sides of the river had to take ferries to cross the river. .

That was the limitation of that era. The bridge may not be built as a fixed bridge, but can also be built as a suspension bridge. Like a castle with a moat, the gate can be lowered at ordinary times to form the road, and it can be closed during wartime. This will not affect the navigation of the canal, and the residents on both sides will It's convenient, but the canal was widened in the 17th century and it was a bit difficult to build.

But still much narrower than the Thames.

There is no need to build it as magnificent as the Tower Bridge in London, and it has two floors. She remembers that the Tower Bridge in London uses a steam engine, and the bridge deck was pulled up by the transmission system used for display during the blackout in London.

Some traditions need to be preserved, but it's not medieval anymore.

Georgiana looked at another boat not far away, and Gregoire was also looking at the scenery on the deck. The distance was too far, she couldn't see his expression clearly, and she also couldn't understand what this "citizen priest" was thinking.

What good does it do for the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire to go to Rome to be crowned instead of the pope to Vienna to crown the emperor?

It would be much easier to govern a group of ignorant people, but Bonaparte wanted to make the French peasants see their rights under the kerosene lamp—the Civil Code, know how to live, how to exercise and maintain their rights, or else he would print it What are you doing?

Leaving aside the number of literate people, it is very difficult for those peasants whose minds are full of going to the market to sit down and listen to the lectures. This requires opening a lot of schools, especially elementary education. In this era, not all children go to elementary school, but there are also adults, but this area has been controlled by the church.

Educating children is something that a small number of women should also participate in. In this new century, the traces of the Middle Ages are disappearing, and modern civilization is growing. The storm of revolution is blowing to the ancient Holy Roman Empire. The double-headed eagle coat of arms on those fortresses They were all torn down and replaced by the tricolor flag of the French Republic fluttering in the wind.

"So, what's wrong with you, Tom." She asked to the void, not all the children in the orphanage were as extreme as Tom Riddle, and the orphanage steward who took care of them didn't abuse them.

At least they didn't work as child labor like the children of this era. She knew it couldn't be compared, but the Muggles had indeed become different from before, and the pure-blood wizards seemed to still be living in the Middle Ages. The Muggles on Carlo The research class was all about radicalization, luckily that's over.

But it seems that it is not completely over. If Harry is really not the seventh Horcrux, and she is not crazy, and the experience of Voldemort possessing her body is real, not her imagination, then he may make a comeback, Without Albus's "little trick" and without Severus as a spy, how can he win this time?

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