Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2249 Fierce Frenzy (9)

The reason for marriage is money. This point has been reached in Versailles before the outbreak of the Great Revolution. The reward that the king can give to his subjects is not as good as the dowry of the girls. It can be said that the center of the marriage contract is the dowry. It constitutes two Property exchange with the largest number of families.

There was once an earl who wanted to inherit the land left by his father, but the land was mortgaged to someone else. If he wanted to inherit it, he had to pay the money. The dowry brought by the bride allowed him to quickly obtain cash flow, and at the same time He also canceled several debts of his father, so even a notary would warn young men: "Now the cost of living is too high, you young people must never marry a girl with a dowry of less than 100,000 francs."

The situation of the provincial nobles is much better than that of the Parisian nobles. Many nobles actually need to rely on the king's assistance to maintain their lives in line with their status, but the subsidies they receive are also graded, ranging from 2,400 to 20,000 livres between. For example, the Marquise Gabriel, whose husband died in battle, could get 3,000 livres a year, but that was before the king was beheaded.

Since the 16th century, the French royal family has been unable to make ends meet. People who buy annuities are betting their principal and life against debtors. If they are lucky and live longer, they can receive more interest. Now that the king is dead, the kingdom has become a republic. Can I get an annuity?

Many people have such doubts, so the Chancellor of the Exchequer Godin established a public debt repayment fund to buy annuities for repaying public debts. He will give a certain amount of money to those who are willing to sell annuities as a buyout. Then use their annuities as fiscal revenue.

Some people sold the king's annuity, and some people bought the new government's annuity. You can't get rich by relying on annuity. Alice's dowry must be more than 100,000 francs. She is probably the happiest person on this tour.

Edgeworth improved the carriage that Georgiana was riding in, and installed a device called a shock absorber on it. Therefore, the entire carriage was not affected by road bumps and was very comfortable and stable. Alice was in her mother's arms soon after. Fell asleep.

"It's really enviable." Georgiana looked at Alice's sleeping face and said, "I really want to go back to her age."

"You are not much older than she," said Madame La Rochefoucauld.

Georgiana smiled, she was just an old monster with a young appearance.

"The scenery here is terrible." Mrs. La Rochefoucauld looked out the car window and said, "Why is it so desolate?"

"This is a characteristic of Belgium. People gather in the city." Georgiana replied, "That's why such a large place can be vacated as a battlefield."

Madame La Rochefoucauld did not seem to understand.

Georgiana asked "How is Madame Geoffrey?"

"She likes Ostende very much, and may stay for a few more days." Mrs. La Rochefoucauld said with a smile, "She won't go on the next long trip, she can't stand that kind of bumps."

"Do you think this carriage is bouncing?" asked Georgiana.

"Yes." Mrs. La Rochefoucauld looked out of the window and said strangely, "The road outside is obviously very bad."

"This is the power of technology." Georgiana took the opportunity to start selling shock absorbers to Alice's mother. If the upper class accepted it, it could bring new business to Birmingham.

It may be that France’s exemption from steel tariffs has led to a large increase in orders, leading to worker riots and domestic chaos. It is also possible that because of the cash flow, the British steel industry has developed rapidly, and the French steel industry that has not been able to integrate 200 mining families has been left far away. Far. But there is another possibility. The French directly annexed the German steel industry. The eastern part of Belgium is next to Hesse, which is already the electorate of the Holy Roman Empire.

There is a Latin saying: virus ariete fortior.

The literal meaning is "virtue is stronger than a battering engine", but there is another interpretation, "bravery is stronger than a fighting machine".

Although the latter explanation was partly true when Polish cavalry were torn apart when they met German tanks in World War II.

Frederick the Great also said that building roads is convenient for the enemy to invade. Spain followed the example of the Bourbon Dynasty and built many thoroughfare roads, but there were none in Germany. This was also influenced by Frederick the Great. Napoleon built roads in Belgium, just as he built roads in the Alps so that he could send troops to Italy at any time. Who would have thought that the Italians would in turn invade France through that road?

The best cavalry in Europe is in Westphalia, that is, the German cavalry, and the second is the Poles.

She couldn't help thinking of the famous "Madame of Poland", for whom Bonaparte would treat her well just because of the cavalry.

What does Georgiana have? She is like a stray cat that was picked up. Of course, she can also end this big dream, return to the original world, and settle accounts with the black wizard who has always been obsessed with her first love.

Being escorted by bodyguards and cavalry is very majestic, but she doesn't miss it.

She couldn't help thinking of the maze in the design again, but it's a pity that she wasn't alone in the car, otherwise she could use magic.

Unknowingly, the convoy drove into a forest. The road was built along the canal, and a small church could be seen on the other side of the river. Immediately afterwards, without knowing what happened, a column of cavalry was suddenly sent out, and Georgiana's carriage also left the main force.

The road conditions here were even worse than the road just now. Even with shock absorbers, Alice was jolted awake. She looked around blankly and kept asking, "Where is this?" Georgiana couldn't answer.

After about ten minutes, the carriage stopped. It was Colangelo who opened the door for her. After he opened the door, he looked not far ahead. Georgiana followed his line of sight and found that it was a ruin, or In other words, this is a castle where vampires live. Even in broad daylight, it looks eerie, as if there is a shadow covering it, and there are many crows nesting here.

Bonaparte in a gray coat was the driver, and a white horse with mud spots on its belly approached.

"The cavalry found it when they were exploring the road. Go and see if there is any problem." He ordered proudly on his horse.

She didn't tease him, maybe because she was in front of many people, so she didn't disobey the order to get off the carriage.

"You stay in the car." Georgiana said to Alice and Mrs. La Rochefoucauld who wanted to follow, and then took out the wand from the bracelet.

It can be seen that it used to be a strong fortress, and it can be used if the defense line is to be repaired, but she smells a very bad smell, like burning protein.

She raised her wand and used a "fluorescent flash", and then she realized that these walls are not naturally black, but have become like this after being smoked, and the ground is also burnt wood. fire.

She walked to the atrium of the castle, or something like that, because it was late autumn, and the leaves of the vines were all red, and the roof was gone, and you could see the blue sky.


She heard a man say in a trembling voice, she followed the voice and looked over, and found that it was a man kneeling on the ground, he...

"Georgianna!" Leon suddenly shouted.

She woke up suddenly, looked back, and found that he was standing at the entrance of the ruins, as if ready to rush in at any time.

Then she looked at the man kneeling on the ground again.

he is gone.

She raised her wand and looked around carefully. It seemed to be a door. There was a line of indistinct words on the lintel. She floated the water in a nearby pond to wash away the ashes on the door. There were two lines written on it. Character:

Sunt arreptitii vexati doemone multo.

Est energumenus queen doemon possidet unus.

"Do you know what this place is?" He continued to ask loudly outside.

"Yes, I know!" She also replied loudly, "Don't come in, I'll go out right away!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left. Before she left, she took a look at the place where the man was kneeling just now, and found a small cross on the ground. She floated it up with a floating spell, never touching it with her hands, and then walked out .

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